626 research outputs found

    The desing of information elements in urban areas; a case study at Izmir, Kemeraltı

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, City and Regional Planning, Izmir, 1999Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 114-119)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxi, 212 leavesToday, one of the biggest problems of our cities is the visual pollution and confusion, which is caused by signage because of the absence of a regulation or a special authorized institution. To prevent this visual pollution, the commercial signage must be examined carefully. This research aims to study the problems about signage and sign planning process, in respect with the regulation examples that are valid for both, in foreign countries and Turkiye, as well as to offer a regulation example in the historical city center of izmir; Kemeraltl in accordance with registered buildings as a case study

    The Translator’s ‘Magic’ Wand: Harry Potter’s Journey from English into French

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    Much has been written about the international phenomenon that the Harry Potter series has become and inevitably about the translations that contributed to its success. Eirlys E. Davis’s comparative analysis of some of these translations in particular shows dissimilarities between the strategies adopted in different languages and presents individual translators’ choices as inconsistent.This paper deals almost exclusively with the French translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and reveals that, in the light of the ideological and cultural reality of the receiving corpus, patterns of translation techniques do appear. This paper looks at the transformative strategies and their effects in the target text, first focusing on the treatment of alien British values. Their transformation and disappearance indicate the need to produce a text morally suitable for its assumed readership: French youngsters. Indeed, it seems that the skopos of the target text – being read by French children – determined the translator’s decisions not only to smooth down extreme British otherness but also to reinforce the fantasy of Harry Potter’s world.Indeed, the French creates an utterly “other” world by strengthening its fantastic and magical aspects while undermining the sense of familiarity and credibility of the community portrayed. The shift from a child’s perspective in the original to an adult’s in the translation leads to numerous omissions of banal and realistic details, weakening the realness of the setting and the protagonists.I give textual and extra-textual examples of these transformative strategies which ultimately reduced Harry Potter Ă  l’école des sorciers to a fairy tale and shaped the way it was perceived and received in France.On a beaucoup Ă©crit sur le phĂ©nomĂšne international de la sĂ©rie Harry Potter et inĂ©vitablement sur les traductions qui ont contribuĂ© Ă  son succĂšs. En particulier, l’analyse comparative de quelques-unes de ces traductions par Eirlys E. Davis montre des dissimilitudes entre les stratĂ©gies adoptĂ©es dans diffĂ©rentes langues et donne aux choix des traducteurs une apparence d’inconsistance.Cet article se consacre presque exclusivement Ă  la traduction française de Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone et rĂ©vĂšle qu’en tenant compte de la rĂ©alitĂ© idĂ©ologique et culturelle du corpus d’arrivĂ©e, certaines constantes apparaissent. Cet article explore les stratĂ©gies transformatives et leurs effets dans le texte d’arrivĂ©e, en se concentrant en premier lieu sur les valeurs Ă©trangĂšres britanniques. Leur transformation et leur disparition indiquent un besoin de produire un texte moralement adĂ©quat pour son lectorat prĂ©sumé : la jeunesse française. En effet, il semble que le skopos du texte d’arrivĂ©e – ĂȘtre lu par des enfants français – ait dĂ©terminĂ© les dĂ©cisions du traducteur de non seulement faire disparaĂźtre l’extrĂȘme altĂ©ritĂ© britannique mais aussi de renforcer la nature fantastique du monde de Harry Potter.Le texte français crĂ©e ainsi un monde complĂštement « autre » en exagĂ©rant les aspects magiques et fĂ©eriques tout en affaiblissant le sentiment de familiaritĂ© et de crĂ©dibilitĂ© de la communautĂ© dont il est question. Le changement de perspective, de celle d’un enfant dans l’original Ă  celle d’un adulte dans la traduction, aboutit Ă  de nombreuses omissions de dĂ©tails banals et rĂ©els, diminuant le rĂ©alisme du dĂ©cor et des protagonistes.Exemples textuels et extratextuels Ă  l’appui, j’expose ces stratĂ©gies transformatives qui, en dĂ©finitive, ont rĂ©duit Harry Potter Ă  l’école des sorciers Ă  un conte de fĂ©es et ont influencĂ© la maniĂšre dont l’oeuvre fut perçue et reçue en France

    Modélisation des couplages électrothermo-fluidiques des composants en boßtier press-pack. Application à l'Integrated Gate Commutated Thyristor 4,5kV - 4kA.

