161 research outputs found

    Continuous stellate ganglion block in delayed cerebral ischemia: A possible supplementary approach to traditional therapy?

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    Delayed Cerebral Ischemia (DCI) is a major contributor to morbidity and mortality after SAH. Currently the prevention of vasospasm and DCI relies on nimodipine administration and on maintaining an adequate cerebral perfusion pressure. We report a patient with initial DCI after SAH in which stellate ganglion block (SGB) was performed after nimodipine administration. Firstly the procedure was characterized by a iv and intra-arterial nimodipine administration which did not result into a normal perfusion pattern. Therefore a single-shot stellate ganglion block was performed, as suggested in literature. Because of the not sufficient but promising perfusion improvement, we decided to deliver a continuous ganglion block (cSGB) for 5 days. Consequently a further improvement of the cerebral perfusion on CTPerfusion and Real Time Angiographic Perfusion Assessment was registered. In order to treat cerebral vasospasm, SGB is known to be a further valuable treatment, despite its temporary effect. However the continuous use of SGB during initial DCI has never been described before

    CO2-assisted hydrolytic hydrogenation of cellulose and cellulose-based waste into sorbitol over commercial Ru/C

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    A single-step protocol was developed for the hydrolytic hydrogenation of microcrystalline cellulose into sorbitol over commercial carbon-supported Ru, in the presence of gaseous CO2 as an acid source and molecular hydrogen as a reductant. Under these conditions, cellulose was first hydrolysed to glucose by reversibly formed carbonic acid in water and then instantaneously hydrogenated on Ru/C. By tuning the reaction parameters, such as temperature, time and the relative pressure of CO2 and hydrogen gas, cellulose was fully converted at 220 & DEG;C in 18 h under 30 and 40 bar of H-2 and CO2, respectively, with a sorbitol yield of 81%. Blank experiments revealed that without a catalyst and hydrogen, the reaction exhibited <5% conversion and glucose was the only detected product when the reaction was performed under CO2 pressure. XRD measurements on CO2-treated cellulose surprisingly revealed no noticeable changes in the crystallinity index (<10% with respect to microcrystalline cellulose), suggesting that hydrolytic hydrogenation took place on crystalline, not amorphous, cellulose. Furthermore, not only several cellulosic feedstocks, including filter paper, cotton wool, and cotton fiber, but also typical cellulose-based wastes such as a cardboard pizza box were also tested and under the optimized conditions sorbitol was obtained with yields ranging from 56% up to 72% in all cases. No less significant was the Ru/C catalyst stability, which could be recycled at least six times without any noticeable activity loss

    A year-round measurement of water-soluble trace and rare earth elements in arctic aerosol: Possible inorganic tracers of specific events

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    This study presents the year-round variability of the water-soluble fraction of trace elements (wsTE) and rare earth elements (wsREE) among size segregated airborne particulate matter samples collected at Ny-Å lesund in the Svalbard Archipelago from 26 February 2018 to 26 February 2019. Six different aerosol dimensional fractions were collected using a multi-stage Andersen impactor to better understand local and global circulation with the aim of disentangling the source of inorganic tracers from specific natural or anthropogenic sources. The wsTE and wsREE content, especially in the finest fractions in remote areas, is primarily related to long-range transport and it gives valuable information on (1) the global circulation, (2) the natural sources and (3) the contribution of human activities to aerosol composition. A Factor Analysis was applied to the dataset, including levoglucosan and methanesulfonic acid (MSA), to assess the possibility of using certain inorganic tracers as indicators of specific transport events or circulation regimes. We also investigate back-trajectories to determine potential source areas

    The Occurrence of Glyphosate and its Degradation Products in the Urban Stormwater: A Short Review

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    Due to urbanization and industrialization, water pollution is now one of the major environmental challenges of the twenty-first century. Considering the increasing of agricultural and non-agricultural settings in the last decades, the investigation of the relationship between such pesticides and urban stormwater is critical to understand how urban, residential, and industrialized areas can affect environmental safety. Recently, scientific interest has grown in stormwater chemical characterization with the aim to define its impacts in the environment and possibly to make it potable water. In this context, glyphosate, glufosinate, and their degradation products have been identified as the key knowledge gap for the chemical characterization of stormwater. Research investments are needed for a better understanding of the highly polar pesticides to estimate their load, source, and dispersion of urban runoff due to residential use of herbicides. Furthermore, a more comprehensive study of wet and dry deposition and spray drift should be considered for a correct evaluation of source apportionment

    SARS-CoV-2 concentrations and virus-laden aerosol size distributions in outdoor air in north and south of Italy

