35 research outputs found

    Ultrasonic and electroplating approach for washcoat of γ-alumina and nickel oxide (nio) catalyst on fecral substrate for catalytic converter

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    One of the technological advances was concentrated on the removal of pollutants from exhaust system by Three-Way Catalytic Converter (CATCO). Metallic material potential to replace the ceramic material, therefore FeCrAl substrate used as metallic material and γ-Al2O3 as washcoat material and NiO catalyst. This study propose ultrasonic and electroplating approach as coating technique which not fully explored. Several problems in developing CATCO such as washcoat layer is spalling since the loose adhesion and unstable oxide growth in long term oxidation. Therefore, the main objective of this study are to embed γ-Al2O3 into substrate, to improve thermal stability as well as to improve conversion efficiency of exhaust gas emission. The methods performed in this study by ultrasonic bath (UB) using ethanol solution with frequency of 35 kHz and holding time of 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 h respectively, electroplating technique (EL), ultrasonic bath during electroplating (UBdEL) and combination of UB and EL which is called by UB+EL technique that conducted by sulphamate type solution, current density of 1.28 A and holding time of 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 minutes. The results shows that γ-Al2O3 has been embedded into FeCrAl substrate which develop several compounds such as FeCrAl, FeO, γ-Al2O3, FeCr2O3, NiO, NiAlO4, NiCr2O4 and NaO2. Appropriate coating thickness of coated FeCrAl was observed in UB+EL samples of 9.1 to 12 μm. The thermal analysis shows the smallest mass change located at UB+EL 30 minutes sample for 2.85 mg. Therefore, UB+EL 30 min was selected to be a method for FeCrAl CATCO development. Coated FeCrAl CATCO more effective to reduce fuel consumption up to 1.693 L/h and increase torque of 95 Nm, reduce NOx up to 91.66% and HC emission up to 81.4% as well as reduce exhaust gas temperature up to 20.58% as compared to conventional ceramic and metallic CATCO. Therefore, an appropriate techniques and parameter is UB+EL 30 min used for coating FeCrAl CATCO potential to improve physical properties and reduce emission

    Development of nanocrystalline Fe80Cr20 alloy using combination technique of ball milling and ultrasonic treatment for fuel cell interconnector

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    Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) system consists of anode, cathode, electrolyte and interconnect. This research is focused on interconnect material. The objective of this study is to explore the high energy ball milling (milled) combined with ultrasonic treatment (UT) in obtaining smaller crystallite size, finer surface morphology, higher thermal stability and more homogenous nanocrystalline Fe80Cr20 alloys. This condition was motivated by the previous research that some of the grain growth was observed in a high temperature. At first, this process was carried out by high energy ball milling with milling time of 60 h and later, the samples experienced the ultrasonic treatment with frequency of 35 kHz at various periods of 3 h, 3.5 h, 4 h, 4.5 h, and 5 h. Moreover, it was found that there are no works on these combination treatments (milled and UT). Characterization and analysis were carried out to all samples by using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Energy dispersive X-ray Diffraction (EDS), Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Particle Size Analyzer (PSA). The results showed that the combination treatment samples increases effectively to the solid solubility of Cr to Fe up to 62.1% and decreased the crystallite size up to 2.71 nm at milled and UT 4.5 h sample, these resulted and produces finer surface structure. From EDS results, the combination treatment samples are at suitable composition of 20.05 wt% Cr and 79.95 wt% Fe as compared to other samples. Higher thermal stability was observed on combination treatment sample at 1100 0C up to 12.7 mg or convenient to 63 wt%, 62 wt% and 25 wt% as compared to raw material, UT samples and milled 60 h sample, respectively. The particle size decreased up to 5.23 µm and particle size distribution of combination treatment relatively increased up to 89.57%. It can be concluded that the combination treatment at milled and UT 4.5 h is appropriate to achieve high solid solubility, nano crystallite size, fine surface morphology, high thermal stability and homogenous Fe80Cr20 alloys

    Comparative Study of Static Stress on Bearing 6207: Analysis Based on Manufacturer Brands and Its Impact on System Performance

