9 research outputs found

    Mathematical models for host-parasitoid interactions and biological control of Drosophila suzukii

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    This thesis treats mathematical models for host-parasitoid interactions. It is composed of three parts. In the first part, a class of such models is analyzed theoretically. It focuses on the phenomena of multiple coexistence equilibria of competing parasitoid species. The second part is about a model for determining how a parasitoid release should be timed to optimally control the invasive fruit fly Drosophila suzukii. The third part analyzes an experiment for releasing parasitoids in a greenhouse which is infested by D.suzukii. The models presented are used to discuss how to improve such biological control strategies

    Multiple coexistence equilibria in a two parasitoid-one host model

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    Briggs et al. (1993) introduced a host-parasitoid model for the dynamics of a system with two parasitoids that attack different juvenile stages of a common host. Their main result was that coexistence of the parasitoids is only possible when there is sufficient variability in the maturation delays of the host juvenile stages. Here, we analyze the phenomenon of coexistence in that model more deeply. We show that with some distribution families for the maturation delays, the coexistence equilibrium is unique, while with other distributions multiple coexistence equilibria can be found. In particular, we find that stable coexistence does not necessarily require mutual invasibility

    Reversible phenotypic plasticity with continuous adaptation

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    We introduce a novel model for continuous reversible phenotypic plasticity. The model includes a one-dimensional environmental gradient, and we describe performance of an organism as a function of the environmental state by a Gaussian tolerance curve. Organisms are assumed to adapt their tolerance curve after a change of the environmental state. We present a general framework for calculating the genotype fitness if such adaptations happen in a continuous manner and apply the model to a periodically changing environment. Significant differences of our model with previous models for plasticity are the continuity of adaptation, the presence of intermediate phenotypes, that the duration of transformations depends on their extent, fewer restrictions on the distribution of the environment, and a higher robustness with respect to assumptions about environmental fluctuations. Further, we show that continuous reversible plasticity is beneficial mainly when environmental changes occur slow enough so that fully developed phenotypes can be exhibited. Finally we discuss how the model framework can be generalized to a wide variety of biological scenarios from areas that include population dynamics, evolution of environmental tolerance and physiology