24 research outputs found

    Cryptanalysis of the Counter mode of operation

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    International audienceThe counter mode of operation (CTR mode) is nowadays one of the most widely deployed modes of operation due to its simplicity, elegant design and performance. Therefore understanding more about the security of the CTR mode helps us understand the security of many applications used over the modern internet. On the security of the CTR mode, there is a well-known proof of indistinguishability from random outputs up to the birthday bound that is O(2 n/2) encrypted n-bit blocks. This acts as a proof that no attack that can retrieve useful information about the plaintext exists with a lower complexity. In other words, any attack that breaks the confidentiality of the plaintext will require Ω(2 n/2) blocks of ciphertext. Research problem While we have a lower bound on the complexity of a potential attack, it is not well understood how such attack would work and what would be its complexity not only in terms of data but also computationally (time and memory complexities). Most often the CTR mode is combined with the AES block cipher which acts on 128-bits blocks. In that setting, the birthday bound may appear sufficient to guarantee security in most if not all of today's internet applications as 2 128/2 × 128 bits = 256 exbibytes, a comfortable margin. However if used alongside a 64-bits block cipher, like 3DES, the birthday bound stands at 2 64/2 × 64 bits = 32 gibibytes, an amount of data quickly exchanged in today's internet. Moreover, the proof of indistinguishability says nothing at how quickly information on the plaintext is leaked when nearing the birthday bound. The goal of this internship is to devise efficient message recovery attacks under realistic assumptions and study their complexity to gain a better understanding of the security of the CTR mode. Contribution We give a concrete definition of the algorithmic problem naturally posed by the counter mode of operation, the missing difference problem, upon the resolution of which we can recover part of the unknown plaintext. Then we propose two algorithms to recover a block or more of secret plaintext in different settings motivated by real-life attacker models and compare the results with the work done by McGrew [McG12] on that same topic. We improve McGrew's results in two cases : the case where we know half of the secret plaintext, then we achieve time complexity of˜Oof˜ of˜O(2 n/2) compared tõ O(2 3n/4) for McGrew's searching algorithm and the case where we have no prior information on the secret where we achieve˜Oachieve˜ achieve˜O(2 2n/3) in time and query compared to the previous˜Oprevious˜ previous˜O(2 n/2) queries and˜Oand˜ and˜O(2 n) time. This improvement allows better attack on the mode for a realistic attacker model than what had been described so far in the literature. In fact, we found out that the CTR mode does not offer much more security guarantees than the CBC mode as real attacks are of similar complexities. We described these attacks on the CTR mode and could even extend those to some message authentication code (MAC) schemes GMAC and Poly1305 based on the Wegman-Carter style construction. Arguments supporting its validity Not only do we provide some proofs for the asymptotic complexity but also implementations of these algorithms show that they are practical for blocks sizes n 64 bits and so are the associated attacks. These attacks rely on the repeated encryption of a secret under the same key so frequent rekeying will prevent those attacks from happening and thus we encourage any implementation of the CTR mode to force rekeying well before the birthday bound. Summary and future work We formalized an algorithmic problem that is naturally encountered in some cryptographic schemes, we called it the missing difference problem, and developed tools to solve it efficiently. These tools then help the cryptanalysis of different modes of operation and thus help understanding the security of popular real-world protocols. Now we hope to publish these results and make users aware that using CTR is not much more secure than CBC (though CTR still offers other advantages). Especially when coupled with 64-bits block ciphers, it may not offer enough guarantee for most modern uses as 64-bits CBC mode was shown to be insecure in a recent work by Bhargavan and Leurent [BL16]