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    La tempĂ©rature est un paramĂštre fondamental pour la bonne utilisation des composants semiconducteurs. Dans les convertisseurs statiques utilisĂ©s dans la gamme du MW, les puissances dissipĂ©es dans les semi conducteurs sont de l'ordre du kW. Une analyse thermique de l'assemblage semi-conducteur/dissipateur est donc indispensable pour comprendre les phĂ©nomĂšnes et les limitations entrant en jeu dans le fonctionnement. Il faut notamment ĂȘtre capable de dĂ©terminer la tempĂ©rature maximale de fonctionnement (jusqu'Ă  150°C admissible pour le silicium) et d'Ă©tudier les ondulations de tempĂ©rature qui influent directement sur la durĂ©e de vie du composant. Les phĂ©nomĂšnes thermiques prĂ©sents dans un composant ne peuvent pas ĂȘtre dissociĂ©s des phĂ©nomĂšnes Ă©lectriques (dissipation) et fluidique (refroidissement). Une mĂ©thode de modĂ©lisation Ă©lectro-thermo-fluidique a donc Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©e. L'assemblage press-pack d'un IGCT (Integrated Gate Commutated Thyristor) 4.5kV 4kA dans une cellule de commutation a Ă©tĂ© modĂ©lisĂ© en prenant en compte le systĂšme de refroidissement. Dans la structure press-pack Ă  technologie flottante de l'IGCT, les rĂ©sistances thermiques de contact contribuent pour une grande partie Ă  la rĂ©sistance thermique jonction boĂźtier. Une estimation de ces rĂ©sistances a donc Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e Ă  partir d'une mesure profilomĂ©trique et d'une mesure directe. Pour valider la mĂ©thodologie de modĂ©lisation et recaler le modĂšle, des mesures thermiques, Ă©lectriques et fluidiques ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es sur un composant fonctionnant dans sa cellule de commutation. Le dernier chapitre prĂ©sente des applications du modĂšle dĂ©veloppĂ© avec notamment une Ă©tude de l'influence du sens de circulation de l'eau dans le systĂšme de refroidissement des IGCT et une Ă©tude des variations de tempĂ©rature sur un cycle de fusion d'un four Ă  arc. ABSTRACT : Temperature is an important parameter when you use semi-conductors. In the multi MW power converters the semiconductor losses are upper than kW. The thermal analyzes of the semiconductor package and cooling system must be performed to understand the thermal limitations. The maximal temperature can not be upper than 150°C for silicium components. The temperature variations have an impact on the component life time. The thermal phenomena in the power electronic component can not be dissociated with the electric phenomena (losses) and fluidic phenomena (cooling). An electro-thermo- fluidic modelling method has been elaborated. The method is used to study an IGCT (Integrated Gate commutated Thyristor) 4.5kV 4kA in the switching cell with his water cooling system. The IGCT use a press-pack floating mount package technology. The thermal contact resistances have an important impact on the heat transfer in the package. The thermal contact resistances have been estimated with a profilometric measure and a direct measure. To validate the method and tune the model, thermal, electric and fluidic measurements are performed in an IGCT in MW switching operation. The last chapter introduces the model applications. The model is used to study the water flow direction in the IGCT cooling system. Transient simulations are used to study the temperature fluctuation on an arc furnace melting cycle

    Low temperature hydrogenation and hydrodeoxygenation of oxygen-substituted aromatics over Rh/silica: part 1 - phenol, anisole and 4-methoxyphenol

