7 research outputs found

    Poboljšanje značajki ekosustava Populus sp. agrošumarskim sustavom gospodarenja

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    Agroforestry is a multifunctional, environmentally-friendly and modern system of land use by which we can reach economic, environmental and social benefits for the society. This is confirmed by this study on poplar plantations along the Danube River in the region of Vidin (Bulgaria) where agroforestry was practiced by intercropping cultivation of vegetable crops. Productivity of poplars is improving by applying agroforestry. The average diameters and the average heights of trees in the areas with agroforestry are high for the correspondent age. Thus the 10 yеаrs old plantation with agroforestry has DBH = 9.9 cm and Hav = 7.44 m whereas the same aged control has worse dendrometric characteristics (DBH = 8.7 cm ; Hav = 7.04 m). The other sample plot (SP1) near Novo selo village with 2 years old plantation where are currently planted corn has DBH = 2.7 cm and Hav = 2.67 m. The sample plot (SP3) near Vidin with 3 years old plantation where before 1 year has been planted corn has DBH = 1.6 cm and Hav = 2.55 m. The creation of agroforestry systems also leads to improvement of soil properties. Total soil humus content is higher in poplar ecosystems with agroforestry (varied from 4.3% to 2.5%) in comparison with the control (2%). Regarding the composition of organic matter, the control has the smallest content of stable humic acids (0.20%) in comparison with the other three agroforestry systems which have humic acids contents from 0.78% to 0.49%. At the same time control has the highest content of fulvic acids (0.62%) which is more mobile and less stable in comparison with humic acids. The content of fulvic acids in the other plots (with agroforestry) varied from 0.46% to 0.05%. At the same time the control has the highest content of “aggressive” fulvic acids (0.05%). This gives as reason to recommend agroforestry systems as appropriate in growing Populus sp. in Vidin region on Fluvisol.Agrošumarstvo je višenamjenski, okolišno povoljan i moderan sustav korištenja zemljišta kojim se mogu postići ekonomske, okolišne i socijalne dobrobiti za društvo. Ovom studijom se to potvrđuje na primjeru plantaža topola uz rijeku Dunav u regiji Vidin (Bugarska) u koje je uveden i uzgoj povrtlarskih kultura. Primjenom agrošumarskih metoda proizvodnost plantaža topola je povećana. Prosječni prsni promjeri i prosječne visine stabala u područjima u kojima je primijenjeno agrošumarstvo su veći u odnosu na plantaže bez primjene agrošumarstva iste dobi. Desetgodišnja plantaža uz primjenu agrošumarstva ima prosječni prsni promjer stabala od 8,70 cm i prosječnu visinu od 7,44 m, dok kontrolna ploha ima lošije dendrometrijske značajke (prsni promjer od 7,44 cm i prosječnu visinu od 7,04 cm). Uspostava agrošumarskog sustava također je dovela i do poboljšanja značajki tla. Sadržaj humusa u tlu je veći u plantažama s primijenjenim agrošumarskim sustavom (4,3-2,5%) u odnosu na kontrolnu plohu (2%). S obzirom na sastav organske tvari, kontrolna ploha ima najmanji udio huminskih kiselina (stabilni dio organske tvari) (0,20%) u usporedbi s agrošumarskim sustavom (0,78-0,49%). Ujedno, kontrolna površina ima najveći udio fulvo kiselina (mobilni dio organske tvari (0,62%) u usporedbi s agrošumarskim sustavom (0,46-0,05%) i najveći udio “agresivnih” fulvo kiselina (0,05%). Na temelju rezultata ovoga istraživanja, razložno je preporučiti agrošumarski sustav gospodarenja kao odgovarajući za uzgajanje plantaža topola na fluvisolima regije Vidin

    A Parsimonious Generalised Height-Diameter Model for Scots Pine Plantations in Bulgaria: a Pragmatic Approach

