7 research outputs found


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    Purpose of the study The first aim of the present article was to investigate the role of school environment as an important factor in the learning process of children attending preschools in Istria (i.e. a part of Croatia where many people speak Italian). The school space is also called “Third educator” by famous pedagogues and it is constituted by labs, corridors, materials shape of the building, colours of the walls, quality of the lightings, type of furnishings and all didactic materials. It is a specific environment where the children live, learn, experience, get in touch with other people. Methodology The method used in our research was both quantitative as qualitative analyses of pedagogical documentation, observation of the environment of preschools and interviews with the educational boards of every school. Results The results showed that the school space is mostly in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Country of Croatia and also confirmed the importance of it as “Third educator”, especially when the educators themselves were able to ameliorate the richness of corners and materials made available for children, encouraging in this way the development of the child's independence, maturation of identity and development of competencies. Implications In conclusion, school environment significantly affects child's learning, both because of the influence of architectural structures as because relational contexts and stimuli offered by the environment and by the educators. It means that the Ministry of Education in any Country should pay attention to the way buildings are constructed, especially regarding the richness of corners and materials at disposal of the children and of the educators


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    The aim of the present work is to show that early learning at school about animal welfare can help the future generation to respect our planet and to care about other living beings. This educational process should start at the level of primary school to create a significant imprinting in students who are very young. First of all, it would be necessary to integrate primary school guidelines with additional ones that teach students to respect our species and others. Secondly, I do hope that Croatia may become leader in teaching students the respect toward animals. It would also be desirable that the Croatian Ministry of Education presents brand new guidelines which should include: firstly teachers' training on the topic and, secondly, students' training by means of their own teachers. This is a complex project, but at the same time extremely motivatin


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    The main purpose of our research was to investigate how to practically manage a primary school class. In the course of the empirical section, we collected teachers' opinions about the perception of students' conduct by means of a standardized questionnaire. The results obtained are interesting: Teachers give a considerable value to collaboration among students, teachers and parents as a factor which influences the behaviour of the class in a positive way. Our results indicate that preestablished rules of correct behaviour (i.e. behaviour contract) create a more mature sense of responsibility in children that young. Finally, the results show that the teachers we tested have sometimes difficulty to manage the class and, on the contrary, use old repressing discipline.We suppose it may be caused by two reasons: the former is that teachers need to go deep into competences about managing an elementary class both theorically as practically during teacher's curriculum studiorum and training. The latter is that our pupils live during an historical period in which everything seems allowed; sometimes, families are loosing their leading role and are unable to give the young generation specific rules to behave the right way. Because of this, primary schools and teachers are often asked to be the most important point of reference for pupils. In our opinion this is an impossible demand for schools and teachers; we do suggest this problem has to be solved by a tight cooperation between school and family. The two institutions must have a leading role working together to train young generation to become responsible adults in a very near future

    Dovrebbe la terapia familiare includere anche gli insegnanti nella cura dei bambini in etĂ  prescolare colpiti dalla depressione nei casi in cui tutore rivela dei disturbi affettivi?