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    The hydrogenation and competitive hydrogenation of anisole, phenol and 4-methoxyphenol was studied in the liquid phase over a Rh/silica catalyst at 323 K and 3 barg hydrogen pressure. The rate of conversion of the reactants to products gave an order of anisole ≫ phenol > 4-methoxyphenol with hydrogenation and hydrodeoxygenation products being produced. Anisole, the most reactive substrate, was rapidly converted to methoxycyclohexane, cyclohexane, cyclohexanone and cyclohexanol, while phenol was hydrogenated to cyclohexanone, cyclohexanol and cyclohexane. In both cases cyclohexanol was produced as a secondary product from cyclohexanone hydrogenation. The yield of cyclohexane, the hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) product was > 20% from both reactants and was formed as a primary product from the aromatic species. Hydrogenation of 4-methoxyphenol was selective to 4-methoxycyclohexanone with no alcohol formation, while the hydrogenolysis products revealed that the catalyst was more active for demethoxylation than dehydroxylation. A comparative strength of adsorption was determined from competitive hydrogenation and gave an order of anisole > phenol > 4-methoxyphenol. Competitive, pair hydrogenation inhibited HDO and stopped cyclohexane from being produced from phenol and 4-methoxyphenol, although it was still produced from anisole. An increased rate of hydrogenation for 4-methoxyphenol was observed for competitive reactions with phenol and anisole but not when all three reactants were present. In contrast to the pair reactions, when all three reactants were present HDO occurred with all aromatics producing cyclohexane. Replacing hydrogen with deuterium revealed an inverse kinetic isotope effect for ring hydrogenation of 4-methoxyphenol but not phenol or anisole, which both had a positive KIE

    Genre and gender in translation: the poetological and ideological rewriting of heroine-centred and women-oriented fiction

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    This thesis examines the impact of poetics and ideology on the French translations of eight contemporary heroine-centred and women-oriented fictional texts (including Helen Fielding’s Bridget Jones’s Diary). Using a systemic and descriptive framework (Toury 1995) as well as works on manipulation in translation (Lefevere 1992)(Venuti 1998), I explore the various ways in which these generically hybrid and ideologically complex texts have been rewritten according to the dominant poetics and ideology of the French roman sentimental. Interviews undertaken with editors and translators identify the perceived appeal of these texts to the French market: their romantic plot. As a comparative analysis of originals and translations reveals, this resulted in specific translational strategies regarding gender representations, notably poetological elements subverting a dominant model of romantic femininity. This thesis sheds light on the subtle differences between French and Anglo-American generic traditions and gender ideologies and its contribution is three-fold. Firstly, it adds to an emerging body of case studies which examine poetological and ideological revisions in the French translations of heroine-centred and womenoriented fictional texts (Cossy 2004, 2006, 2006a)(Le Brun 2003). Secondly, as the selection of a thematically – rather than formally – linked corpus of texts is still relatively uncommon in translation and intercultural studies, this thesis advances a new paradigm in the analysis of poetics and ideology in translation (Munday 2008): a self-reflexive approach which favours transversal examinations of specific aspects in thematically linked corpora. Thirdly, this study suggests that if women’s entertainment, produced and translated for mass consumption, reaches a broad audience worldwide and plays an important part in women’s socialisation, interdisciplinary studies of translations across forms can constitute a useful way of detecting the unspoken gender values of the cultures for which and by which they are produced

    Making accident data compatible with ITS-based traffic management: Turkish case

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    One of the most important reasons of the high rate of accidents would largely lend itself to ineffective data collection and evaluation process since the necessary information cannot be obtained effectively from the traffic accidents reports (TAR). The discord and dealing with non-relevant data may appear at four levels: (1) Country and Cultural, (2) Institutional and organizational, (3) Data collection, (4) Data analysis and Evaluation. The case findings are consistent with this knowledge put forward in the literature; there is a transparency problem in coordination between the institutions as well as the inefficient TAR data, which is open to manipulation; the problem of under-reporting and inappropriate data storage prevails before the false statistical evaluation methods. The old-fashioned data management structure causes incompatibility with the novel technologies, avoiding timely interventions in reducing accidents and alleviating the fatalities. Transmission of the data to the interest agencies for evaluation and effective operation of the ITS-based systems should be considered. The problem areas were explored through diagnoses at institutional, data collection, and evaluation steps and the solutions were determined accordingly for the case city of Izmir.The Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Institut