    Key-Reduced Variants of 3kf9 with Beyond-Birthday-Bound Security

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    3kf9 is a three-key CBC-type MAC that enhances the standardized integrity algorithm f9 (3GPP-MAC). It has beyond-birthday-bound security and is expected to be a possible candidate in constrained environments when instantiated with lightweight blockciphers. Two variants 2kf9 and 1kf9 were proposed to reduce key size for efficiency, but recently, Leurent et al. (CRYPTO\u2718) and Shen et al. (CRYPTO\u2721) pointed out critical flaws on these two variants and invalidated their security proofs with birthday-bound attacks. In this work, we revisit previous constructions of key-reduced variants of 3kf9 and analyze what went wrong in security analyzes. Interestingly, we find that a single doubling at the end can not only fix 2kf9 to go beyond the birthday bound, but also help 1kf9 to go beyond the birthday bound. We then propose two new key-reduced variants of 3kf9, called n2kf9 and n1kf9. By leveraging previous attempts, we prove that n2kf9 is secure up to 2^{2n/3} queries, and prove that n1kf9 is secure up to 2^{2n/3} queries when the message space is prefix-free. We also provide beyond-birthday analysis of n2kf9 in the multi-user setting. Note that compared to EMAC and CBC-MAC, the additional cost to provide a higher security guarantee is expected to be minimal for n2kf9 and n1kf9. It only requires one additional blockcipher call and one doubling

    Low-Memory Attacks against Two-Round Even-Mansour using the 3-XOR Problem

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    The iterated Even-Mansour construction is an elegant construction that idealizes block cipher designs such as the AES. In this work we focus on the simplest variant, the 2-round Even-Mansour construction with a single key. This is the most minimal construction that offers security beyond the birthday bound: there is a security proof up to 22n/32^{2n/3} evaluations of the underlying permutations and encryption, and the best known attacks have a complexity of roughly 2n/n2^n/n operations. We show that attacking this scheme with block size nn is related to the 3-XOR problem with element size w=2nw = 2n, an important algorithmic problem that has been studied since the nineties. In particular the 3-XOR problem is known to require at least 2w/32^{w/3} queries, and the best known algorithms require around 2w/2/w2^{w/2} / w operations: this roughly matches the known bounds for the 2-round Even-Mansour scheme. Using this link we describe new attacks against the 2-round Even-Mansour scheme. In particular, we obtain the first algorithms where both the data and the memory complexity are significantly lower than 2n2^n . From a practical standpoint, previous works with a data and/or memory complexity close to 2n2^n are unlikely to be more efficient than a simple brute-force search over the key. Our best algorithm requires just λn\lambda n known plaintext/ciphertext pairs, for some constant 0<λ<10 < \lambda < 1, 2n/λn2^n/\lambda n time, and 2λn2^{\lambda n} memory. For instance, with n=64n = 64 and λ=1/2\lambda = 1/2, the memory requirement is practical, and we gain a factor 32 over brute-force search. We also describe an algorithm with asymptotic complexity O(2n(ln2n/n2)O(2^n (\ln^2{n/n^2}), improving the previous asymptotic complexity of O(2n/n)O(2^n/n), using a variant of the 3-SUM algorithm of Baran, Demaine, and Patrascu

    Keyed Sum of Permutations: a simpler RP-based PRF

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    Idealized constructions in cryptography prove the security of a primitive based on the security of another primitive. The challenge of building a pseudorandom function (PRF) from a random permutation (RP) has only been recently tackled by Chen, Lambooij and Mennink [CRYPTO 2019] who proposed Sum of Even-Mansour (SoEM) with a provable beyond-birthday-bound security. In this work, we revisit the challenge of building a PRF from an RP. On the one hand, we describe Keyed Sum of Permutations (KSoP) that achieves the same provable security as SoEM while being strictly simpler since it avoids a key addition but still requires two independent keys and permutations. On the other hand, we show that it is impossible to further simplify the scheme by deriving the two keys with a simple linear key schedule as it allows a non-trivial birthday-bound key recovery attack. The birthday-bound attack is mostly information-theoretic, but it can be optimized to run faster than a brute-force attack

    Constant Size Secret Sharing: with General Thresholds, Towards Standard Assumptions, and Applications