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    The COVID-19 disease spread at different rates in the different countries and in different regions of the same country, as happened in Italy. Transmission by contact or at close range due to large respiratory droplets is widely accepted, however, the role of airborne transmission due to small respiratory droplets emitted by infected individuals (also asymptomatic) is controversial. It was suggested that outdoor airborne transmission could play a role in determining the differences observed in the spread rate. Concentrations of virus-laden aerosol are still poorly known and contrasting results are reported, especially for outdoor environments. Here we investigated outdoor concentrations and size distributions of virus-laden aerosol simultaneously collected during the pandemic, in May 2020, in northern (Veneto) and southern (Apulia) regions of Italy. The two regions exhibited significantly different prevalence of COVID-19. Genetic material of SARS-CoV-2 (RNA) was determined, using both real time RT-PCR and ddPCR, in air samples collected using PM10 samplers and cascade impactors able to separate 12 size ranges from nanoparticles (diameter D < 0.056 µm) up to coarse particles (D > 18 µm). Air samples tested negative for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 at both sites, viral particles concentrations were <0.8 copies m−3 in PM10 and <0.4 copies m−3 in each size range investigated. Outdoor air in residential and urban areas was generally not infectious and safe for the public in both northern and southern Italy, with the possible exclusion of very crowded sites. Therefore, it is likely that outdoor airborne transmission does not explain the difference in the spread of COVID-19 observed in the two Italian regions

    Fast Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Tandem Mass Spectrometry for the Analysis of Vanillic and Syringic Acids in Ice Cores

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    The development of new analytical systems and the improvement of the existing ones to obtain high-resolution measurements of chemical markers in samples from ice cores, is one of the main challenges the paleoclimatic scientific community is facing. Different chemical species can be used as markers for tracking emission sources or specific environmental processes. Although some markers, such as methane sulfonic acid (a proxy of marine productivity), are commonly used, there is a lack of data on other organic tracers in ice cores, making their continuous analysis analytically challenging. Here, we present an innovative combination of fast liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (FLC-MS/MS) to continuously determine organic markers in ice cores. After specific optimization, this approach was applied to the quantification of vanillic and syringic acids, two specific markers for biomass burning. Using the validated method, detection limits of 3.6 and 4.6 pg mL-1for vanillic and syringic acids, respectively, were achieved. Thanks to the coupling of FLC-MS/MS with the continuous flow analytical system, we obtained one measurement every 30 s, which corresponds to a sampling resolution of a sample every 1.5 cm with a melting rate of 3.0 cm min-1. To check the robustness of the method, we analyzed two parallel sticks of an alpine ice core over more than 5 h. Vanillic acid was found with concentrations in the range of picograms per milliliter, suggesting the combustion of coniferous trees, which are found throughout the Italian Alps

    White Paper: Measuring Research Outputs Through Bibliometrics

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    The suggested citation for this white paper is: University of Waterloo Working Group on Bibliometrics, Winter 2016. White Paper: Measuring Research Outputs through Bibliometrics, Waterloo, Ontario: University of Waterloo.This White Paper provides a high-level review of issues relevant to understanding bibliometrics, and practical recommendations for how to appropriately use these measures. This is not a policy paper; instead, it defines and summarizes evidence that addresses appropriate use of bibliometric analysis at the University of Waterloo. Issues identified and recommendations will generally apply to other academic institutions. Understanding the types of bibliometric measures and their limitations makes it possible to identify both appropriate uses and crucial limitations of bibliometric analysis. Recommendations offered at the end of this paper provide a range of opportunities for how researchers and administrators at Waterloo and beyond can integrate bibliometric analysis into their practice

    Factors controlling atmospheric DMS and its oxidation products (MSA and nssSO(4)(2-)) in the aerosol at Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica

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    This paper presents the results of simultaneous high time-resolution measurements of biogenic aerosol (methane sulfonic acid (MSA), non-sea salt sulfate nssSO(4)(2-)) with its gaseous precursor dimethylsulfide (DMS), performed at the Italian coastal base Mario Zucchelli Station (MZS) in Terra Nova Bay (MZS) during two summer campaigns (2018-2019 and 2019-2020). Data on atmospheric DMS concentration are scarce, especially in Antarctica. The DMS maximum at MZS occurs in December, one month earlier than at other Antarctic stations. The maximum of DMS concentration is connected with the phytoplanktonic senescent phase following the bloom of Phaeocystis antarctica that occurs in the polynya when sea ice opens up. The second plankton bloom occurs in January and, despite the high dimethylsufoniopropionate (DMSP) concentration in seawater, atmospheric DMS remains low, probably due to its fast biological turnover in seawater in this period. The intensity and timing of the DMS evolution during the two years suggest that only the portion of the polynya close to the sampling site produces a discernible effect on the measured DMS. The closeness to the DMS source area and the occurrence of air masses containing DMS and freshly formed oxidation products allow us to study the kinetic of biogenic aerosol formation and the reliable derivation of the branch ratio between MSA and nssSO(4)(2-) from DMS oxidation that is estimated to be 0.84 +/- 0.06. Conversely, for aged air masses with low DMS content, an enrichment of nssSO(4)(2-) with respect to MSA, is observed. We estimate that the mean contribution of freshly formed biogenic aerosol to PM10 is 17 % with a maximum of 56 %. The high contribution of biogenic aerosol to the total PM10 mass in summer in this area highlights the dominant role of the polynya on biogenic aerosol formation. Finally, due to the regional and year-to-year variability of DMS and related biogenic aerosol formation, we stress the need for long-term measurements of seawater and atmospheric DMS and biogenic aerosol along the Antarctic coast and in the Southern Ocean