3 research outputs found

    Dominance of Cyperus kyllingia Endl. at guava orchard and its possible resistance to glyphosate

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    Weed resistance, indicated by increasing the level of herbicide for control, might arise due to the continuous use of similar herbicides in the long term without any herbicide rotation. The objective of this research was to evaluate the status of dominant weeds in a guava orchard to determine weed control strategies. The research was carried out from November 2020 to June 2021 at Agribusiness Technology Park IPB, Bogor. Vegetation analysis to define dominance was carried out at 4 blocks using the square method. In each block, five sampling points were randomly selected. Seeds of C. kyllingia were collected and planted as many as 25 seedlings in polybags. Glyphosate herbicide was applied onto C. kyllingia in 3 replications using 9 doses, i.e., 0 (D0), 60.75 (D1), 121.5 (D2), 243 (D3), 486 (D4), 972 (D5), 1944 (D6), 3888 (D7), and 7776 g ha-1 (D8). C. kyllingia mortality percentages were analyzed using linear regression to obtain LD50. The results showed that the dominant weed was C. kyllingia. Block 4 showed the highest significant LD50 value at 759.11 g ha-1 with a resistance index of 2.67 (reduced sensitivity). The presence of dominant C. kyllingia was identified only at block 4, indicating the dominance could correlate with increasing resistance of the particular weed. Keywords: doses; EPSPS; glyphosate; LD50; sedges; vegetation analysi

    Mutation site identification confers glyphosate resistance in goosegrass (Eleusine indica L. Gaertn) from Jonggol, Bogor, Indonesia

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    Glyphosate resistance is a serious problem in weed control, especially in oil palm plantations. However, evaluation of suspected resistant weeds such as Eleusine indica L. Gaertn at the gene level is still scarce in Indonesia. Here, target-site resistance to glyphosate of the EPSPS gene was evaluated. The objective of this study was to identify glyphosate resistance caused by mutation points in goosegrass biotypes from oil palm plantation in Jonggol, West Java, Indonesia. Bio-assay analysis was carried out by planting goosegrass in pots. Glyphosate was applicated using eight-level, namely 0, 0.125x, 0.25x, 0.5x, x, 2x, 4x, and 8x, where x was the recommended dose (972 g ha-1) for three replications. Weed damage was evaluated from plant biomass and then regression analysis was performed to obtain the LD50 and resistance index. The E. indica from block V had a reduced sensitivity status with 2.343 value of resistance index, and those from Block II biotype had a sensitive status with 1.588 resistance index. Alignment of the EPSPS gene showed no mutation was observed at two target-points, indicating that increasing resistance of E. indica in the study site could be controlled by other factors. Nevertheless, E. indica of block V biotype had a resistance potential due to the highest LD50. It is necessary to evaluate further the possibility of mutation in other target-points of the EPSPS gene. Keywords: bio-assay; EPSPS; LD50; resistance index; sequencing; target-site resistanceGlyphosate resistance is a serious problem in weed control, especially in oil palm plantations. However, evaluation of suspected resistant weeds such as Eleusine indica L. Gaertn at the gene level is still scarce in Indonesia. Here, target-site resistance to glyphosate of the EPSPS gene was evaluated. The objective of this study was to identify glyphosate resistance caused by mutation points in goosegrass biotypes from oil palm plantation in Jonggol, West Java, Indonesia. Bio-assay analysis was carried out by planting goosegrass in pots. Glyphosate was applicated using eight-level, namely 0, 0.125x, 0.25x, 0.5x, x, 2x, 4x, and 8x, where x was the recommended dose (972 g ha-1) for three replications. Weed damage was evaluated from plant biomass and then regression analysis was performed to obtain the LD50 and resistance index. The E. indica from block V had a reduced sensitivity status with 2.343 value of resistance index, and those from Block II biotype had a sensitive status with 1.588 resistance index. Alignment of the EPSPS gene showed no mutation was observed at two target-points, indicating that increasing resistance of E. indica in the study site could be controlled by other factors. Nevertheless, E. indica of block V biotype had a resistance potential due to the highest LD50. It is necessary to evaluate further the possibility of mutation in other target-points of the EPSPS gene. Keywords: bio-assay; EPSPS; LD50; resistance index; sequencing; target-site resistanc

    Pena y reparaci贸n civil en casos de hurto agravado en la Corte Superior de Justicia de Moquegua, 2013-2014

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    El desarrollo de esta investigaci贸n tiene por finalidad determinar la relaci贸n existente entre pena y reparaci贸n civil en los expedientes del tipo penal de hurto agravado en las sentencias firmes de la corte superior de Justicia de Moquegua en el periodo 201. - 2014. Para ello se ha empleado una metodolog铆a descriptiva - correlacional de enfoque cualitativo, de dise帽o no experimental y corte transversal. Se ha revisado la legislaci贸n correspondiente a esta figura, haciendo una revisi贸n documental de nueve casos de sentencias por delitos de hurto agravado. Asimismo, se ha realizado entrevistas a expertos en el 谩rea de estudio. De este modo se concluye que la pena privativa de libertad y la reparaci贸n civil est谩n relacionadas en la medida que, pese al cumplimiento de la pena privativa de libertad impuesta en la sentencia por casos de hurto agravado, no se ha hecho efectivo el pago de la reparaci贸n civil impuesta en la misma