10 research outputs found

    Adaptive implicit interaction for healthy nutrition and food intake supervision

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    The current work is going to provide you information about our solution in the challenge of nutrition and food intake supervision, which has been developed lately. We will give an overview of the system and the implemented mechanisms, which were needed for aiding users in supervising and improving their eating habits. We will show the features, which may be useful for persons who want to analyze their eating habits and try to improve those. Therefore our system provides a cooking advisor, which is able to recognize the available food and respecting those presents the user a list of recipes, which fit his available ingredients and also his nutritional needs. If he wishes, he has also the possibility to set other filter parameters. Additionally the cooked menus are logged by the system and may be subject to further analyses. For determining the available ingredients our system uses RFID technology and also provides the user some community-like features for submitting new receipts or new ingredients

    Swiss-cheese extended: An object recognition method for ubiquitous interfaces based on capacitive proximity sensing

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    Swiss-Cheese Extended proposes a novel real-time method for recognizing objects with capacitive proximity sensors. Applying this technique to ubiquitous user interfaces, it is possible to detect the 3D-position of multiple human hands in different configurations above a surface that is equipped with a small number of sensors. The retrieved object configurations can significantly improve a user's interaction experience or an application's execution context, for example by detecting multi-hand zoom and rotation gestures or recognizing a grasping hand. We emphasize the broad applicability of the proposed method with a study of a multi-hand gesture recognition device. Swiss-Cheese Extended proposes a novel real-time method for recognizing objects with capacitive proximity sensors. Applying this technique to ubiquitous user interfaces, it is possible to detect the 3D-position of multiple human hands in different configurations above a surface that is equipped with a small number of sensors. The retrieved object configurations can significantly improve a user's interaction experience or an application's execution context, for example by detecting multi-hand zoom and rotation gestures or recognizing a grasping hand. We emphasize the broad applicability of the proposed method with a study of a multi-hand gesture recognition device

    Graphical user interface for an elderly person with dementia

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    Developing Graphical User Interfaces for elderly people with dementia requires a special care for the needs of the target group. This paper addresses the requirements and the development of a Graphical User Interface for elderly people with dementia with the focus of developing a calendar-like application to support the elderly person in everyday life. Furthermore, it describes the design of an interface for caregivers to enter data into the system

    Workshop on Interaction Techniques in Real and Simulated Assistive Smart Environments

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    To further the development of AmI solutions, the simulation of solutions in virtual reality can help saving both development costs and time. The simulation of AAL environments, however, adds additional requirements to the interaction modalities used for making the simulated environment suitable for AAL target groups like elderly and handicapped people. This workshop aims at the development of a systematic approach to the creation of such simulation environments for reducing the additional gap between the virtual reality simulation of an environment and its real counterpart in terms of end-user interaction. This paper provides an analysis of the core problems of this issue an overview of current technological approaches to solve them

    Navigationsassistenz fĂŒr Ă€ltere Menschen im öffentlichen Nahverkehr

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    In Anlehnung an bereits existierende Lösungen im Bereich der MobilitĂ€ts- und Navigationsassistenz im privaten Personenverkehr soll in diesem Beitrag ein Konzept vorgestellt werden, mit dem diese Dienste auf Nutzer des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs erweitert werden. Besonderer Fokus liegt hierbei auf der Nutzergruppe der Senioren. Basierend auf Endnutzerbefragungen wurde ein Systemkonzept zur technischen Umsetzung eines derartigen Assistenzsystems entwickelt. Ein mobiler Assistent - erhĂ€ltlich sowohl als eigenstĂ€ndiges GerĂ€t als auch als Smartphone-Applikation - ĂŒbernimmt dabei die Navigation des Nutzers und erlaubt bei Bedarf zudem das Kontaktieren Dritter zur UnterstĂŒtzung. Konfigurieren lĂ€sst sich der Assistent ĂŒber den Heim-PC des Endnutzers (sofern vorhanden) und ĂŒber Access-Points örtlicher Servicecenter. Based on existing solutions in the area of mobility and navigational assistance, in this work we present a concept applying these findings to support users of public transport. Special focus will be on senior citizens. Drawing from interviews with end-users, a system concept for the technical implementation of the aforementioned assistance system will be made possible. A mobile assistant, available both as device by its own right as well as an app for smart phones will provide navigational support for users and is capable of contacting volunteers if required. Configuration of the assistant is possible from the user's private PC (if available) and through access points at local service centers

