3 research outputs found

    Quantitative and qualitative study of thermal waters of the Algerian Northeast

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    Au Nord-Est de l’AlgĂ©rie, les sources thermales se situent dans une rĂ©gion de 53 500 kmÂČ de surface, qui s’étend sur une largeur de 473 km d’Ouest en Est, de Bejaia Ă  El-Kala (frontiĂšre tunisienne), et sur une distance de 190 km du Nord au Sud. Elle comprend sept principales unitĂ©s gĂ©ologiques (nappes Telliennes, Chaine Calcaire, NĂ©ritiques, Sud Constantinois, Allochtone Sud-SĂ©tifien, Parautochtone Autochtone, flysch). Cette thĂšse rĂ©pond Ă  un besoin de l’office national du tourisme AlgĂ©rien qui souhaite en premier lieu la crĂ©ation de base de donnĂ©es regroupant plusieurs informations sur les sources, afin de faciliter le choix d’implantation d’infrastructures dĂ©diĂ©es au tourisme thermal.Le contexte gĂ©ologique est marquĂ© par une structure gĂ©ologique mise en place par des Ă©pisodes tectoniques (orogĂ©nĂšse Alpine) d’ñge Priabonien Ă  Turtonien. A ces Ă©vĂ©nements, succĂšdent de grandes failles et des structures compressives. La mĂ©thodologie choisie pour dĂ©terminer l’origine de la minĂ©ralisation de ces eaux thermales s'appuie sur la synthĂšse des diffĂ©rentes Ă©tudes gĂ©ophysiques et les recherches antĂ©rieures rĂ©alisĂ©es sur cette zone. Elles qui ont permis de prĂ©ciser les structures et les caractĂ©ristiques gĂ©ologiques gĂ©nĂ©rales des domaines du Nord Est AlgĂ©rien dont la sismicitĂ© actuelle. L'analyse hydro-gĂ©o-chimique des eaux thermales constitue l'axe principal afin de dĂ©terminer les zones de recharge et les apports de mĂ©lange entre les diffĂ©rents types d’eaux chaudes et froides. Elle dĂ©bouche sur l'utilisation des diffĂ©rents gĂ©othermomĂštres pour dĂ©terminer la tempĂ©rature du rĂ©servoir profond.L’approche hydrochimique engagĂ©e repose sur deux campagnes de prĂ©lĂšvements qui ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es dans le cadre de ce travail ; la premiĂšre a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e dans la pĂ©riode des basses eaux au mois de septembre Ă  octobre 2014, et l’autre a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e dans la pĂ©riode des hautes eaux au mois de mai 2015. L'Ă©tude repose sur les mesures de terrain des paramĂštres chimiques et physiques non conservatifs (tempĂ©rature, pH, conductivitĂ© Ă©lectrique) et sur l'analyse des Ă©lĂ©ments majeurs, des traces, et de plusieurs isotopes (Âč⁞O, ÂČH, ÂłH, ÂčÂłC, Âč⁎C).Les diagrammes binaires et les traitements ACP menĂ©s sur les sources, dont un pourcentage Ă©levĂ© jalonne les grand accidents (failles), ont permis de distinguer 4 groupes d’eau gĂ©ochimiquesUn groupe d’eaux (HCO₃⁻-CaÂČâș) trĂšs peu minĂ©ralisĂ©es se caractĂ©rise par des eaux ayant circulĂ© dans des rĂ©servoirs carbonatĂ©s. Un second (HCO₃⁻-Naâș) montre des phĂ©nomĂšnes d’échange de base entre l’eau et les niveaux argileux. Un troisiĂšme (Cl⁻-Naâș) ou (SO₄ÂČ⁻-Naâș) montre un enrichissement en Na et Cl, qui traduit des circulations profondes avec Ă©change chimique avec la matrice rocheuse sĂ©dimentaire Ă©vaporitique. Le dernier groupe (SO₄ÂČ⁻-CaÂČâș) ou (Cl⁻-CaÂČâș) a acquis sa minĂ©ralisation dans des formations Triasiques.Pas de rĂ©sum

