1,604 research outputs found
Growing Professionalism in the Services of Nonprofit Organizations
The nonprofit sector today has to meet growing demands for better quality services and growing competition from business and public organizations, and also from other nonprofit organizations. Because of these circumstances they have to become more professional in their activities. The paper examines the professionalization and knowledge management in nonprofit organizations. The theoretical issues of knowledge management of nonprofit organizations are supported by examples from (earlier and recent) research of the authors. The aspects of knowledge management presented in this paper, not only give an insight over the contribution of nonprofit organizations to the success of a larger project, but they ca be an example for other nonprofits dealing with similar problems, facing similar challenges.Knowledge-based services; knowledge transfer; nonprofit organizations; professionalization.
Knowledge-intensive business services: a brief overview
In the last decade of the 20th century knowledge has gained importance in the economy. This lead to the emergence of knowledge-based activities: knowledge-intensive organizations, and particularly knowledge-intensive services. These organizations function as external knowledge sources for other organizations. Their performance depends largely on professional knowledge. Since their performance has an impact on the success of their clients, it is important to look at those factors which influence the knowledge transfer between service provider and client organization. Based on theory and empirical research, the paper addresses the specific aspects of knowledge transfer from knowledge-intensive business service organizations to client organizations.Knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS), client organization, client knowledge., Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, L84,
Tudásintenzív üzleti szolgáltatások
A tanulmány a tudásalapú társadalom jellegzetes szereplőinek, a tudásintenzív üzleti szolgáltatásokat
(TIÜSZ) nyújtó szervezeteknek a bemutatásával foglalkozik. Olyan szervezetekről van szó, amelyek tudásalapú
szolgáltatásokat nyújtanak más cégeknek, azaz az ún. tudásintenzív üzleti szektorhoz tartoznak.
A tanulmányból megismerjük főbb jellemzőiket, helyüket a gazdasági szektorokon belül, valamint
a gazdaságban játszott szerepüket. A dolgozat kitér a tudáskommunikáció, elsősorban a tudásteremtés és
-transzfer kérdésére. Széles körű nemzetközi kitekintés alapján körvonalazza a tudásintenzív szolgáltatások
jövőbeli fejlődésének várható tendenciáit
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