287 research outputs found

    Time-delayed feedback control of coherence resonance near subcritical Hopf bifurcation: theory versus experiment

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    Using the model of a generalized Van der Pol oscillator in the regime of subcritical Hopf bifurcation we investigate the influence of time delay on noise-induced oscillations. It is shown that for appropriate choices of time delay either suppression or enhancement of coherence resonance can de achieved. Analytical calculations are combined with numerical simulations and experiments on an electronic circuit

    Chronotope of Engineering and Pedagogical Thinking

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    The article is devoted to engineering and pedagogical thinking as a kind of professional thinking that exists due to specific reasons and necessary and sufficient conditions. The “assembly” of these causes and conditions takes place in a certain time-and-place (chronotope), the conceptual reconstruction of which opens the way to overcoming the traditions of haphazard enumerative descriptions of various properties that have developed in the literature and to reaching the construction of the theory of engineering and pedagogical thinking, which, in turn, will help to reasonably update the content and organization of training engineers-teachers, on whom a lot depends in the near technological future of Russia. A review of the characteristics of engineering-pedagogical and related engineering and pedagogical thinking presented in scientific publications is proposed. It shows the need for greater certainty in understanding the nature, foundations, essence and features of heterogeneous engineering and pedagogical thinking. Heterogeneity requires actualization of the potential not only of pedagogy and technical sciences, but also of philosophy, cultural studies, sociology, and psychology. Such actualization shows the heuristic of the communicative interpretation of the nature and essence of thinking. In its light, engineering-pedagogical thinking appears simultaneously as an articulated and unarticulated, discrete and continuous communication of engineers-teachers with students, within which the competencies required by the profession and the impulse developing engineering and technical flair and ingenuity are transmitted, “infecting” (V. Shklovsky2) and charging them, thanks to which communication overcomes the boundaries of the chronotope, gaining continuum features, demonstrating its pulsating situational-suprasituative (corpuscular-wave) dualism. The scientific novelty lies in the justification, by the example of advancing to the theory of engineering and pedagogical thinking, of supplementing the competence approach with consideration of no less significant cultural and subcultural factors, including latent ones, which sometimes manifest themselves in very weak signals about the features of the chronotope of training engineers and technicians by engineers–teachers, not so much by virtue of official regulations as by virtue of singular acts of everyday life communication

    The Interaction of Plasma Sialylated and Desialylated Lipoproteins with Collagen from the Intima and Media of Uninvolved and Atherosclerotic Human Aorta

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    We have evaluated the binding of sialylated and desialylated lipoproteins to collagen isolated from the proteoglycan and musculoelastic layers of intima and media of uninvolved human aorta and atherosclerotic lesions. Comparing various collagen preparations from the uninvolved intima-media, the binding of sialylated apoB-containing lipoproteins was best to collagen from the intimal PG-rich layer. Binding of sialylated apoB-containing lipoproteins to collagen from this layer of fatty streak and fibroatheroma was 1.4- and 3.1-fold lower, respectively, in comparison with normal intima. Desialylated VLDL versus sialylated one exhibited a greater binding (1.4- to 3.0-fold) to all the collagen preparations examined. Desialylated IDL and LDL showed a higher binding than sialylated ones when collagen from the intimal layers of fibroatheroma was used. Binding of desialylated HDL to collagen from the intimal PG-rich layer of normal tissue, initial lesion, and fatty streak was 1.2- to 2.0-fold higher compared with sialylated HDL

    Conversion of the Organic Matter of Domanic Shale and Permian Bituminous Rocks in Hydrothermal Catalytic Processes

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    © 2017 American Chemical Society. Comparative studies of hydrothermal transformation of organic matter samples of bituminous rocks from Domanic and Permian deposits of the Tatarstan Republic (Russian Federation) have been carried out. The experiments have been taken at a temperature of 300 °C in a vapor-gas carbon dioxide environment, with a content of 30% water in the reactionary system and an initial pressure of carbon dioxide of 2 MPa. It is shown that the distinguishing features of the organic matter of the analyzed species according to thermal analysis data are most prominent in the loss of its mass at various temperature intervals. Also, changes take place in group and structural composition and hydrocarbon composition, which have an impact on the composition of the initial products of experiments. Hydrothermal effects on the Domanic rock sample result in the destruction of structural polymer fragments of kerogen. It results in an increase in the contents of asphaltenes and their modified structures in the form of carben-carboids, insoluble in solvents characteristic of asphaltenes, thus reducing the relative content of saturated hydrocarbons in the products of the experiment. Under similar hydrothermal conditions, changes in the physical composition of the Permian rock are less significant. For the investigation of activation processes of the transformation of organic matter of the Permian rock, an experiment was conducted using catalysts. As catalysts, a composition of oil-soluble iron(II), cobalt(II), and copper(II) carboxylates with an additive of propanol was used. The use of the catalyst has increased the output of light fractions and reduced the content of resins and asphaltenes as part of Permian rock