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    Considering the state-of-the-art of forest inventory in Bulgaria, our investigation pursued development of a parsimonious generalised height-diameter model for the Scots pine plantations in the country. A number of 2-, 3- and 4-predictor candidate models were examined and compared based on their goodness-of-fit statistics. Data records obtained in variable-sized sample plots, established throughout the distribution range of the plantations and covering the variety of sites, densities and growth stages were used to fit the models. Two hundred twenty-four plot-level measurements and 3056 tree height-diameter pairs were utilised for parameterization. An independent data set of tree-level measurements and two sets of dominant height-diameter pairs, estimated for differently defined top height tree collectives, were used for model validation. Statistical analyses were carried out using packages nlstools, moments, equivalence, car, nlme, stats and the results were illustrated with ggplot2 and graphics packages of R software environment. A modified form of Gaffrey’s model was selected, which estimates the height of a tree through the breast-height tree diameter, mean stand height and diameter, and accounts for the tree social status. It was fitted by generalised non-linear least squares method, with residual variance weighted by a product of tree diameter and mean stand height exponential functions. An adjusted coefficient of determination of 0.917 and residual standard error of 0.794 m indicated the high predictive potential of the derived model. Validation tests showed that the estimated regression line is very well fitted to the independent data and is appropriate to forecast dominant stand heights. The range of errors, relative to the predicted dominant height values, was narrow, ±25-30%, with low magnitude of the average of their absolute values (4-5%). The equivalence tests rejected the null hypothesis of dissimilarity regarding model bias (observations-predictions line intercept) for all validation data sets, for a region of equivalence as narrow as ±5%. The 3-predictor generalised height-diameter model developed in our study needs information readily available from the inventories and therefore can be broadly used. Its application in dominant stand height prediction is recommended

    Relationship between particular dendrobiometrical indicators of natural European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) dendrocenoses in Central Balkan Range

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    In parallel studies, different regression models were tested to identify relationships between particular dendrobiometrical indicators on two sample plots representing forests dominated by the European beech in the Central Balkan Range (Bulgaria). The presence of incomplete multicollinearity was studied through correlation matrix for factor variables. To avoid multicollinear negative impact, step multiple regression was applied and adequate regression equations of the relationships under consideration were formulated. The results of statistical analysis confirmed that the link between the investigated indicators is strong and that the ’cloud‘ data show some ’sphericity‘ and distribution close to normal. In one of the sample plots, one major volume-forming factor – height does not participate in the obtained regression equation, so it is not possible to estimate its influence. By testing linear and several nonlinear regression dependencies and by mediating widely used statistical criterions for model selection, the optimal linear model of the considered link was chosen

    Investigations of mature Scots pine stands in wind-throw areas in Norway spruce forests in Western Rhodopes

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    We investigated the current health condition (defoliation), state of natural regeneration, and mycoflora and phytopathogen-caused attacks in Scots pine forests (Pinus sylvestris L.) planted in the 1960s in areas affected by wind disturbances in the West Rhodope Mountains in Bulgaria. Some damage types (resin outflow and anthropogenic damage) were present to a low extent in the research plots (S – Selishte and PK – Pobit Kamak). Some were missing completely (damage by deer and other animals, the presence of lignicolous fungi and abiotic damage). The most important results of this study were the following: i) the occurrence of the bark beetle pest Tomicus minor Hartig (Coleoptera, Scolytinae) was recorded on average in 4.6 (S) and 2.3 (PK) of fallen shoots under the tree crown within 1 m diameter around the stem; ii) significant damage to tree crowns due to the loss of assimilation organs in Scots pine trees (28% – S and 39% – PK, respectively) was several times higher than that recorded in Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) (10%); iii) tree species composition resulting from natural regeneration showed 95–100% proportion of Norway spruce despite the predominance of Scots pine in the maternal stand. These observations might provide evidence of unsuitable environmental conditions in the studied localities for pine forests on the southern range of the natural P. sylvestris occurrence. Forest management in similar ecological and climatic conditions should aim at significant diversification of the forest stand structure by utilizing tree species suitable for the given ecosystems