329 research outputs found

    Old wishes and voices: All speaking within the quiet

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    'Bushcraft' and 'Indigenous Knowledge': transformations of a concept in the modern world

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    The relationship between 'bushcraft' and 'indigenous knowledge' is investigated through a historical review, an examination of ethnographic literature, fieldwork amongst bushcraft practitioners, and through original case studies. Fieldwork was carried out in Sweden, the USA, and the UK. Case studies of the Saami 'kuksa', the 'figure 4' deadfall trap, and making fire by friction are used to explore a number of themes in the contemporary bushcraft world: the role of skilled-practice, ethical values, notions of an individually experienced connection with nature, practice as a personal transformative experience, and as an intersubjective relationship between practitioner and craft engagement with the material affordances in the landscape. It is argued that motivations for practice foreground a relationship with an environmental experience that counters 'alienation' through the development of techniques required to spend un-insulated time in nature which counter modern Western technocratic lifestyles. Bushcraft destabilises apparently similar categories of activity, particularly tourism, outdoor adventure recreation and education, historical re-enactment and survivalism

    A new hotspot for Temminck’s Red Colobus (Piliocolobus badius temminckii) in The Gambia: the feasibility of a community approach to conservation

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    The geographic range and abundance of Temminck’s red colobus, Piliocolobus badius temminckii, in The Gambia is not well documented. In March 2019, line transect surveys were conducted at a number of data deficient forests in The Gambia to establish species presence or absence, contribute to a greater understanding of the species at a national scale and identify prior- ity sites for conservation. One area around Sambel Kunda in the Central River Region was found to be exceptionally productive with an observed Temminck’s red colobus population of 587 individuals, a maximum group size of 60, and connectivity to robust populations along a riparian corridor to the east. Surveys were supported by the collation of community perceptions using prin- ciples of Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) methodology to evaluate the feasibility of an integrated community development and primate conservation project. The results of interviews and meetings in the Sambel Kunda area revealed an absence of hunting and increasing population trends for all primate species, including red colobus. Excepting the Central River Region, Temminck’s red colobus populations were otherwise in decline or locally extinct, predominantly as a result of indiscriminate hunting to protect agricultural crops. Meetings with the Village Development Committees confirmed that the greatest proximal threat to red colobus in the study area was the rapid escalation in forest clearance to produce charcoal for local markets and timber for export to offset climate-change-induced declines in agricultural revenues. Local Gambians are aware that they urgently need to adopt sustainable forestry practices to mitigate climate change impacts and protect timber and non-timber resources but are currently unsure how they would develop and implement such a model. Given the uncertainty and complex nature of the range-wide threats facing the red colobus populations, we suggest prioritizing the Sambel Kunda area as a site of international importance for the protection and recovery of this Critically Endangered species. A community approach to the conservation of red colobus in the Sambel Kunda area should be implemented without delay through site designation, capacity building for biodiversity monitoring, sustainable for- estry practices, community engagement and education and by growing awareness of Temminck’s red colobus as a flagship species

    Bushcraft Education as Radical Pedagogy

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    Bushcraft emerged from indigenous knowledge with a skill-base used for military, commercial and recreational purposes. We identify it as embodied contextual learning, for and with the environment, arising from a deep inter-subjective relationship with the natural world. This focus suggests a ‘conscientization’ developing a critical awareness, transformative of society’s relationship with ecosystems and providing autonomous, individual learning. Bushcraft education has gained in popularity in recent years and we seek to problematise and define its educational identity as it appears rarely in mainstream or outdoor education. Accordingly, we suggest that bushcraft education shares some of the aims of radical education, signalled by the transformative purpose in which radical pedagogies are positioned, normally situated outside mainstream formal education. We conclude that bushcraft education may have global significance as radical pedagogy, progressing deeper understandings of the relationship between self and nature, and in transdisciplinary thinking supporting our response to current environmental crises

    Wild pedagogies: its potential for changing perceptions and experiences of nature

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    Chris Loynes presents at this event Nature Connection 2019, the 5th Nature Connection conference, entitled 'Beyond contact with nature to connection'. The conference aims to share the latest research evidence on the links between nature connectedness, wellbeing and pro-nature behaviours. Chris talks about wild pedagogy in relation to a 'Wild Ennerdale workshop'

    Rewilding: continuing the debate

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    University of Cumbria experts Dr Andrew Weatherall, Dr Lisa Fenton and Dr Ian Convery contributed a write up of their panel discussion on rewilding from the recent Timber Fest (three days of music, art and performance held in the heart of the National Forest to celebrate 'the transformative impact of forests'). The article featured online in the August 2019 edition of The Ecologist

    Poly(Limonene Thioether) Scaffold for Tissue Engineering

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    A photocurable thiol-ene network polymer, poly(limonene thioether) (PLT32o), is synthesized, characterized, fabricated into tissue engineering scaffolds, and demonstrated in vitro and in vivo. Micromolded PLT32o grids exhibit compliant, elastomeric mechanical behavior similar to grids made of poly(glycerol sebacate) (PGS), an established biomaterial. Multilayered PL32o scaffolds with regular, geometrically defined pore architectures support heart cell seeding and culture in a manner similar to multilayered PGS scaffolds. Subcutaneous implantation of multilayered PLT32o scaffolds with cultured heart cells provides long-term 3D structural support and retains the exogenous cells, whereas PGS scaffolds lose both their structural integrity and the exogenous cells over 31 d in vivo. PLT32o membrane implants retain their dry mass, whereas PGS implants lose 70 percent of their dry mass by day 31. Macrophages are initially recruited to PLT32o and PGS membrane implants but are no longer present by day 31. Facile synthesis and processing in combination with the capability to support heart cells in vitro and in vivo suggest that PLT32o can offer advantages for tissue engineering applications where prolonged in vivo maintenance of 3D structural integrity and elastomeric mechanical behavior are required.United States. National Institutes of Health (R01-HL107503