548 research outputs found

    Pedagogical Pragmatics: Natural Semantic Metalanguage Applications to Language Learning and Teaching

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    This paper presents an overview of the advances in the application of the Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) methodology in the fields of second and foreign language learning and teaching, and of intercultural education. Our premise is that the NSM approach offers a valuable pedagogical contribution as a set of cross-translatable concepts that can be used in the classroom to explain both linguistic features as well as communicative and other social practices of a given language group. Pedagogical NSM is an emerging field where efforts are being made to test this approach in language education and to train teachers in applying this methodology in their daily practice. Here, we present the state of the art regarding pedagogical applications of NSM, including the construct of “cultural dictionaries” and the use of “Minimal Languages” for classroom explanations

    Construcción y derribo de un perfil profesional en España: el caso de Psicopedagogía y la Convergencia Europea

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    El EEES reestructurará el mapa de cualificaciones universitarias, abriendo el debate sobre la pertinencia de las actuales titulaciones. En este contexto, los autores consideran que la Licenciatura de Psicopedagogía es un ejemplo de la confluencia de intereses interferentes en estos debates. Con intención de aprender de esa experiencia, en este artículo, analizan cómo se ha ido reconstruyendo el perfil psicopedagógico en nuestro sistema educativo (académica, legislativa y prácticamente), mostrando, al tiempo, la disociación argumental respecto a dicha labor profesional cuando se discute sobre la pervivencia del título. Ellos defienden su congruencia y utilidad en razón de las metas y principios que orientan el proceso de Convergencia

    Cognitive Cultural Semantics: A Nordic Guide to Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM)

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    As human beings, we live profoundly meaning-centred lives. But the words and meanings we live by, and the discourse rituals of our daily interactions, most often escape our conscious awareness. This is why the role of linguistic analysis is to “light up the thick darkness of language”, as Benjamin Lee Whorf put it (1956:73), and “thereby much of the thought, the culture, and the outlook upon life of a given community” (ibid). In one of her early visionary works on linguistic semantics, Anna Wierzbicka (1980:22) stated: “this is what semantics is very largely about: the exploration of the depths of our consciousness”. The study of semantics brings together what we have all too often compartmentalized as "language and culture” and “lexicon and grammar”. United by the holistic attempt to understand and illuminate meaning, semanticists have a question space that stands out. Unlike the political scientist who might ask “what is democracy?”, or the biologist who might ask “what is an animal?”, semanticists frame their questions differently: “what does democracy mean?”, and “what does animal mean?”. Semantic studies centre on what words mean to speakers in a given community, and successful semantic analyses capture “emic” perspectives: insider construals of meaning, rather than the views, definitions, and registers of experts and outside observers. The contributors to this special issue all share the idea that the meaning of words intersects with habitual ways of thinking and knowing (roughly, the “cognitive” aspect), and more broadly with ways of living (roughly, the “cultural” aspect), and the approach to semantics that we seek to advance can therefore be called “cognitive cultural semantics”. We also share an approach and a methodology, namely, the “natural semantic metalanguage”, or NSM approach for short, and its method of paraphrase.

    “A Gale of Hope for Latin America” : The Concept of Esperanza/Esperança as a Cultural Keyword

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    The terms esperanza (Spanish) and esperança (Portuguese) (‘hope’) are frequently used in the political and social discourse of Latin America. In this vast region, plagued by recurrent political and economic crisis and other social challenges, the feeling of hope, but also its counterpart, lack of hope/hopelessness, is present in mass media, social media, the discourse of politicians and other public figures, as well as in the urban landscape, and represents the spirit of people who are not ready to give up on a brighter future. We propose that the terms esperanza/esperança are cultural keywords in Latin America. For our analysis, we have chosen two countries, Argentina and Brazil, to carry out a corpus study. We focus mainly on Twitter data, but we also include other written media to identify the most salient semantic and pragmatic features of these words and their importance in these Latin American countries. As part of the analysis, we look into possible differences between Spanish and Portuguese—that is, differences in use in the selected countries

    Etnopragmatik og interkulturel kompetence: Didaktiske nytænkninger i fremmedsprogsundervisningen

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore the possible pedagogical application of ethnopragmatics in the field of language learning and teaching with the purpose of promoting intercultural communicative competence. The ethnopragmatic approach, developed by Anna Wierzbicka, Cliff Goddard and associates within the broad paradigm of Cognitive Linguistics, examines cultural aspects of language and communication from an insider’s perspective. The pedagogical potential of ethnopragmatics lies in its effort for unravelling the values, beliefs and norms that lie behind the verbal behavior of a particular cultural group and in doing so without a predetermined cultural bias

    América Latina de cara al mundo: políticas lingüísticas y enseñanza de lenguas para el mundo globalizado

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    Introducción: Cuatro países, cuatro historias, unmismo desafí

    Upersonlige konstruktioner med 3. person flertal på spansk

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    En diskursiv tilgang til grammatikundervisning på BA-uddannelsen i spansk

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    I denne artikel vil jeg beskrive en ny tilgang til grammatikundervisningen, som anvendes på BA-uddannelsen i spansk på Aarhus Universitet. Denne tilgang, som sætter fokus på det diskursive og inddrager en tekst-dimension som forudsætning for undervisningen i grammatik, er udviklet i forlængelse af den nye studieordning, der trådte i kraft i efteråret 2005. Ud over at beskrive vores diskursbaserede gramma- tikprogram vil jeg argumentere for, hvordan en sådan tilgang til grammatikunder- visningen kan bidrage til en sammenkobling af sprog og kultur på fremmedsprogs- studier samt lette de studerendes læring ved at skabe et helhedsbillede, som ellers er svært at opnå ved det mere traditionelle, sætnings-orienterede syn på gramma- tik. (...

    To konkurrerende generaliserende konstruktioner på spansk

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    Passiv på spansk: nogle betragtninger om diskursfunktion

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