24,228 research outputs found

    A flight dynamics investigation of compound helicopter configurations

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    Compounding has often been proposed as a method to increase the maximum speed of the helicopter. There are two common types of compounding known as wing and thrust compounding. Wing compounding ofïŹ‚oads the rotor at high speeds delaying the onset of retreating blade stall, hence increasing the maximum achieveable speed, whereas with thrust compounding, axial thrust provides additional propulsive force. The concept of compounding is not new but recently there has been a resurgence of interest in the conïŹguration due to the emergence of new requirements for speeds greater than those of conventional helicopters. The aim of this paper is to investigate the dynamic stability characteristics of compound helicopters and compare the results with a conventional helicopter. The paper discusses the modelling of two compound helicopters, with the ïŹrst model featuring a coaxial rotor and pusher propeller. This conïŹguration is known as the coaxial compound helicopter. The second model, known as the hybrid compound helicopter, features a wing and two propellers providing thrust compounding. Their respective trim results are presented and contrasted with a baseline model. Furthermore, using a numerical differentiation technique, the compound models are linearised and their dynamic stability assessed. The results show that the frequency of the coaxial compound helicopter’s dutch roll mode is less than that of the baseline helicopter and there is also greater roll damping. With regards to the hybrid compound helicopter the results show greater heave damping and the stabilisation of the phugoid due to the addition of the wing and propellers

    Surface phenomena in plasma environments

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    Plasma interactions and their effects on materials depend on a number of factors, including the pre-existing environment, the properties of surface materials and the characteristics of the system. An additional dimension is the question of mission: some payloads may be much more sensitive to plasma interactions than others. As an example, a payload whose objective is to measure the ambient environment will be more sensitive to any effects than will a power system. Material specific effects include charging and its associated effects, which can result in short- and long-term damage. Selection of materials for a particular application requires consideration of all factors and assessment of effects due to all causes. Proper selection and suitability determination requires analysis to identify the actual environment combined with testing under exposure to single and combined environment factors

    The national impact of regional policy : policy simulation with labour market constraints in a two-regional computable general equilibrium model

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    The first step in a comprehensive evaluation of regional policy is to identify its full spatial impact. This involves two tasks. The first is to determine the form and strength of inter-regional linkages. The second is to specify the national constraints within which the system of regional economies operates. In this paper we use simulation results from a two-region Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model of Scotland and the rest of the UK (RUK) to investigate these issues. The inter-regional linkages incorporate trade and income flows, inter-regional capital mobility and migration. The constraint that we focus on is an overall national population constraint and its impact on regional wage determination. The paper is structured in the following way. Section 2 outlines the AMOSRUK modelling framework. Section 3 describes the alternative labour-market model configurations used in the simulations. Section 4 reports the results for the model simulation and Section 5 is a short conclusion

    Visual Search for Galaxies near the Northern Crossing of the Supergalactic plane by the Milky Way

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    We have visually examined twelve Palomar red Plates for galaxies at low Galactic latitude b, where the Supergalactic Plane (SGP) is crossed by the Galactic Plane (GP), at Galactic longitude l ~135 degrees. The catalogue consists of 2575 galaxy candidates, of which 462 have major axis diameters d >= 0.8 arc min (uncorrected for extinction). Galaxy candidates can be identified down to |b| ~ 0 degrees. One of our galaxy candidates (J24 = Dwingeloo 1) has recently been discovered independently in 21cm by Kraan-Korteweg et al. (1994) as a nearby galaxy. Comparisons with the structures seen in the IRAS and UGC catalogues are made. We compare the success rate of identifying galaxies using the IRAS Point Source Catalogue under different colour selection criteria. The criteria that require both the 60 micron and 100 micron fluxes to be of high quality, have the highest probability of selecting a galaxy (with d >= 0.6 arc min), but at the expense of selecting a smaller number of galaxies in total.Comment: uuencoded compressed postscript, without figures. The figures are available at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/preprint/PrePrint.htm

    The Negativity Bias Predicts Response Rate To Behavioral Activation For Depression

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    Background and Objectives: This treatment study investigated the extent to which asymmetric dimensions of affective responding, specifically the positivity offset and the negativity bias, at pretreatment altered the rate of response to Behavioral Activation treatment for depression. Method: Forty-one depressed participants were enrolled into 16 weekly sessions of BA. An additional 36 lifetime healthy participants were evaluated prospectively for 16 weeks to compare affective responding between healthy and remitted patients at post-treatment. All participants were assessed at Weeks 0, 8 and 16 using repeated measures, involving a structured clinical interview for DSM-IV Axis I disorders, questionnaires, and a computerized task designed to measure affective responses to unpleasant, neutral, and pleasant images. Results: The negativity bias at pre-treatment predicted the rate of response to BA, while the positivity offset did not. Limitations: Only one treatment condition was used in this study and untreated depressed participants were not enrolled, limiting our ability to compare the effect of BA. Conclusions: Baseline negativity bias may serve as a signal for patients to engage in and benefit from the goal-directed BA strategies, thereby accelerating rate of response

    Rabies elimination research: juxtaposing optimism, pragmatism and realism

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    More than 100 years of research has now been conducted into the prevention, control and elimination of rabies with safe and highly efficacious vaccines developed for use in human and animal populations. Domestic dogs are a major reservoir for rabies, and although considerable advances have been made towards the elimination and control of canine rabies in many parts of the world, the disease continues to kill tens of thousands of people every year in Africa and Asia. Policy efforts are now being directed towards a global target of zero human deaths from dog-mediated rabies by 2030 and the global elimination of canine rabies. Here we demonstrate how research provides a cause for optimism as to the feasibility of these goals through strategies based around mass dog vaccination. We summarize some of the pragmatic insights generated from rabies epidemiology and dog ecology research that can improve the design of dog vaccination strategies in low- and middle-income countries and which should encourage implementation without further delay. We also highlight the need for realism in reaching the feasible, although technically more difficult and longer-term goal of global elimination of canine rabies. Finally, we discuss how research on rabies has broader relevance to the control and elimination of a suite of diseases of current concern to human and animal health, providing an exemplar of the value of a ‘One Health’ approach

    Developing collaborative partnerships with culturally and linguistically diverse families during the IEP process

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    Family participation in the special education process has been federally mandated for 40 years, and educators recognize that effective collaboration with their students’ families leads to improved academic and social outcomes for students. However, while some family-school relationships are positive and collaborative, many are not, particularly for culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) families. This article provides practice guidelines based in research for teachers who seek to improve their practices when working with CLD families who have children served by special education

    On a model mechanism for the spatial patterning of teeth primordia in the Alligator

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    We propose a model mechanism for the initiation and spatial positioning of teeth primordia in the alligator,Alligator mississippiensis. Detailed embryological studies by Westergaard & Ferguson (1986, 1987, 1990) show that jaw growth plays a crucial role in the developmental patterning of the tooth initiation process. Based on biological data we develop a reaction-diffusion mechanism, which crucially includes domain growth. The model can reproduce the spatial pattern development of the first seven teeth primordia in the lower half jaw ofA. mississippiensis. The results for the precise spatio-temporal sequence compare well with detailed developmental experiments
