9 research outputs found

    The effect of plant-based preservatives on the reduction of microbiological activity in fresh milk

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    The scope of this study has been the antimicrobial effect of plantbased preservative on fresh milk. Analyzes of the total number of microorganisms in milk have been carried out in accordance with the requirements of ISO 4833. From the samples taken randomly in the market were separated in two samples where one we analyzed the number of total microorganisms without using any treatment, while in the other one we analyzed the number of total microorganisms after adding a quantity of 0.4 ml preservative per 1 L milk. The results show that the number of microorganisms decreased by 26 times 30 minutes after the addition of the preservative, while the 48-hour action of the preservative reduced the number of microorganisms by 174 times, cipher that represents the peak of the effect of the added preservative

    The presence of aflatoxin M1 on processed milk in the Republic of Kosovo

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    Aflatoxins are mycotoxins of major concern to the dairy industry. Given the fact that aflatoxins M1 mycotoxins can cause toxic effects called mycotoxicosis. It has been reported that mycotoxins are carcinogenic, tumorigenic, and dermatological in a large number of organisms and cause hepatic carcinoma in humans. This study aims to identify the quantity of mycotoxins M1 in dairy products used by consumers in the Republic of Kosovo. According to the results obtained from the analyzes of processed milk samples we have come to the conclusion that the content of aflatoxin M1 in all types of dairy products is not allowed limits according to the regulation in force for the safety of food products

    Study of Foods Declared as GMO Free in the Market of Republic of Kosovo

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    In this study, several samples from two different producers that are present in the Kosovo market and which are declared as GMO free are analyzed, the method of analysis is Agrastrip® GMO - Romer labs®. Samples were taken on a random basis in the market and the focus of the study were two products (corn and soy). As this problem is relatively new in the Republic of Kosovo, some theoretical and practical issues will be addressed by referring to the researchers in this field: what are GMOs and why GM foods are produced, the distinction to be made (myths and facts, socio-economic aspects), side effects (environment and health), bees as being of being dependent on existence and life (especially in food, relationship with GMOs)

    Control of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in non-alcoholic and fresh drinks

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    This paper deals with the method of determining vitamin C in non-alcoholic and fresh drinks, also deals with its importance in the human body and elaborates the problematic consumption of vitamin C in the daily dose of adult people. Lack of vitamin C manifests itself with: pain and rapid muscle fatigue, increased infections, anemia, osteoporosis, hemorrhage, etc. According to the highest amount of vitamin C in 100 g, there are: pepper 128 mg, 113 mg cabbage, 90 mg kiwi, 59 mg strawberries, 53 mg lemon, 51 mg spinach, 38 mg grapefruit, 23 mg tomatoes. Ascorbic acid and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts are widely used as an antioxidant food additive. Relevant food additives from ascorbic acid (E-numbers) are: E300 - ascorbic acid, E301 - sodium ascorbate, E302 - calcium ascorbate, E303 - potassium ascorbate

    The study of aflatoxin M1 in milk and in dairy products

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    Aflatoxins are mycotoxins of great interest to the dairy industry. Given the fact that aflatoxins mycotoxins M1 can cause toxic effects called mycotoxicosis. It has been reported that mycotoxins are carcinogenic, tumorigenic and cause of skin diseases in a large number of organisms and cause hepatic carcinomas in humans.This study aims to identify the amount of M1 mycotoxins in dairy products used by consumers in the Republic of Kosovo. According to the results obtained from the analysis of processed milk samples, we have concluded that aflatoxin M1 content in all types of dairy products does not exceed the limits according to the applicable rule for food safety in the Republic of Kosovo


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    Genetically modified organisms are foods produced by organisms that have undergone changes in their DNA using methods of genetic engineering and molecular biology. Genetically modified crops or cultivars are designed for resistance to pathogens and herbicides, to add better nutritional properties, gain more economically and lose less, etc. This study analyzed several samples from different producers (domestic and foreign), whose cultivars make up a large percentage of basic nutrition in RKS, especially in rural areas and especially this raw material of vegetable origin, maize, constitutes the main feed on farms within RKS. Samples were taken on a conceptual basis conceptually from the maize product and the maize itself. This topic and this problem in Kosovo is relatively new so it is necessary to raise concerns in this study through scientific analysis and theories, explaining what GMOs are, why they are produced, their side effects (health, environment) ) and the differences to be made, separation from facts and myths, domestic vs. imported production, objective judgment which primarily has an economy functioning for society rather than society functioning for economy and most importantly the rule of law and how the food law in the RKS addresses the subject at hand. In this study, four samples from two different producers that are present in the Kosovo market and which are used as main product for animals nutrition and human nutrition also, are analyzed, the method of analysis is Agrastrip® GMO - Romer labs®. Samples were taken on a random basis in the market and the focus of the study is one product, corn

    The quality of the orange juice with different fruit content

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    The object of this study is to follow the qualitative parameters of orange juice in the market (region) of Polog in Tetovo. Samples were taken during the study and qualitative parameters in orange juice were compared by comparing differences between juices with different fruit contents. Orange juice produced and packaged in Tetra Package minimum 50% fruit juice content and 100% fruit content. Parameter control and obtained results were analyzed in the laboratory of the Faculty of Food Technology and Nutrition, University of Tetova, Tetovo. Study parameters are sensory properties, pH rate, soluble dry matter, turbidity, total acidity. The results obtained showed slight variations but are characteristic of the fruit content in the juice

    Production of Vinegar Wine in Laboratory Conditions

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    During this study it is to produce wine vinegar. This study was intended to follow the effect of acetobacter on wine alcohols. Two types of wine with different alcoholic strengths were obtained in the study. It was followed for a 3-week period to lower pH values, respectively converting alcohol to acetic acid. The obtained results show that the lower pH value of wines with higher alcohol content (13%) has been slower compared with the lower alcohol percentage wine

    Effect of Environmental Factors on Microbiological Quality of Flour

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    The flours that are obtained by the grinding process have different qualities which affect the safety aspect of the flours. During the grinding process it is attempted to remove the epidermis which is microbiologically contaminated by the conditions of cultivation, harvesting, transportation and storage. Because it is a part of direct contact with the environment, this layer, although rich in nutritional value, must be removed to ensure product safety. Based on these data our study has focused on the microbiological qualities of different flours and the moisture of the product which has a very significant effect on the development of microorganisms. Samples The samples taken during this study were random in the market, different flours were analyzed: X1. Integral flour, X1 / 1. Flour type 400 of the same manufacturer, X2 Flour type 400. The study examined the product moisture ratio with the total number of microorganisms, molds and yeasts