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    We consider threshold Computational Secret Sharing Schemes, i.e., such that the secret can be recovered from any t+1t+1 out of nn shares, and such that no computationally bounded adversary can distinguish between tt shares of a chosen secret and a uniform string. We say that such a scheme has Constant Size (CSSS) if, in the asymptotic regime of many shares of small size the security parameter, then the total size of shares reaches the minimum, which is the size of an erasures-correction encoding of the secret with same threshold. But all CSSS so far have only maximum threshold, i.e., t=n1t=n-1. They are known as All Or Nothing Transforms (AONT). On the other hand, for arbitrary thresholds t<n1t<n-1, the shortest scheme known so far is [Kra93, Crypto], which has instead twice larger size in the previous regime, due to a size overhead of nn times the security parameter. The other limitation of known CSSS is that they require a number of calls to idealized primitives which grows linearly with the size of the secret. Our first contribution is to show that the CSSS of [Des00, Crypto], which holds under the ideal cipher assumption, looses its privacy when instantiated with a plain pseudorandom permutation. Our main contribution is a scheme which: is the first CSSS for any threshold tt, and furthermore, whose security holds, for the first time, under any plain pseudorandom function, with the only idealized assumption being in the key-derivation function. It is based on the possibly new observation that the scheme of [Des00] can be seen as an additive secret-sharing of an encryption key, using the ciphertext itself as a source of randomness. A variation of our construction enables to improve upon known schemes, that we denote as Encryption into Shares with Resilience against Key exposure (ESKE), having the property that all ciphertext blocks are needed to obtain any information, even when the key is leaked. We obtain the first ESKE with arbitrary threshold tt and constant size, furthermore in one pass of encryption. Also, for the first time, the only idealized assumption is in the key-derivation. Then, we demonstrate how to establish fast revocable storage on an untrusted server, from any black box ESKE. Instantiated with our ESKE, then encryption and decryption both require only 11 pass of symmetric primitives under standard assumptions (except the key-derivation), compared to at least 22 consecutive passes in [MS18, CT-RSA] and more in [Bac+16, CCS]. We finally bridge the gap between two conflicting specifications of AONT in the literature: one very similar to CSSS, which has indistinguishability, and one which has not

    Beyond quadratic speedups in quantum attacks on symmetric schemes

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    International audienceIn this paper, we report the first quantum key-recovery attack on a symmetric block cipher design, using classical queries only, with a more than quadratic time speedup compared to the best classical attack. We study the 2XOR-Cascade construction of Gaži and Tessaro (EURO-CRYPT 2012). It is a key length extension technique which provides an n-bit block cipher with 5n 2 bits of security out of an n-bit block cipher with 2n bits of key, with a security proof in the ideal model. We show that the offline-Simon algorithm of Bonnetain et al. (ASIACRYPT 2019) can be extended to, in particular, attack this construction in quantum time O(2 n), providing a 2.5 quantum speedup over the best classical attack. Regarding post-quantum security of symmetric ciphers, it is commonly assumed that doubling the key sizes is a sufficient precaution. This is because Grover's quantum search algorithm, and its derivatives, can only reach a quadratic speedup at most. Our attack shows that the structure of some symmetric constructions can be exploited to overcome this limit. In particular, the 2XOR-Cascade cannot be used to generically strengthen block ciphers against quantum adversaries, as it would offer only the same security as the block cipher itself

    On the Security Margin of TinyJAMBU with Refined Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis

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    International audienceThis paper presents the first third-party security analysis of TinyJAMBU, which is one of 32 second-round candidates in NIST’s lightweight cryptography standardization process. TinyJAMBU adopts an NLFSR based keyed-permutation that computes only a single NAND gate as a non-linear component per round. The designers evaluated the minimum number of active AND gates, however such a counting method neglects the dependency between multiple AND gates. There also exist previous works considering such dependencies with stricter models, however those are known to be too slow. In this paper, we present a new model that provides a good balance of efficiency and accuracy by only taking into account the first-order correlation of AND gates that frequently occurs in TinyJAMBU. With the refined model, we show a 338-round differential with probability 2^(−62.68) that leads to a forgery attack breaking 64-bit security. This implies that the security margin of TinyJAMBU with respect to the number of unattacked rounds is approximately 12%. We also show a differential on full 384 rounds with probability 2^(−70.64), thus the security margin of full rounds with respect to the data complexity, namely the gap between the claimed security bits and the attack complexity, is less than 8 bits. Our attacks also point out structural weaknesses of the mode that essentially come from the minimal state size to be lightweight

