55 research outputs found


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    Gli autori analizzano la figura professionale del preposto nell'ambito delle Strutture Sanitarie sottolineando le responsabilità ricadenti su detto operatore, anche alla luce di alcune sentenze della Cassazione (civile e penale), IV sezione. Vengono inoltre presentati i risultati di una indagine conoscitiva condotta mediante distribuzione di un questionario anonimo ai preposti di alcune Aziende Sanitarie Sicilian

    Competenze e limiti della nuova figura del mediatore di cui al D.Lgs. 28/2010

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    Gli autori dopo aver ripercorso l'iter normativo che ha introdotto in Italia l'Istituto della Mediazione/Conciliazione, delineano la figura del mediatore e le sue competenze nell'ambito della valutazione del danno da responsabilità civile, soffermandosi inoltre sulle specifiche competenze necessarie per il mediatore chiamato ad assolvere il suo ruolo in que casi ove la proposta conciliativa deve prevdere una valutazione della pretesa stessa, l'accertamento del nesso causale ed al contempo del quantum risarcitorio

    Infortunio Mortale in Edilizia e profili di responsabilit\ue0: analisi di una casistica

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    Sulla base di tre casi di infortunio mortale verificatisi nell'ambito dell'edilizia, gli autori hanno analizzato le problematiche connesse al mancato impiego dei DPI quali fattori favorenti il determinismo nonch\ue8 quale elemento di individuazione di possibile responsabilit\ue0 per le figure coinvolte

    Quality of life, insomnia and coping strategies during COVID-19 pandemic in hospital workers. A cross-sectional study

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    COVID-19 became a pandemic in a few months, leading to adverse health outcomes, reducing the quality of life, affecting the sleep/wake cycle, and altering coping strategies, especially among hospital personnel. Life quality, insomnia, and coping strategies were thus assessed among hospital personnel during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy. This cross-sectional study was conducted from May to November 2020 through an online survey. There were 558 participants (28.5% males and 71.5% females) enrolled in two different metropolitan areas (in North and South of Italy, respectively). Three standardized questionnaires were administered: European Quality of life–5 Dimensions (EQ-5D), Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS), and Brief COPE. Differences in sociodemographic characteristics and work-related factors were also investigated in order to identify possible predictors through a generalized linear model and logistic regression analysis. Results showed good perceived life quality and high insomnia prevalence. After sample stratification, the statistical analysis highlighted that personal (gender, age, educational level) and work-related factors (employment in COVID wards, remote working) played different roles in predicting quality of life, insomnia, and coping attitude. Active, Planning, and Acceptance were the most frequently adopted coping strategies. Despite women confirming their attitude in reacting to the difficulties, adopting emotion-focused coping strategies, they showed a higher probability to develop insomnia, so a gender perspective should be considered in the health protection of this working category. An integrated approach should be implemented at individual, interpersonal and organizational levels aiming to monitor psychological distress, favor regular sharing and communication between peers, and also allow conciliation of work with family life. At the organizational level, preventive and protective measures adequate to work-related risk to COVID-19 should be adopted

    Fluoro-edenite fibres induce lung cell apoptosis, an in vivo study

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    We previously showed that apoptosis in the lungs of sheep exposed to fluoro-edenite fibres is induced via the receptor pathway. The present study was performed to gain further insights into the mechanisms of activation of programmed cell death induced by the fibres. Fluoro-edenite fibres are similar in size and morphology to some amphibolic asbestos fibres. They have been found in benmoreitic lavas, in the local stone quarry, in building materials and in road paving at Biancavilla, a town in eastern Sicily (Italy), where epidemiological surveys revealed a cluster of mortality from pleural mesothelioma. Inhalation of asbestos fibres can cause chronic inflammation and carcinogenesis. Since fluoro-edenite has been shown to activate the apoptotic process, we set out to characterise the expression of apoptosis-regulating proteins in fluoroedenite- exposed lung disease and sought to determine if apoptosis results from fluoro-edenite exposure. Lung tissue from apparently healthy sheep habitually grazing near Biancavilla was processed for immunohistochemical localisation of bcl-2 and bax. Results showed epithelial and interstitial bax overexpression, especially in cells directly in contact with the fibres, and negative bcl-2 immunoexpression. TUNEL-positive cells were detected in alveoli and connective tissue. The integrity of alveolar epithelium and alveolar apoptosis are critical determinants in the pathways that initiate fibrogenesis in the lung and fibroblastic foci are usually found close to abnormal or denuded alveolar epithelium. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that apoptosis is an important mechanism for removing cells with irreparable fluoro-edenite-induced genetic changes that predispose them to a neoplastic evolution

    Spontaneous acute subdural hematomas. A clinical comparison with traumatic acute subdural hematomas.

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