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    This research provides a thorough examination of ball bearings from various brands, with a specific focus on 6207 type bearings, using ANSYS simulation software. The bearings under study are sourced from five different brands: KOYO, NSK, Nachi, NTN, and SKF. The study includes a series of tests, with a primary emphasis on assessing static stress when subjected to a 1000 MPa pressure load. Key parameters evaluated in these tests encompass total deformation, equivalent stress, bearing life, and safety factor. The findings from the analyses reveal significant differences among the tested bearings. Notably, KOYO brand bearings demonstrate superior performance compared to their counterparts, characterized by reduced levels of deformation and stress. However, it's important to acknowledge that each brand of bearings possesses distinctive characteristics, comprising both strengths and weaknesses, contingent upon the specific application context. In conclusion, this study underscores the critical importance of thorough testing and analysis in the process of selecting bearings tailored to precise operational requirements. The research highlights the exceptional performance of KOYO bearings under the examined conditions, while also emphasizing the necessity for a nuanced decision- making process that takes into account diverse user preferences and varied application demands

    Design Evaluation of Air Receiver Tank for Gas Power Plant Using Finite Element Analysis

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    In order to improve the power capacity in Bali, an air receiver tank is required, which is a tank used to store compressed air produced by an air compressor. The design of this air receiver tank aims to analyze the performance of the existing air receiver tank and compare it with the proposed design in this research. The analysis includes the impact of various factors on the design of the air receiver tank regarding its performance. Several components were created during the fabrication process, including the shell, bottom head, top head, and several instruments of the required components with design pressures of 10, 12, and 1.6 MPa. The research process is mapped using three methods: manual calculations based on ASME Section VIII Division I standards, finite element analysis simulation using the SolidWorks application, and hydrostatic testing. The manual calculation results indicate a shell thickness of 7.57868 mm and head top and bottom thicknesses of 7.53 mm, which are capable of accommodating the maximum pressure with MAWP (Maximum Allowable Working Pressure) values of 1.38 MPa for both the shell and head. The design script support calculation yields a result of 0.3 mm. Based on the finite element analysis simulation using the SolidWorks application, the results show that the tank can withstand a load of up to 1.6 MPa, with material stresses at the head top being 90.0 MPa, head bottom at 0.1 MPa, and shell at 15.5 MPa, with a Min-Max value of 192.0 MPa. Hydrostatic testing with variations in time indicates that the tank can handle a pressure of up to 1.6 MPa, as shown by pressure gauge II-III and temperature gauge II and III, maintaining a stable reading of 1.6 MPa and 76°F


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    Nickel Oxide (NiO) have widely applied in industrial and automotive to forming oxide layer on the substrate due to it have high thermal stability and corrosion resistant. However, NiO was not directly diffused to the substrate via co-precipitation, spray-pyrolysis and sol-gel methods. Therefore, NiO-electroplating was performed in coating FeCrAl substrate by γ-Al2O3 powder. This method was conducted using various time of 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 minutes, a current of DC power supply is 1.28A and sulphamate type solution. From the data shows that smallest surface roughness (Ra) of NiO-electroplating (EL) samples located at EL 30 min sample for 0.69 µm. Ra of raw material was lower than coated samples due to it performed by coating activity on the substrate. It supported by coating thickness analysis that treated samples has a higher coating thickness up to 11.3 µm. EDS analysis observed some elements on coated and uncoated samples such as Carbon (C) of 4.62-20.67%, Oxygen (O) of 6.16-19.62%, Nickel (Ni) of 6.76-25.14%, Iron (Fe) of 23.96-48.53%, Sodium (Na) of 2.21-9.95%, Chromium (Cr) of 7.97-15.59% and Aluminum (Al) of 2.17-3.12%. Those elements promote to develop a protective oxide layer on FeCrAl at a high temperature of 1000 0C


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    Catalytic converter (CATCO) and its effect on engine performance and exhaust gas temperature became an exciting field in automotive research. In this study purposed to compare existing CATCO which is ceramic and metallic with FeCrAl CATCO that treated with a combination of ultrasonic bath and electroplating technique in 30 minutes holding time (UB+EL 30 min). This study proposed to select an appropriate CATCO that used in a gasoline engine to increase the performance and to reduce the exhaust gas temperature as well as its potential to reduce the exhaust gas emission. Mitsubishi 4G93 conducted this analysis with 1.8 L and 10.5 compression ratio with a variable speed of 100, 2000 and 3000 rpm and different engine load of 10, 20 and 30%. The result shows that the FeCrAl CATCO was more useful to reduce fuel consumption up to 66.42% and increase torque up to 15.79% as well as reduce exhaust gas temperature up to 30.11% as compared to ceramic and metallic CATCO. It can be concluded that FeCrAl CATCO coated by UB+EL 30 min was recommended to increase engine performance and to reduce exhaust gas emission