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    Poznato je da dijete oboljelo od poremećaja depresije često ima roditelja s istim poremećajem: zbog toga je teško primijeniti obiteljsku interakcijsku terapiju (Parent Child Interaction Therapy) kombiniranu s terapijom za razvoj emocija (Emotion Development Therapy) ako je sam skrbnik depresivan (Luby, 1999). Stoga je glavni cilj ovoga rada predstaviti četvorostrani odnos u terapiji umjesto trostranoga, uobičajenoga za spomenutu terapiju: tako imamo dijete, skrbnika, psihologa i učitelja. Učitelji obično provode dosta vremena sa školskom i predškolskom djecom i njihovim roditeljima: stoga oni imaju jedinstvenu mogućnost da pruže značajnu emocionalnu potporu i skrbnicima i samoj djeci. Za razvoj našega projekta potrebno je daljnje istraživanje kojim će se funkcionalnom magnetskom rezonancijom (f. M. R. I.) izravno analizirati funkcije mozga predškolske djece oboljele od depresije, uspoređujući aktivnost amigdale, hipokampusa i predfrontalnoga korteksa sa stupnjem depresije dok djeca gledaju negativne izraze lica (Gaffrey M. S., Luby J. L., Belden A. C., Hirshberg J. S., Barch D. M., 2011; Suzuki et al., 2012). Ako je ispravna naša ideja o ulozi učitelja kao potpore skrbnicima, trebali bismo doći do male pozitivne korelacije, ili korelacije uopće ne bi trebalo biti, između jačine poremećaja depresije i aktivnosti kortikalnih i limbičnih područja kad je prisutan učitelj: ovaj hipotetski rezultat trebao bi značiti da dijete uči kako se nositi s negativnim emocijama u borbi protiv depresije. Naravno, modifi kacija obiteljske interakcijske terapije kombinirane s terapijom za razvoj emocija i funkcionalna magnetska rezonancija tek su prijedlozi i mogli bi biti predmeti budućih radova.It is known that a child affected by depressive disorders often has a parent affected by the same illness: because of this, it is a diffi cult procedure to apply Parent Child Interaction Therapy and Emotion Development Therapy combined, if the caregiver feels depressed himself/herself (see: Luby, 2009). Therefore, the main aim of this work is to propose a four people relationship instead of the usual three people relationship, generally present in the course of the mentioned therapy; so we will have: the child, the caregiver, the psychologist and the teacher. Teachers usually spend a lot of time with school or preschool children and with their parents: so they are in a unique position to give a signifi cative emotional support both to caregivers and to children themselves. To develop our project, further research is needed, which directly analyses depressed preschoolers’ brain function by an f. M. R. I. study, comparing the activation of amygdala, hippo-campus and prefrontal cortex and the degree of depression, when children are viewing facial expressions of negative affect (Gaffrey M. S., Luby J. L., Belden A. C., Hirshberg J. S., Barch D. M.., 2011; Suzuki et al., 2012). If our idea of using teachers who support the caregiver is correct, we should fi nd a slight positive correlation, or no correlation at all, between the severity of depression and the activity of cortical and limbic areas when the teacher is present: this hypothetical result should mean that the child is learning how to deal with negative emotions to fi ght depression. Of course, the modifi cation of Parent Child Interaction Therapy and Emotion Development Therapy combined and the f. M. R. I. study are just proposals and they might be subjects of future works.Com’è noto, il bambino che soffre di disturbi depressivi è spesso fi glio di genitori che rivelano il medesimo disturbo: per questo motivo l’applicazione della terapia familiare interattiva (Parent Child Interaction Therapy) risulta diffi cile da applicare, specie se in combinazione con la terapia per lo sviluppo delle emozioni (Emotion Development Therapy) e se il tutore stesso è depressivo (vedi: Luby, 1999). Lo scopo principale di questo lavoro è, quindi, presentare un rapporto a quattro nella terapia invece di un rapporto a tre, usuale nella prassi. Si hanno, dunque, il bambino, il tutore, lo psicologo e l’insegnante. Gli insegnanti solitamente passano molto tempo con i bambini in età scolare e prescolare e con I loro genitori e questo li mette in una posizione unica da cui offrire il supporto emotivo signifi cante ai tutori e ai bambini stessi. Per lo sviluppo del nostro progetto si rende necessaria un’ulteriore indagine che, con una funzionale risonanza magnetica, analizzerà direttamente le funzioni cerebrali dei bambini in età prescolare malati di depressione confrontando l’attività dell’ammiddale, ippocampo, e della corteccia prefrontale con il grado della depressione mentre i bambini osservano le espressioni negative sui volti (Gaffrey et al., 2011; Suzuki et al., 2012). Se la nostra idea circa il ruolo dell’insegnante come supporto al tutore è esatta, dovremmo arrivare ad una piccola correlazione positiva, o ad una correlazione inesistente, tra il livello di disturbo depressivo e l’attività delle aree limbiche e quelle della corteccia quando è presente l’insegnante. Questo ipotetico risultato dovrebbe signifi care che il bambino sta imparando come gestire le emozioni negative nella lotta contro la depressione. Naturalmente, la modifi cazione della terapia familiare interattiva combinata con la terapia per lo sviluppo delle emozioni e la risonanza magnetica funzionale sono solo proposte e potrebbero diventare oggetto dei lavori futuri