    Professional-Pedagogical Staff: New Training Techniques

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    The article deals with the issues of training professional and pedagogical personnel for the system of vocational education, analyzes the methods used to attract teaching staff in the USSR in the 1970s–1980s and in the system of intra-company corporate training in the modern period. Determining potential candidates for involvement in teaching activities in technical schools and colleges of the country, special emphasis is proposed to be placed on employees of industrial enterprises as well as winners and prizewinners of professional skills championships. The involvement of such categories of personnel requires the development of innovative education techniques that allow to eliminate professional deficits in the field of pedagogical and psychological knowledge effectively and in the shortest possible time. The personalized learning model is presented.Рассмотрены вопросы подготовки профессионально-педагогических кадров для системы профессионального образования, проанализированы используемые методы привлечения педагогического персонала в СССР в 1970–1980 гг. и в системе внутрифирменного корпоративного обучения в современный период. При определении потенциальных кандидатов для привлечения к педагогической деятельности в техникумах и колледжах страны особый акцент предлагается делать на работников производственных предприятий, а также победителей и призеров чемпионатов по профессиональному мастерству. Обозначена проблема привлечения таких категорий работников, требующая разработки инновационных образовательных технологий, которые позволяют эффективно и в максимально короткие сроки устранят профессиональные дефициты в области педагогического и психологического знания. Приведена модель персонализированного обучения

    Toolkit for Simulation Modeling of Logistics Warehouse in Distributed Computing Environment

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    We address an important problem of an automation of logistics warehouses simulation modeling in distributed service-oriented computing environments. To this end, we propose new approach for adjusting management system parameters of real warehouse in production use. It is based on the integration of the conceptual, wireframe and service-oriented programming used to develop parameter sweep applications and data analysis in the simulation modeling process. We develop a toolkit for supporting modeling of warehouse logistics. The practical experiments are focused upon the refrigerated warehouse. The developed application demonstrates high efficiency and scalability for optimizing nine criteria to cope with different production demands.The study was supported by the Russian Foundation of Basic Research, projects no. 15-29-07955 and no. 16-07-00931, and Program 1.33P of fundamental research of Presidium RAS, project “Development of new approaches to creation and study of complex models of information-computational and dynamic systems with applications”

    Novel selective antagonist radioligands for the pharmacological study of A2B adenosine receptors

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    The adenosine A2B receptor is the least well characterized of the four adenosine subtypes due to the lack of potent and selective agonists and antagonists. Despite the widespread distribution of A2B receptor mRNA, little information is available with regard to their function. The characterization of A2B receptors, through radioligand binding studies, has been performed, until now, by using low-affinity and non-selective antagonists like 1,3-dipropyl-8-cyclopentylxanthine ([3H]DPCPX),(4-(2-[7-amino-2-(2-furyl)-[1,2,4]triazolo-[2,3-a][1,3,5]triazin-5-ylamino]ethyl)-phenol ([3H]ZM 241385) and 3-(3,4-aminobenzyl)-8-(4-oxyacetate)phenyl-1-propyl-xanthine ([125I]ABOPX). Recently, high-affinity radioligands for A2B receptors, [N-(4-cyanophenyl)-2-[4-(2,3,6,7-tetrahydro-2,6-dioxo-1,3-dipropyl-1H-purin-8-yl)-phenoxy]acetamide ([3H]MRS 1754), N-(2-(2-Phenyl-6-[4-(2,2,3,3-tetratritrio-3-phenylpropyl)-piperazine-1-carbonyl]-7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-ylamino)-ethyl)-acetamide ([3H]OSIP339391) and N-benzo[1,3]dioxol-5-yl-2-[5-(1,3-dipropyl-2,6-dioxo-2,3,6,7-tetrahydro-1H-purin-8-yl)-1-methyl-1H-pyrazol-3-yloxy]-acetamide] ([3H]MRE 2029F20), have been introduced. This minireview offers an overview of these recently developed radioligands and the most important applications of drugs towards A2B receptors

    Учет ограничений по продольной динамике при регулировании пускового режима электропоездов

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    Application of non-contact soft regulation for electric train requires control of traction drive taking into account the restrictions on longitudinal dynamics, i. e. the intensity of increase in traction of train’s acceleration when it starts moving. This task is solved in a control system using a master element that implements restrictions on the intensity of acceleration growth. A block diagram is shown that provides the implementation of this criterion on digital elements.Применение плавного бесконтактного регулирования для электропоездов требует управления тяговым приводом с учетом ограничений по продольной динамике, то есть по интенсивности нарастания силы тяги ускорения поезда при его трогании. Эта задача решается в системе управления с помощью задающего элемента, реализующего ограничения по интенсивности нарастания ускорения. Приведена блок-схема, обеспечивающая реализацию этого критерия на цифровых элементах

    A novel chromatin-remodeling complex variant, dcPBAF, is involved in maintaining transcription in differentiated neurons

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    The Polybromo-associated BAF (BRG1- or BRM-associated factors) (PBAF) chromatin-remodeling complex is essential for transcription in mammalian cells. In this study, we describe a novel variant of the PBAF complex from differentiated neuronal cells, called dcPBAF, that differs from the canonical PBAF existing in proliferating neuroblasts. We describe that in differentiated adult neurons, a specific subunit of PBAF, PHF10, is replaced by a PHF10 isoform that lacks N- and C-terminal domains (called PHF10D). In addition, dcPBAF does not contain the canonical BRD7 subunit. dcPBAF binds promoters of the actively transcribed neuron-specific and housekeeping genes in terminally differentiated neurons of adult mice. Furthermore, in differentiated human neuronal cells, PHF10D-containing dcPBAF maintains a high transcriptional level at several neuron-specific genes