4,102 research outputs found

    The edge engineering of topological Bi(111) bilayer

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    A topological insulator is a novel quantum state, characterized by symmetry-protected non-trivial edge/surface states. Our first-principle simulations show the significant effects of the chemical decoration on edge states of topological Bi(111) bilayer nanoribbon, which remove the trivial edge state and recover the Dirac linear dispersion of topological edge state. By comparing the edge states with and without chemical decoration, the Bi(111) bilayer nanoribbon offers a simple system for assessing conductance fluctuation of edge states. The chemical decoration can also modify the penetration depth and the spin texture of edge states. A low-energy effective model is proposed to explain the distinctive spin texture of Bi(111) bilayer nanoribbon, which breaks the spin-momentum orthogonality along the armchair edge.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Grey Critical Chain Project Scheduling Technique and Its Application

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    Based on the idea of Grey System and interval number coefficient notation, a Grey Critical Chain scheduling approach is studied. According to Grey system theory, the time of project or task completion can be considered as the object that extension is definite but intension is uncertain, which is coincident with the character of the project management. The Grey Critical Chain Scheduling Technique mainly aims at the single project time management, but the management idea can also be applied to the other knowledge areas of the project management. In this Technique, we improve the selection method of the buffer time in the Critical Chain, in order to obtain reasonable Feeding Buffer time and Project Buffer time. In this paper, we will use an example to discuss the Grey Critical Chain Scheduling Technique, compare Grey Critical Chain with Program Evaluation and Review Technique, Critical Chain and Fuzzy Critical Chain, analyze the advantages, disadvantages and applicable scope of their own. Key words: Critical Chain, Grey System, Interval Number, Schedule Management, Project Management Résumé: Sur la base de l’idée de Système Gris et la notation du coefficient de nombre d’intervalle, l’approche de pragrammtion d’une Chaîne Critique Grise est étudiée. Selon la théorie du Système Gris, le temps du projet ou de la tâche peut être considéré comme l’objet dont l’extention est définitive mais l’intention est incertaine, qui est conforme au caractère du management de projet. La Technique de Programmation de la Chaîne Critique Grise vise essentiellement le management du temps du projet simple, mais l’idée de management peut aussi être appliquée dans d’autres domaines du management de projet. Avec cette technique, nous améliorons la méthode de sélection du temps d’amortissement dans la Chaîne Critique afin d’obtenir le temps d’amortissement de l’alimentation raisonnable et le temps d’amortissement de projet. Dans l’article présent, nous allons utiliser un exemple pour discuter la Technique de Programmation de la Chaîne Critique Grise, comparer la Chaîne Critique Grise avec l’Evaluation du Programme et la Technique de révision, la Chaîne Critique et la Chaîne Critique Floue, et analyser leurs avantages, désavantages et champ d’application. Mots-Clés: Chaîne Critique, Système Gris, nombre d’intervalle, management de programme, management de proje

    Transport properties of dense deuterium-tritium plasmas

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    Consistent descriptions of the equation of states, and information about transport coefficients of deuterium-tritium mixture are demonstrated through quantum molecular dynamic (QMD) simulations (up to a density of 600 g/cm3^{3} and a temperature of 10410^{4} eV). Diffusion coefficients and viscosity are compared with one component plasma model in different regimes from the strong coupled to the kinetic one. Electronic and radiative transport coefficients, which are compared with models currently used in hydrodynamic simulations of inertial confinement fusion, are evaluated up to 800 eV. The Lorentz number is also discussed from the highly degenerate to the intermediate region.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Competence Set Expansion Decision-making Analysis Based on Important Degree Coefficient

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    The talented person competence is cultivated and expanded to the actual requisite competence set that has many competence subsets,then carrying on the arrangement of these many competences subset according to its important degree coefficient for providing powerful basis to get the optimal expansion process of expanding from the obtained competence set Sk(E) to the actual requisite competence set Tr(E).This article uses the fuzzy thought to get various competences subset important degree coefficient in the actual requisite competence set Tr(E). Key words: Expansion of competence set, Important degree coefficient, Decision analysis Résumé: La compétence douée de personne est cultivée et étendue à l’ensemble requis réel de compétence qui comprend beaucoup de sous-ensembles. On procède ensuite à la gestion de ces sous-ensembles de compétence selon leur coefficient de degré important pour fournir la base puissante, dans le but d’obtenir le processus d’expansion optimal de l’ensemble obtenu de compétence Sk(E) à l’ensemble requis réel de compétence Tr(E). Le présent article utilise des pensées brouillées pour obtenir le coefficient de degré important de l’ensemble de compétences variées dans l’ensemble requis réel de compétence Tr(E). Mots-Clés: expansion de l’ensemble de compétence, coefficient de degré important, analyse de décisio

    Bi- and tri-dentate imino-based iron and cobalt pre-catalysts for ethylene oligo-/polymerization

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    Recent progress on the use of iron and cobalt complex pre-catalysts for ethylene reactivity is reviewed. The review is organized in terms of the denticity of the chelate ligands employed, with particular reference to the influence of the ligand frameworks and their substituents on the catalytic performance for ethylene oligomerization/polymerization catalysis. The majority of the systems bear tri-dentate ligation at the iron/cobalt centre, though it is clear that bi-dentate iron/cobalt complex pre-catalysts have also attracted significant attention. Such systems produce in most cases highly linear products ranging from oligomeric α-olefins to high molecular weight polyethylene, and as such are promising candidates for both academic and industrial considerations
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