5 research outputs found
IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung von Geflüchteten : Überblick und erste Ergebnisse
Babka von Gostomski C, Böhm A, Brücker H, et al. IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung von Geflüchteten : Überblick und erste Ergebnisse. IAB-Forschungsbericht. Vol 14/2016. Nürnberg: IAB; 2016.With a representative and anonymous survey of in sum 4500 refugees, the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), the Socio-economic Panel (SOEP) at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) and the Research Centre on Migration, Integration and Asylum of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF-FZ) provide a unique and extensive dataset for analysing forced migration and the integration of refugees. The results of this IAB Research Report are based on a first part of the survey where more than 2300 refugees were asked in about 400 questions about various aspects of their lives. Among others they were asked about their characteristics in terms of education, vocational training and work experiences in home and transition countries, about the reasons they left their home countries and their experiences during their escape. Furthermore there have been questions about their attitudes, values and expectations regarding a living in Germany as well as about first experiences in Germany and about their social and labor market integration. Due to the chosen sample and by defining sample weights, the presented results are representative for the population of refugees coming to Germany from January 2013 to January 2016. 58 percent of the refugees attended ten or more years of school, vocational training or studies in their home countries, compared to 88 percent of the German population. 37 percent attended a secondary school, 31 percent some middle school, 10 percent attended only the first few years of school and nine percent did not attend any school. 31 percent attended tertiary, university or vocational education, whose 18 percent completed the study with a certificate. Furthermore, 73 percent of the refugees were employed (for on average 6.4 years) before coming to Germany. 46 percent of the refugees want to receive a school degree, 66 percent a vocational degree. Concerning associated values, there seem to exist many similarities to the German population. 96 percent of the refugees agree to the statement that a democracy is the best system of government. 92 percent think that equal rights for women and men is an important part of a democracy. However, differences exist concerning the statement “there will be problems when a women earns more money than her husband”: while 29 percent of refuges agreed to the statement, it have been only 19 percent among the German comparison group. As main reasons for leaving their home country, 70 percent of the respondents name personal threats of violent conflicts and war. Other main reasons were persecution (44 percent), discrimination (38 percent) and military forced recruitment (36 percent). In addition, bad personal living circumstances (39 percent) and the economic situation (32 percent) were often named reasons for leaving their home countrie
Flucht, Ankunft in Deutschland und erste Schritte der Integration
Brücker H, Rother N, Schupp J, et al. Flucht, Ankunft in Deutschland und erste Schritte der Integration. DIW Wochenbericht. 2016;2016(46):1103-1119
Forced Migration, Arrival in Germany, and First Steps toward Integration
Brücker H, Rother N, Schupp J, et al. Forced Migration, Arrival in Germany, and First Steps toward Integration. Vol 6. Deutsches Inst. für Wirtschaftsforschung; 2016.Notice: IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees in Germany: Revision of the DatasetThe Institute of Employment Research (IAB), the Information Centre for Asylum and Migration of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF-FZ), and the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) are currently working together on a longitudinal survey of refugees. The survey research institute Kantar Public (formerly TNS Infratest) has been commissioned to carry out the interviews. Kantar Public performs routine checks to ensure the quality of the survey. In preparation for the next round of interviews, Kantar Public found that one interviewer had not conducted interviews according to the established procedures. Six percent of the total household interviews were affected. To address this issue, the research institutes involved in the study asked an expert in survey research methodology who is not part of the project, Prof. Dr. Jörg-Peter Schräpler of Ruhr University Bochum, to evaluate the dataset for statistical anomalies. In cases where additional statistical anomalies were identified, the respondents were contacted again. All of these respondents confirmed that their interviews had been conducted properly. These comprehensive checks provided no indication that further irregularities had occurred in the process of conducting the survey. Kantar Public is currently assessing its quality control procedures and will take the necessary steps to improve quality control in its fieldwork processes and organization. Users of data from the IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees have been informed, and a revised version of the dataset will be provided to them soon. After rechecking the results of studies published thus far based on the survey data, we have determined that the basic conclusions of these studies still hold after the data revision. The deviations in the revised dataset are either within the margin of statistical error, or they result in only slight differences of a few percentage points compared to the previously released version of the data. Details on the revised results can be found on the IAB website at: http://doku.iab.de/grauepap/2017/Revidierter_Datensatz_der_IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung.pdf. The DIW publications affected by the data revision will be replaced with corrected versions in early 2018
Flucht, Ankunft in Deutschland und erste Schritte der Integration : IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung von Geflüchteten
Brücker H, Rother N, Schupp J, et al. Flucht, Ankunft in Deutschland und erste Schritte der Integration : IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung von Geflüchteten. BAMF-Kurzanalyse. Vol 5/2016. Nürnberg: BAMF; 2016