    Computerized value stream system (CVSS) untuk mengurangi limbah pada operasi lean manufaktur

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    Pembuatan lean adalah methode yang populer untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pada waktu pembuatan/manufaktur. Value Stream Mapping (VSM) merupakan salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan sebagai praktisi untuk pendukung lean. Metode VSM juga merupakan metode yang sering digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi limbah dan menentukan penyebab limbah melalui pengenalan VSM dan memperkenalkan solusi untuk meningkatkan/memperbaiki kondisi tempat kerja. Penelitian ini merupakan upaya untuk mengkomputerisasikan proses VSM yang sebelum ini dilakukan secara manual. Computerize Value Stream System (CVSS) pada dasarnya merupakan metode yang menggunakan sistem jaringan internet yang dikombinasikan dengan konsep tradisional dari metode VSM yang digunakan pada pabrik produksi untuk mengurangi limbah. Jurnal ini merangkum cara untuk pengaplikasian metode terebut di internet, online dan jaringan berbasis CVSS yang efisien untuk meningkatkan nilai operasi dari perusahaan. Jurnal ini membahas tentang desain yang akan menggantikan metode manual dari penggunaan VSM. Sistem ini diuji dalam kondisi pasar secara nyata dan diketahui bahwa sistem ini berhasil diaplikasikan


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    In 2015, there were 55 deaths from 6,231 accident cases that occurred in Jakarta. A severe problem in Indonesia is the absence of a unique safety device in both commercial transport or personal vehicles and the very high complexity problem of human highways. Consequently, there are many traffic accidents caused by the negligence of the driver, such as driving a vehicle in a drunken, tired, drowsy, or over-limit speed. Therefore, it needs to be innovative using devices to increase speed but able to detect the level of tired or sleepy drivers. This paper tries to propose a concept of improving safety engineering by developing devices that can control the speed and level of safety of trucks and buses, named SLIFA. The proposed device captures the driver's condition by looking at the eyes, size of mouth evaporating, and heart rate conditions.  Theses condition will be measured with a particular scale to determine the fatigue level of the driver. Some performance tests have been carried out on truck and bus with 122 Nm and 112 Nm torque wheels and 339 HP and 329 HP power values, respectively, and the minimum speed is 62 km/h. At a top speed of 70 km / h, the torque and power of the truck are 135Nm and 370HP, with average fuel consumption of 3.43 liters/km before SLIFA installation and average fuel consumption of 4.2 liters/km after SLIFA installation. SLIFA can be said to have functional eligibility and can cut fuel consumption by 81 percent

    Effect of Material Composition on Thermal Stability Analysis of Coated and Uncoated FeCrAl CATCO by γ-Al2O3 Ultrasonic-Electroplating Technique

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    Catalytic converter (CATCO) material become an interesting field to investigate due to the common CATCO material being ceramic material that has high brittleness than metallic materials. Therefore, this research investigates the FeCrAl metallic material as CATCO substrate that is coated by γ-Al2O3 as a washcoat, Nickel oxide (NiO) as a catalyst. The coating analysis was performed by ultrasonic using a frequency of 35 kHz and various ultrasonic times of 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 hours and electroplating technique by sulphamate types electrolyte using variation times of 15, 30, 45, 60, and 75 minutes, a current density of 8 A/dm2. The result shows that the raw material was consists of Fe, Cr and Al with Fe element was dominated for 74.13wt%. Coated sample by ultrasonic consists of Fe, Cr, Al, O, and C elements due to FeCrAl substrate was deposited by γ-Al2O3 powder and by electroplating technique consists of Fe, Cr, Al, O, C, Ni and Na elements due to NiO deposition as catalyst material. TGA analysis observed that the highest mass change was observed by raw material 23.39 mg and UB+EL 30 min samples for lowest mass change of 2.85 mg with a point of the reaction is 0.07 mg/min may be caused by a protective oxide layer that developed during the coating process. Therefore, the coated metallic CATCO has a promising prospect to replace the ceramic CATCO due to high thermal stability by protecting layer and low mass change