    Dovrebbe la terapia familiare includere anche gli insegnanti nella cura dei bambini in etĂ  prescolare colpiti dalla depressione nei casi in cui tutore rivela dei disturbi affettivi?

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    Poznato je da dijete oboljelo od poremećaja depresije često ima roditelja s istim poremećajem: zbog toga je teško primijeniti obiteljsku interakcijsku terapiju (Parent Child Interaction Therapy) kombiniranu s terapijom za razvoj emocija (Emotion Development Therapy) ako je sam skrbnik depresivan (Luby, 1999). Stoga je glavni cilj ovoga rada predstaviti četvorostrani odnos u terapiji umjesto trostranoga, uobičajenoga za spomenutu terapiju: tako imamo dijete, skrbnika, psihologa i učitelja. Učitelji obično provode dosta vremena sa školskom i predškolskom djecom i njihovim roditeljima: stoga oni imaju jedinstvenu mogućnost da pruže značajnu emocionalnu potporu i skrbnicima i samoj djeci. Za razvoj našega projekta potrebno je daljnje istraživanje kojim će se funkcionalnom magnetskom rezonancijom (f. M. R. I.) izravno analizirati funkcije mozga predškolske djece oboljele od depresije, uspoređujući aktivnost amigdale, hipokampusa i predfrontalnoga korteksa sa stupnjem depresije dok djeca gledaju negativne izraze lica (Gaffrey M. S., Luby J. L., Belden A. C., Hirshberg J. S., Barch D. M., 2011; Suzuki et al., 2012). Ako je ispravna naša ideja o ulozi učitelja kao potpore skrbnicima, trebali bismo doći do male pozitivne korelacije, ili korelacije uopće ne bi trebalo biti, između jačine poremećaja depresije i aktivnosti kortikalnih i limbičnih područja kad je prisutan učitelj: ovaj hipotetski rezultat trebao bi značiti da dijete uči kako se nositi s negativnim emocijama u borbi protiv depresije. Naravno, modifi kacija obiteljske interakcijske terapije kombinirane s terapijom za razvoj emocija i funkcionalna magnetska rezonancija tek su prijedlozi i mogli bi biti predmeti budućih radova.It is known that a child affected by depressive disorders often has a parent affected by the same illness: because of this, it is a diffi cult procedure to apply Parent Child Interaction Therapy and Emotion Development Therapy combined, if the caregiver feels depressed himself/herself (see: Luby, 2009). Therefore, the main aim of this work is to propose a four people relationship instead of the usual three people relationship, generally present in the course of the mentioned therapy; so we will have: the child, the caregiver, the psychologist and the teacher. Teachers usually spend a lot of time with school or preschool children and with their parents: so they are in a unique position to give a signifi cative emotional support both to caregivers and to children themselves. To develop our project, further research is needed, which directly analyses depressed preschoolers’ brain function by an f. M. R. I. study, comparing the activation of amygdala, hippo-campus and prefrontal cortex and the degree of depression, when children are viewing facial expressions of negative affect (Gaffrey M. S., Luby J. L., Belden A. C., Hirshberg J. S., Barch D. M.., 2011; Suzuki et al., 2012). If our idea of using teachers who support the caregiver is correct, we should fi nd a slight positive correlation, or no correlation at all, between the severity of depression and the activity of cortical and limbic areas when the teacher is present: this hypothetical result should mean that the child is learning how to deal with negative emotions to fi ght depression. Of course, the modifi cation of Parent Child Interaction Therapy and Emotion Development Therapy combined and the f. M. R. I. study are just proposals and they might be subjects of future works.Com’è noto, il bambino che soffre di disturbi depressivi è spesso fi glio di genitori che rivelano il medesimo disturbo: per questo motivo l’applicazione della terapia familiare interattiva (Parent Child Interaction Therapy) risulta diffi cile da applicare, specie se in combinazione con la terapia per lo sviluppo delle emozioni (Emotion Development Therapy) e se il tutore stesso è depressivo (vedi: Luby, 1999). Lo scopo principale di questo lavoro è, quindi, presentare un rapporto a quattro nella terapia invece di un rapporto a tre, usuale nella prassi. Si hanno, dunque, il bambino, il tutore, lo psicologo e l’insegnante. Gli insegnanti solitamente passano molto tempo con i bambini in età scolare e prescolare e con I loro genitori e questo li mette in una posizione unica da cui offrire il supporto emotivo signifi cante ai tutori e ai bambini stessi. Per lo sviluppo del nostro progetto si rende necessaria un’ulteriore indagine che, con una funzionale risonanza magnetica, analizzerà direttamente le funzioni cerebrali dei bambini in età prescolare malati di depressione confrontando l’attività dell’ammiddale, ippocampo, e della corteccia prefrontale con il grado della depressione mentre i bambini osservano le espressioni negative sui volti (Gaffrey et al., 2011; Suzuki et al., 2012). Se la nostra idea circa il ruolo dell’insegnante come supporto al tutore è esatta, dovremmo arrivare ad una piccola correlazione positiva, o ad una correlazione inesistente, tra il livello di disturbo depressivo e l’attività delle aree limbiche e quelle della corteccia quando è presente l’insegnante. Questo ipotetico risultato dovrebbe signifi care che il bambino sta imparando come gestire le emozioni negative nella lotta contro la depressione. Naturalmente, la modifi cazione della terapia familiare interattiva combinata con la terapia per lo sviluppo delle emozioni e la risonanza magnetica funzionale sono solo proposte e potrebbero diventare oggetto dei lavori futuri

