2 research outputs found

    Influence of Palm Sugar Water in the Native Chicken Performance

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    Abstract Palm sugar containing 66,18% sukrose is an additional source of energi quickly available to the chicken. A study to examine the effect of palm sugar in the native chicken performance was held in animal health training center, Cinagara-Bogor lasted from August until November 2012. This present experiment using 1274 native chicken that were kept starting DOC. Palm sugar concentrations given in the drinking water as much as one percent started to be given to the chcken when they were still DOC. After that, the palm sugar water was given continously intermittent interval by administering multivitamin. The control group was not given the palm sugar. Chicken aged 0 to 6 weeks were given palm sugar twice a day. After reaching over 6 weeks old, palm sugar water was only given onece a day. Result obtained showed that the administration of palm sugar water affected the increase in body weight gain, feed consumption and lower mortality as well. The result also showed that the FCR is lower than that of the control group until 6 weeks old

    Pengaruh Pemberian Air Gula Merah terhadap Performans Ayam Kampung Pedaging = Influence of Palm Sugar Water in the Native Chicken Performance

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    Palm sugar containing 66,18% sukrose is an additional source of energi quickly available to the chicken. A study to examine the effect of palm sugar in the native chicken performance was held in animal health training center, Cinagara-Bogor lasted from August until November 2012. This present experiment using 1274 native chicken that were kept starting DOC. Palm sugar concentrations given in the drinking water as much as one percent started to be given to the chcken when they were still DOC. After that, the palm sugar water was given continously intermittent interval by administering multivitamin. The control group was not given the palm sugar. Chicken aged 0 to 6 weeks were given palm sugar twice a day. After reaching over 6 weeks old, palm sugar water was only given onece a day. Result obtained showed that the administration of palm sugar water affected the increase in body weight gain, feed consumption and lower mortality as well. The result also showed that the FCR is lower than that of the control group until 6 weeks old. Gula merah yang mengandung 66.187% sukrosa, merupakan sumber tambahan energi cepat tersedia bagi ayam. Suatu pene1itianyang bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh pemberian gu1amerah terhadap performans ayam kampung pedaging telah dilaksanakan di Balai Besar Pelatihan Kesehatan Hewan Cinagara Bogor yang berlangsung sejak bu1anAgustus sampai dengan November 2012. Pada percobaan ini dipergunakan 1274ekor ayam kampung pedaging DK-1 mulai dari DOC. Konsentrasi gula merah yang diberikan dalam air minum adalah sebanyak 1% yang dimulai dari saatDOC datang. Sete1ahitu pemberian air gula merahdilanjutkan selang seling dengan pemberian multivitamin. Untukkelompok kontrol tidak dilakukanpemberian air gula merah sarna sekali. Pada ayam usia 0-6 minggu, air gula merah diberikan sebanyak dua kali sehari. Setelah usianya mencapai diatas 6 minggu, air gula merah hanya diberikan satu kali sehari. Hasil yang diperoleh memperlihatkan bahwa pemberian gula merah dalam air minum berpengaruh terhadap pertambahan bobot badan, peningkatan konsumsi makanan dan menurunkan tingkat mortalitas. Pemberian air gula merah pada ayam kampung pedaging juga menunjukkan FCR yang lebih keci1 dibandingkan dengan ke10mpokkontrol sampai dengan periode minggu keenam