    PGX Technology: Novel tailor-made and tuneable Delivery Systems for poorly water-soluble Bioactives

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    The delivery of poorly water-soluble bioactives, including active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and nutraceutical components is of great interest for existing drugs and new drug developments, cosmetic formulations, functional foods and nutraceuticals. This article presents a novel patented technology called PGX Technology, which utilizes pressurized gas expanded (PGX) liquids to dry, micronize, purify and functionalize water-soluble polymers. PGX Technology can generate open-porous nanostructured polymer carriers composed of one or several water-soluble polymers forming powders, granules, nano-fibrils, aerogels and exfoliated nano-composites with specific surface areas (SSA) ranging from tens to several hundred m2/g. Such mesoporous water-soluble carrier systems can be impregnated with a bioactive by means of adsorptive precipitation, utilizing supercritical carbon dioxide, leading to the uniform deposition of nano-scale particles (<120 nm) throughout the porous matrix, forming a bioactive-polymer complex, for example coenzyme Q10 on ÎČ-glucan (CoQ10-iBG). A nano-dispersion of CoQ10 is formed when such CoQ10-iBG complex is dissolved in water, which is stable over 6 months at room temperature. The bioavailability of the CoQ10-iBG complex tested in rats compared favorably with a positive control (CoQ10 in triolein) and a commercial CoQ10-cyclodextrin complex

    Genetic survey of shallow populations of the Mediterranean red coral [ Corallium rubrum (Linnaeus, 1758)]: new insights into evolutionary processes shaping nuclear diversity and implications for conservation

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    International audienceCombined action from over-harvesting and recent mass mortality events potentially linked to ongoing climate changes has led to new concerns for the conservation of shallow populations (5-60 m) of Corallium rubrum, an octocorallian that is mainly found in the Mediterranean Sea. The present study was designed to analyse population structure and relationships at different spatial scales (from 10s of meters to 100s of kilometres) with a focus on dispersal pattern. We also performed the first analysis of the distribution of genetic diversity using a comparative approach between regional-clusters and samples. Forty populations dwelling in four distinct regions between 14 and 60 m in depth were genotyped using 10 microsatellites. Our main results indicate (i) a generalized pair-sample differentiation combined with a weak structure between regional-clusters; (ii) the occurrence of isolation by distance at the global scale, but also within two of the three analysed regional-clusters; (iii) a high level of genetic diversity over the surveyed area with a heterogeneous distribution from regional-cluster to sample levels. The evolutionary consequences of these results are discussed and their management implications are provided

    Numérique et libertés : un nouvel ùge démocratique

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    InstallĂ©e en juin 2014 par le PrĂ©sident de l\u27AssemblĂ©e nationale, la commission de rĂ©flexion sur le droit et les libertĂ©s Ă  l\u27Ăąge du numĂ©rique prĂ©sente 100 propositions concernant les enjeux liĂ©s au numĂ©rique : instauration d\u27un droit de savoir par la mise Ă  disposition de tous des informations d\u27intĂ©rĂȘt public ; renforcement de la protection des lanceurs d\u27alerte ; dĂ©fense de la libertĂ© d\u27expression Ă  l\u27Ăšre du numĂ©rique en prĂ©servant la loi de 1881 sur la libertĂ© de la presse et la place du juge garant de cette libertĂ© ; renforcement de la protection des droits fondamentaux face Ă  l\u27utilisation des donnĂ©es par des acteurs publics ou privĂ©s et Ă  la maĂźtrise par les individus de leurs informations personnelles ; reconnaissance de nouvelles garanties - droit d\u27accĂšs, neutralitĂ©, loyautĂ© - jugĂ©es indispensables Ă  l\u27exercice des libertĂ©s Ă  l\u27Ăšre numĂ©rique ; reconnaissance en droit des communs et du domaine public informationnels