    Qualitative and Comparative Study of Different Methods of Interpolation for the Mapping of Groundwater Salinity: Case Study of Thermal Waters Used for Irrigation in Northeastern Algeria

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    International audienceFaced with the scarcity of surface water accentuated by climate change, particularly in many arid and semi-arid countries, the quality of groundwater used for irrigation is a concern to agronomists and hydrogeologists. When these waters are of deep origin, they may have high mineralization and chemical compositions unsuitable for irrigation; in particular, they may alter soils and crops. It is therefore important to optimize the spatial estimation of the salinity of these waters and contribute to better knowledge of their quality, through an adapted and robust statistical and geostatistical approach. In the case of north-eastern Algeria, the objective of this study is to characterize the quality of deep waters and to test two interpolation methods (Inverse distance weight and ordinary Kriging) of their electrical conductivity (EC) as an indicator of their salinity and of the risk of damaging irrigated soils. 51 groundwater samples were taken in this region where there are many thermal springs, the water of which is used for irrigation and often is highly mineralized (EC between 0.6 and 26.6 dS/m). The geology is composed of karstic rocks crossed by large faults that allow deep water to rise. Based on major elements contents, analysis of the hydrochemical facies of these waters shows that the main facies are hyperchlorinated sodium (38%) and sulfated calcium (32%). The RSC (Residual Sodium Carbonate) and SAR (Irrigation water salt) indexes were used to assess the water quality. The results indicate that the majority of the sampled groundwater present a risk for soils irrigated with these waters (almost 1/3 presents a strong risk). The risk for the soils seems to be explained by the positive value of the residual alkalinity, and the high risks of sodization and alkalinization. The geostatistical analysis reveals strong heterogeneity in electrical conductivity (salinity). The maps based on this analysis allow the identification of risk areas. The comparison of Inverse distance weight and ordinary Kriging methods indicates similar results being obtained through both methods. However, ordinary kriging appears to be more accurate, less biased, and seemingly better represents the organization of the groundwater resources, as NE-SW alignments are visible. With the proposed approach, it is possible to calculate the surface areas of the different salinity thresholds and then optimize the use of deep groundwater for irrigatio

    Characterization and Origin of karstic thermal waters of the Northeast of Algeria.

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    International audienceThe northeastern part of Algeria has numerous thermal karstic springs which present an economicalinterest for the national office of the Algerian tourism. This organization considers the setting-up ofinfrastructures dedicated to the thermal tourism. The springs are located in a region of a 535 000 kmCwhich extends from BejaĂŻa to El-Kala (Tunisian border). The geological context is marked by ageological structure inherited of the alpine tectonic episodes Priabonia n to Tortonian at the origin oflarge faults and thrust systems. An analysis of the hydrochemical char acteristics of these waters, hasbe realised, at the regional scale, mainly to determine the geotectonic factors being the cause of thechemical facies and rising, but also to identify one or several deep geothermal reservoirs. Twosampling campaigns were realized on 52 sites, one during low waters (September, 2014) and theother during high waters (May, 2015). The analysis concerned major and trace elements, and isotopes(O18, H2, H3, Sr87 Sr86). From binary diagrams and from ACP treatments, results allowed todiscriminate 4 geochemical groups of waters. (1) a HCO3-Ca type, slightly mineralized andcharacterizing hypothermal waters with fast circulations, (2) a HCO3-Na type, more mineralized andcharacterizing mesothermal waters with deeper circulations, marked by phenomena of base exchangebetween water and clay levels, (3) a Cl-Na type, characterizing hyperthermal waters with deepcirculations attested by chemical exchanges with sedimentary evaporite levels, finally (4) a SO4-Catype having acquired its mineralization in triassic formations. Furthermore, a high percentage (75%) ofhyper or mesothermal springs, with chloride or sulphate facies, are located along the large regionalfaults identified by geophysical investigation. These results will be clarified by the use of silicium andalkaline geothermometers and temperature estimation using saturation index