7 research outputs found

    The Norbornadiene/Quadricyclane Pair as Molecular Solar Thermal Energy Storage System: Surface Science Investigations

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    For the transition to renewable energy sources, novel energy storage materials are more important than ever. This review addresses so-called molecular solar thermal (MOST) systems, which appear very promising since they combine light harvesting and energy storing in one-photon one-molecule processes. The focus is on norbornadiene (NBD), a particularly interesting candidate, which is converted to the strained valence isomer quadricyclane (QC) upon irradiation. The stored energy can be released on demand. The energy-releasing cycloreversion from QC to NBD can be initiated by a thermal, catalytic, or electrochemical trigger. The reversibility of the energy storage and release cycles determines the general practicality of a MOST system. In the search for derivatives, which enable large-scale applications, fundamental surface science studies help to assess the feasibility of potential substituted NBD/QC couples. We focus on investigations under well-defined ultra-high vacuum (UHV) conditions as well as experiments in liquid phase. Next to mechanistic insights into the isomerization between the two valence isomers, information on adsorption geometries, thermal stability limits, and reaction pathways of the respective molecules are discussed. Moreover, laboratory-scaled test devices demonstrated the proof of concept in various areas of application

    Surface Chemistry of the Molecular Solar Thermal Energy Storage System 2,3-Dicyano-Norbornadiene/Quadricyclane on Ni(111)

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    Molecular solar thermal (MOST) systems are a promising approach for the introduction of sustainable energy storage solutions. We investigated the feasibility of the dicyano-substituted norbornadiene/quadricyclane molecule pair on Ni(111) for catalytic model studies. This derivatization is known to lead to a desired bathochromic shift of the absorption maximum of the parent compound. In our experiments further favorable properties were found: At low temperatures, both molecules adsorb intact without any dissociation. In situ temperature-programmed HR-XPS experiments reveal the conversion of (CN)2-quadricyclane to (CN)2-norbornadiene under energy release between 175 and 260 K. The absence of other surface species due to side reactions indicates full isomerization. Further heating leads to the decomposition of the molecular framework into smaller carbonaceous fragments above 290 K and finally to amorphous structures, carbide and nitride above 400 K. DFT calculations gave insights into the adsorption geometries. (CN)2-norbornadiene is expected to interact stronger with the surface, with flat configurations being favorable. (CN)2-quadricyclane exhibits smaller adsorption energies with negligible differences for flat and side-on geometries. Simulated XP spectra are in good agreement with experimental findings further supporting the specific spectroscopic fingerprints for both valence isomers

    Bromination of 2D materials

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    The adsorption, reaction and thermal stability of bromine on Rh(111)-supported hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) and graphene were investigated. Synchrotron radiation-based high-resolution x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and temperature-programmed XPS allowed us to follow the adsorption process and the thermal evolution in situ on the molecular scale. On h-BN/Rh(111), bromine adsorbs exclusively in the pores of the nanomesh while we observe no such selectivity for graphene/Rh(111). Upon heating, bromine undergoes an on-surface reaction on h-BN to form polybromides (170–240 K), which subsequently decompose to bromide (240–640 K). The high thermal stability of Br/h-BN/Rh(111) suggests strong/covalent bonding. Bromine on graphene/Rh(111), on the other hand, reveals no distinct reactivity except for intercalation of small amounts of bromine underneath the 2D layer at high temperatures. In both cases, adsorption is reversible upon heating. Our experiments are supported by a comprehensive theoretical study. DFT calculations were used to describe the nature of the h-BN nanomesh and the graphene moiré in detail and to study the adsorption energetics and substrate interaction of bromine. In addition, the adsorption of bromine on h-BN/Rh(111) was simulated by molecular dynamics using a machine-learning force field

    Surface Studies on the Energy Release of the MOST System 2-Carbethoxy-3-Phenyl-Norbornadiene/Quadricyclane (PENBD/PEQC) on Pt(111) and Ni(111)

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    Novel energy-storage solutions are necessary for the transition from fossil to renewable energy sources. Auspicious candidates are so-called molecular solar thermal (MOST) systems. In our study, we investigate the surface chemistry of a derivatized norbornadiene/quadricyclane molecule pair. By using suitable push–pull substituents, a bathochromic shift of the absorption onset is achieved, allowing a greater overlap with the solar spectrum. Specifically, the adsorption and thermally induced reactions of 2-carbethoxy-3-phenyl-norbornadiene/quadricyclane are assessed on Pt(111) and Ni(111) as model catalyst surfaces by synchrotron radiation-based X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Comparison of the respective XP spectra enables the distinction of the energy-rich molecule from its energy-lean counterpart and allows qualitative information on the adsorption motifs to be derived. Monitoring the quantitative cycloreversion between 140 and 230 K spectroscopically demonstrates the release of the stored energy to be successfully triggered on Pt(111). Heating to above 300 K leads to fragmentation of the molecular framework. On Ni(111), no conversion of the energy-rich compound takes place. The individual decomposition pathways of the two isomers begin at 160 and 180 K, respectively. Pronounced desorption of almost the entire surface coverage only occurs for the energy-lean molecule on Ni(111) above 280 K; this suggests weakly bound species. The correlation between adsorption motif and desorption behavior is important for applications of MOST systems in heterogeneously catalyzed processes

    Au-Catalyzed Energy Release in a Molecular Solar Thermal (MOST) System: A Combined Liquid-Phase and Surface Science Study

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    Molecular solar thermal systems (MOSTs) are molecular systems based on couples of photoisomers (photoswitches), which combine solar energy conversion, storage, and release. In this work, we address the catalytically triggered energy release in the promising MOST couple phenylethylesternorbornadiene/quadricyclane (PENBD/PEQC) on a Au(111) surface in a combined liquid-phase and surface science study. We investigated the system by photoelectrochemical infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (PEC-IRRAS) in the liquid phase, conventional IRRAS and synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy (SRPES) in ultra-high vacuum (UHV). Au(111) is highly active towards catalytically triggered energy release. In the liquid phase, we did not observe any decomposition of the photoswitch, no deactivation of the catalyst within 100 conversion cycles and we could tune the energy release rate of the heterogeneously catalyzed process by applying an external potential. In UHV, submonolayers of PEQC on Au(111) are back-converted to PENBD instantaneously, even at 110 K. Multilayers of PEQC are stable up to ~220 K. Above this temperature, the intrinsic mobility of the film is high enough that PEQC molecules come into direct contact with the Au(111) surface, which catalyzes the back-conversion. We suggest that this process occurs via a singlet–triplet mechanism induced by electronic coupling between the PEQC molecules and the Au(111) surface