10 research outputs found

    IODP Expedition 307 Drills Cold-Water Coral Mound Along the Irish Continental Margin

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    Introduction Over the past decade, oceanographic and geophysical surveys along the slope of the Porcupine Seabight off the southwestern continental margin of Ireland have identified upwards of a thousand enigmatic mound-like structures (Figs. 1 and 2). The mounds of the Porcupine Seabight rise from the seafl oor in water depths of 600–900 m and formimpressive conical bodies several kilometers wide and up to 200 m high. Although a few mounds such as Thérèse Mound and Galway Mound are covered by a thriving thicket of coldwater corals, most mound tops and fl anks are covered by dead coral rubble or are entirely buried by sediment (De Mol et al., 2002; Fig. 2, Beyer et al., 2003). Lophelia pertusa (Fig.3) and Madrepora oculata are the most prominent cold-water corals growing without photosynthetic symbionts. The widespread discovery of large and numerous coral-bearing banks and the association of these corals with the mounds have generated signifi cant interest as to the composition, origin and development of these mound structures.Challenger Mound, in the Belgica mound province, has an elongated shape oriented along a north-northeast to south-southwest axis and ispartially buried under Pleistocene drift sediments. In high-resolution seismic profiles the mounds appear to root on an erosion surface (van Rooij et al., 2003). During IODP Expedition307 the Challenger Mound in the Porcupine Seabight was drilled with the goal of unveiling the origin and depositional processes withinthese intriguing sedimentary structures. Challenger Mound, unlike its near neighbors the Thérèse and Galway mounds, has little to no livecoral coverage and, therefore, was chosen as the main target for drilling activities, so that no living ecosystem would be disturbed

    The imprint of methane seepage on the geochemical record and early diagenetic processes in cold-water coral mounds on Pen Duick Escarpment, Gulf of Cadiz

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    The diagenetic history and biogeochemical processes in three cold-water coral mounds located in close proximity to each other on Pen Duick Escarpment in the Gulf of Cadiz were examined. The influence of ascending methane-rich fluids from underlying sediment strata delineated two mound groups: Alpha and Beta Mound showed evidence for the presence of a sulfate-methane transition zone (SMTZ) at shallow depth, whereas Gamma Mound appeared to lack a shallow SMTZ. In the methane influenced Alpha and Beta Mound, upward diffusion of hydrogen sulfide from the shallow SMTZ caused extensive pyritization of reactive iron phases as indicated by values for the degree-of-pyritization > 0.7. This secondary pyritization overprinted the sulfur isotope composition of sulfides formed during organoclastic sulfate reduction. The almost complete consumption of reactive iron phases by upward diffusing sulfide limited dissimilatory iron reduction to the top layer in these mounds while organic matter in the pyritized zones below was primarily degraded by organoclastic sulfate reduction. Hydrogen sulfide produced during sulfate reduction coupled to the anaerobic oxidation of methane (ADM) diffused upward and induced aragonite dissolution as evidenced in strongly corroded corals in Alpha Mound. This mound has been affected by strong fluctuations in the depth of the SMTZ, as observed by distinct layers with abundant diagenetic high-Mg calcite with a 13C-depleted carbon isotope composition. In the non-methane influenced Gamma Mound low sulfate reduction rates, elevated concentrations of dissolved iron, and solid-phase iron speciation indicated that organic matter mineralization was driven by dissimilatory iron reduction and organoclastic sulfate reduction coupled to oxidative sulfur cycling. The latter process led to 34S-depletion in pyrite of up to 70% relative to pore-water sulfate


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