11 research outputs found

    Inner histopathologic changes and disproportionate zone volumes in foetal growth plates following gestational hypoglycaemia in rats

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    Maternal hypoglycaemia throughout gestation until gestation day (GD)20 delays foetal growth and skeletal development. While partially prevented by return to normoglycaemia after completed organogenesis (GD17), underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. Here, we investigated the pathogenesis of these changes and significance of maternal hypoglycaemia extending beyond organogenesis in non-diabetic rats. Pregnant rats received insulin-infusion until GD20 or GD17, with sacrifice on GD20. Hypoglycaemia throughout gestation increased maternal corticosterone levels, which correlated with foetal levels. Growth plates displayed central histopathologic changes comprising disrupted cellular organisation, hypertrophic chondrocytes, and decreased cellular density; expression of pro-angiogenic factors, HIF-1α and VEGF-A increased in surrounding areas. Disproportionately decreased growth plate zone volumes and lower expression of the structural protein MATN-3 were seen, while bone ossification parameters were normal. Ending maternal/foetal hypoglycaemia on GD17 reduced incidence and severity of histopathologic changes and with normal growth plate volume. Compromised foetal skeletal development following maternal hypoglycaemia throughout gestation is hypothesised to result from corticosterone-induced hypoxia in growth plates, where hypoxia disrupts chondrocyte maturation and growth plate structure and volume, decreasing long bone growth. Maternal/foetal hypoglycaemia lasting only until GD17 attenuated these changes, suggesting a pivotal role of glucose in growth plate development

    Enterprise and Inequality: A Study of Avon in South Africa

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    Avon's apparent success in using entrepreneurship to help women escape poverty, as well as its staying power in circumstances where similar efforts have failed, has captured the attention of the international development community. This study, the first independent empirical investigation, reports that in South Africa, Avon helps some impoverished women earn a better income and inspires empowerment among them. The authors introduce a new theory, pragmatist feminism, to integrate past work on women's entrepreneurship and argue that feminist scholars should reexamine the histories of the market democracies for replicable innovations that may have empowered women

    A survey of moving frames

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    Abstract. This article presents the equivariant method of moving frames for finitedimensional Lie group actions, surveying a variety of applications, including geometry, differential equations, computer vision, numerical analysis, the calculus of variations, and invariant flows. 1. Introduction. According to Akivis, [1], the method of moving frames originates in work of the Estonian mathematician Martin Bartels (1769–1836), a teacher of both Gauss and Lobachevsky. The field is most closely associated with Élie Cartan, [21], who forged earlier contributions by Darboux, Frenet, Serret, and Cotton into a powerful tool for analyzing the geometri

    When crises collide: How intimate partner violence and poverty intersect to shape women’s mental health and coping

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    Until recently, the connection between intimate partner violence (IPV) and persistent poverty had been largely ignored. Recent research indicates, however, that the two phenomena cooccur at high rates; produce parallel effects; and, in each other’s presence, constrain coping options. Therefore, both external situational, and internal psychological difficulties are missed when women contending with both poverty and IPV are viewed through the lens of just one or just the other. This article describes mental health consequences for women who contend with both partner violence and poverty. It proposes that the stress, powerlessness, and social isolation at the heart of both phenomena combine to produce posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and other emotional difficulties. The article also introduces the term ‘‘survival-focused coping’’ to describe women’s methods of coping with IPV in the context of poverty and highlights the role that domestic violence advocates, mental health providers, and researchers can play in addressing these tightly intertwined phenomena