1,108 research outputs found

    Commentaries on the Genocide Convention: A Reintroduction to Nehemiah Robinson

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    TesisTrujilloEscuela Académico Profesional de PsicologíaPsicométricaLa investigación de diseño instrumental tuvo como objetivo determinar las Evidencias de validez del cuestionario de conductas disociales CCD-MOVIC en una muestra de 400 adolescentes del segundo al quinto grado de educación secundaria regular, con edades entre los 13 a 18 años, de tres instituciones educativas, dos particulares y una estatal del distrito de Laredo. Los resultados evidencian validez basada en la estructura interna mediante el análisis factorial confirmatorio mediante el método de cuadrados mínimos no ponderados, un modelo teórico que no requiere ser re-especificado, al presentar un buen ajuste a la matriz de datos observada, asimismo la consistencia interna, por el coeficiente omega, reporta valores de aceptables a elevados

    Aggression in Legal Limbo: A Gap in the Law that Needs Closing

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    The International Criminal Court’s present inability to exercise its jurisdiction over the crime of aggression leaves a glaring gap in the enforcement of international law. After briefly addressing the current status of the crime of aggression, I will relate some of my own reaction to my father’s conviction that something must be done—and done now—to hold accountable those who would undertake the illegal use of armed force, subjecting them, if possible, to prosecution for crimes against humanity

    Bringing the Crime of Aggression within the Active Jurisdiction of the ICC

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    Bringing the Crime of Aggression within the Active Jurisdiction of the ICC

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    People v. Kagan and New York Banking Law Section 673: A Study in Misapplication

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    Current U.S. Policy on the Crime of Aggression: History in the Unmaking?

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    At the 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law, a U.S. policy statement on the crime of aggression was presented as part of a panel entitled The ICC Crime of Aggression and the Changing International Security Landscape. This article examines current U.S. policy on the crime of aggression, highlighting the historic role that the U.S. played in establishing aggression as an international crime after World War II, and concludes that activation of ICC jurisdiction over the crime of aggression would be a significant step forward in the development of international law

    Current U.S. Policy on the Crime of Aggression: History in the Unmaking?

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    At the 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law, a U.S. policy statement on the crime of aggression was presented as part of a panel entitled The ICC Crime of Aggression and the Changing International Security Landscape. This article examines current U.S. policy on the crime of aggression, highlighting the historic role that the U.S. played in establishing aggression as an international crime after World War II, and concludes that activation of ICC jurisdiction over the crime of aggression would be a significant step forward in the development of international law

    Commentaries on the Genocide Convention: A Reintroduction to Nehemiah Robinson

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    Analysis of the Effects of Dam Release Properties and Ambient Groundwater Flow on Surface Water‐Groundwater Exchange Over a 100‐km‐Long Reach

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    Hydroelectric dams often create highly dynamic downstream flows that promote surface water‐groundwater (SW‐GW) interactions including bank storage, the temporary storage of river water in the riverbank. Previous research on SW‐GW exchanges in dammed rivers has primarily been at single study sites, which has limited the understanding of how these exchanges evolve as dam releases travel downstream. This study evaluates how dam releases affect SW‐GW exchange continuously over a 100‐km distance. This is accomplished by longitudinally routing water releases through a synthetic river and modeling bed and bank fluid and solute exchange across transverse transects spaced along the reach. Peak and square dam release hydrograph shapes with three magnitudes (0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 m) were considered. The effect of four ambient groundwater flow conditions (very slightly losing, neutral, and two gaining from the perspective of the river) was evaluated for each dam release scenario. Both types of dam release shapes cause SW‐GW interaction over the entire 100‐km distance, and our results show that square type releases cause bank storage exchange well beyond this distance. Strongly gaining conditions reduce the amount of exchange and allow flushing of river‐sourced solute out of the bank after the dam pulse has passed. Both neutral and losing conditions have larger fluid and solute flux into the bank and limit the amount of solute that returns to the river. Our results support that river corridors downstream of dams have increased river‐aquifer connectivity and that this enhanced connectivity can extend at least 100 km downstream

    Technical Spotlight: NEAMS Structural Mechanics with Diablo

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