    Navigationsassistenz fĂŒr Ă€ltere Menschen im öffentlichen Nahverkehr

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    In Anlehnung an bereits existierende Lösungen im Bereich der MobilitĂ€ts- und Navigationsassistenz im privaten Personenverkehr soll in diesem Beitrag ein Konzept vorgestellt werden, mit dem diese Dienste auf Nutzer des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs erweitert werden. Besonderer Fokus liegt hierbei auf der Nutzergruppe der Senioren. Basierend auf Endnutzerbefragungen wurde ein Systemkonzept zur technischen Umsetzung eines derartigen Assistenzsystems entwickelt. Ein mobiler Assistent - erhĂ€ltlich sowohl als eigenstĂ€ndiges GerĂ€t als auch als Smartphone-Applikation - ĂŒbernimmt dabei die Navigation des Nutzers und erlaubt bei Bedarf zudem das Kontaktieren Dritter zur UnterstĂŒtzung. Konfigurieren lĂ€sst sich der Assistent ĂŒber den Heim-PC des Endnutzers (sofern vorhanden) und ĂŒber Access-Points örtlicher Servicecenter. Based on existing solutions in the area of mobility and navigational assistance, in this work we present a concept applying these findings to support users of public transport. Special focus will be on senior citizens. Drawing from interviews with end-users, a system concept for the technical implementation of the aforementioned assistance system will be made possible. A mobile assistant, available both as device by its own right as well as an app for smart phones will provide navigational support for users and is capable of contacting volunteers if required. Configuration of the assistant is possible from the user's private PC (if available) and through access points at local service centers

    inDAgo - ein MobilitĂ€tsunterstĂŒtzungssystem fĂŒr Senioren auf dem Weg in die Praxis

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    Inklusion und soziale Teilhabe sind zentrale Themen in der Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Forschung und eine Voraussetzung fĂŒr soziale Teilhabe ist MobilitĂ€t. Im Rahmen der Initiative "Mobil bis ins hohe Alter" fördert das Bundes-ministerium fĂŒr Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) verschiedene nationale Forschungsprojekte, die zum Ziel haben, MobilitĂ€tsunterstĂŒtzungssysteme fĂŒr Senioren zu entwickeln. Eines dieser Projekte ist das inDAgo-Projekt, das im Herbst 2013 kurz vor der Vorstellung seiner Ergebnisse steht. In diesem Beitrag prĂ€sentieren wir das Konzept von inDAgo und den aktuellen Entwicklungsstand des Systems. Inclusion and participation are core topics of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) related research. A prerequisite for one's ability to participate is individual mobility. In this regard, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funds a group of national research projects that shares the common goal to provide supportive mobility services to the elderly. One of these projects is the inDAgo project, which, as of late 2013, is nearing the presentation stage. This article presents the concept that the inDAgo system is based on and provides an inside look on the development progress

    inDAgo - ein MobilitĂ€tsunterstĂŒtzungssystem fĂŒr Senioren auf dem Weg in die Praxis

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    Inklusion und soziale Teilhabe sind zentrale Themen in der Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Forschung und eine Voraussetzung fĂŒr soziale Teilhabe ist MobilitĂ€t. Im Rahmen der Initiative "Mobil bis ins hohe Alter" fördert das Bundes-ministerium fĂŒr Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) verschiedene nationale Forschungsprojekte, die zum Ziel haben, MobilitĂ€tsunterstĂŒtzungssysteme fĂŒr Senioren zu entwickeln. Eines dieser Projekte ist das inDAgo-Projekt, das im Herbst 2013 kurz vor der Vorstellung seiner Ergebnisse steht. In diesem Beitrag prĂ€sentieren wir das Konzept von inDAgo und den aktuellen Entwicklungsstand des Systems. Inclusion and participation are core topics of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) related research. A prerequisite for one's ability to participate is individual mobility. In this regard, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funds a group of national research projects that shares the common goal to provide supportive mobility services to the elderly. One of these projects is the inDAgo project, which, as of late 2013, is nearing the presentation stage. This article presents the concept that the inDAgo system is based on and provides an inside look on the development progress