    Internal Symmetries and Linear Properties: Full-permutation Distinguishers and Improved Collisions on Gimli

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    International audienceGimli is a family of cryptographic primitives (both a hash function and an AEAD scheme) that has been selected for the second round of the NIST competition for standardizing new lightweight designs. The candidate Gimli is based on the permutation Gimli, which was presented at CHES 2017. In this paper, we study the security of both the permutation and the constructions that are based on it. We exploit the slow diffusion in Gimli and its internal symmetries to build, for the first time, a distinguisher on the full permutation of complexity 2 64. We also provide a practical distinguisher on 23 out of the full 24 rounds of Gimli that has been implemented. Next, we give (full state) collision and semi-free-start collision attacks on Gimli-Hash, reaching respectively up to 12 and 18 rounds. On the practical side, we compute a collision on 8-round Gimli-Hash. In the quantum setting, these attacks reach 2 more rounds. Finally, we perform the first study of linear trails in Gimli, and we find a linear distinguisher on the full permutation

    Release of Unverified Plaintext: Tight Unified Model and Application to ANYDAE

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    International audienceAuthenticated encryption schemes are usually expected to offer confidentiality and authenticity. In case of release of unverified plaintext (RUP), an adversary gets separated access to the decryption and verification functionality, and has more power in breaking the scheme. Andreeva et al. (ASIACRYPT 2014) formalized RUP security using plaintext awareness, informally meaning that the decryption functional-ity gives no extra power in breaking confidentiality, and INT-RUP security, covering authenticity in case of RUP. We describe a single, unified model, called AERUP security, that ties together these notions: we prove that an authenticated encryption scheme is AERUP secure if and only if it is conventionally secure, plaintext aware, and INT-RUP secure. We next present ANYDAE, a generalization of SUNDAE of Banik et al. (ToSC 2018/3). ANYDAE is a lightweight deterministic scheme that is based on a block cipher with block size n and arbitrary mixing functions that all operate on an n-bit state. It is particularly efficient for short messages, it does not rely on a nonce, and it provides maximal robustness to a lack of secure state. Whereas SUNDAE is not secure under release of unverified plaintext (a fairly simple attack can be mounted in constant time), ANYDAE is. We make handy use of the AERUP security model to prove that ANYDAE achieves both conventional security as RUP security, provided that certain modest conditions on the mixing functions are met. We describe two simple instances, called MONDAE and TUESDAE, that conform to these conditions and that are competitive with SUNDAE, in terms of efficiency and optimality

    Internal symmetries and linear properties: Full-permutation distinguishers and improved collisions on Gimli

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    Gimli is a family of cryptographic primitives (both a hash function and an AEAD scheme) that has been selected for the second round of the NIST competition for standardizing new lightweight designs. The candidate Gimli is based on the permutation Gimli, which was presented at CHES 2017. In this paper, we study the security of both the permutation and the constructions that are based on it. We exploit the slow diffusion in Gimli and its internal symmetries to build, for the first time, a distinguisher on the full permutation of complexity 2^64. We also provide a practical distinguisher on 23 out of the full 24 rounds of Gimli that has been implemented. Next, we give (full state) collision and semi-free start collision attacks on Gimli-Hash, reaching, respectively, up to 12 and 18 rounds. On the practical side, we compute a collision on 8-round Gimli-Hash. In the quantum setting, these attacks reach 2 more rounds. Finally, we perform the first study of linear trails in Gimli, and we find a linear distinguisher on the full permutation