    Dissociating prospective memory from vigilance processes?

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    En dos experimentos se explora si se puede distinguir entre los procesos de recuperación que subyacen a la memoria prospectiva basada en eventos y aquellos que son responsables de la vigilancia. Los sujetos realizaban una tarea de forma continua (decisión léxica en el Experimento 1 y categorización en el Experimento 2), pero al mismo tiempo (tarea de fondo) debían recordar que siempre que apareciese en la pantalla un determinado estímulo objetivo, debían dejar de realizar la tarea continua. Había dos estímulos objetivo que aparecían 4 veces a lo largo de la tarea continua. Mediante las instrucciones y la práctica se inducía a los sujetos a codificar la tarea de fondo como una tarea prospectiva o como una tarea de vigilancia. Los resultados mostraron importantes diferencias entre memoria prospectiva y vigilancia. El tiempo de respuesta en la tarea continua fue sistemáticamente más lento en las condiciones de vigilancia que en las de memoria prospectiva. Sin embargo, las condiciones de memoria prospectiva no diferían de las de control (la tarea continua sola). Los datos de precisión en la tarea de fondo fueron complementarios a los de tiempo de reacción ya que se observó un mayor número de errores en las condiciones prospectivas que en las de vigilancia Estas diferencias no se debieron a un intercambio de velocidad y precisión entre las tareas continua y de fondo ni tampoco a las diferencias en entrenamiento. Aún más importante fue que en las condiciones de memoria prospectiva se observaron efectos de facilitación (priming) a través de las cuatro repeticiones de los objetivos y que esto efectos no aparecieron en las condiciones de vigilancia. Estos resultados son consistentes con la hipótesis de que las tareas de memoria prospectiva basada en claves y las de vigilancia difieren en el grado en que requieren monitorización consciente. La memoria prospectiva depende más de la recuperación automática de la asociación clave-acción, mientras que la vigilancia depende de procesos de búsqueda activa del objetivo