46 research outputs found

    Climate change and variability in Ghana: Stocktaking

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    This paper provides a holistic literature review of climate change and variability in Ghana by examining the impact and projections of climate change and variability in various sectors (agricultural, health and energy) and its implication on ecology, land use, poverty and welfare. The findings suggest that there is a projected high temperature and low rainfall in the years 2020, 2050 and 2080, and desertification is estimated to be proceeding at a rate of 20,000 hectares per annum. Sea-surface temperatures will increase in Ghana’s waters and this will have drastic effects on fishery. There will be a reduction in the suitability of weather within the current cocoa-growing areas in Ghana by 2050 and an increase evapotranspiration of the cocoa trees. Furthermore, rice and rooted crops (especially cassava) production are expected to be low. Hydropower generation is also at risk and there will be an increase in the incidence rate of measles, diarrheal cases, guinea worm infestation, malaria, cholera, cerebro-spinal meningitis and other water related diseases due to the current climate projections and variability. These negative impacts of climate change and variability worsens the plight of the poor, who are mostly women and children

    The linkages between agriculture and malaria: Issues for policy, research, and capacity strengthening

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    "Malaria afflicts many people in the developing world, and due to its direct and indirect costs it has widespread impacts on growth and development. The global impact of malaria on human health, productivity, and general well-being is profound. Human activity, including agriculture, has been recognized as one of the reasons for the increased intensity of malaria around the world, because it supports the breeding of mosquitoes that carry the malaria parasite. Malaria can cause illness (morbidity), disability, or death; and all three effects have direct and indirect costs that can affect productivity. Since agriculture is the main activity of rural people in many endemic areas, it has been suggested that effective malaria control measures can be devised if attention was paid to the two-way effects of agriculture and malaria. There is the need to compute the direct costs of malaria treatment and control and the impacts of those costs on the ability of farm households to adopt new agricultural technology and improved practices, and keep farm and household assets. It is equally important to know the indirect costs of seeking health care and taking care of children and others who are afflicted by malaria and the relationship of the indirect costs to the farm labor supply and productivity. On the other hand, many agricultural activities like irrigation projects, water-harvesting and storage, land and soil management techniques, and farm work sequencing can lead to increase in mosquito populations and therefore increase the incidence of malaria in agricultural regions. This paper has raised issues on the two-way effects of agriculture and malaria and recommended areas that require policy actions and further research. The research findings can then be used in devising effective policies for controlling malaria in endemic areas of the world and assist in preparing a tool kit for capacity development on agriculture and malaria." from authors' abstractMalaria, Agriculture, Development, technology, Impact, Research, Policy, Capacity strengthening, Innovation, Institutional change, Science and technology,

    Refusal to enrol in Ghana's National Health Insurance Scheme: is affordability the problem?

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    BACKGROUND: Access to health insurance is expected to have positive effect in improving access to healthcare and offer financial risk protection to households. Ghana began the implementation of a National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) in 2004 as a way to ensure equitable access to basic healthcare for all residents. After a decade of its implementation, national coverage is just about 34% of the national population. Affordability of the NHIS contribution is often cited by households as a major barrier to enrolment in the NHIS without any rigorous analysis of this claim. In light of the global interest in achieving universal health insurance coverage, this study seeks to examine the extent to which affordability of the NHIS contribution is a barrier to full insurance for households and a burden on their resources. METHODS: The study uses data from a cross-sectional household survey involving 2,430 households from three districts in Ghana conducted between January-April, 2011. Affordability of the NHIS contribution is analysed using the household budget-based approach based on the normative definition of affordability. The burden of the NHIS contributions to households is assessed by relating the expected annual NHIS contribution to household non-food expenditure and total consumption expenditure. Households which cannot afford full insurance were identified. RESULTS: Results show that 66% of uninsured households and 70% of partially insured households could afford full insurance for their members. Enroling all household members in the NHIS would account for 5.9% of household non-food expenditure or 2.0% of total expenditure but higher for households in the first (11.4%) and second (7.0%) socio-economic quintiles. All the households (29%) identified as unable to afford full insurance were in the two lower socio-economic quintiles and had large household sizes. Non-financial factors relating to attributes of the insurer and health system problems also affect enrolment in the NHIS. CONCLUSION: Affordability of full insurance would be a burden on households with low socio-economic status and large household size. Innovative measures are needed to encourage abled households to enrol. Policy should aim at abolishing the registration fee for children, pricing insurance according to socio-economic status of households and addressing the inimical non-financial factors to increase NHIS coverage

    Does the National Health Insurance Scheme provide financial protection to households in Ghana?

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    BACKGROUND: Excessive healthcare payments can impede access to health services and also disrupt the welfare of households with no financial protection. Health insurance is expected to offer financial protection against health shocks. Ghana began the implementation of its National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) in 2004. The NHIS is aimed at removing the financial barrier to healthcare by limiting direct out-of-pocket health expenditures (OOPHE). The study examines the effect of the NHIS on OOPHE and how it protects households against catastrophic health expenditures. METHODS: Data was obtained from a cross-sectional representative household survey involving 2,430 households from three districts across Ghana. All OOPHE associated with treatment seeking for reported illness in the household in the last 4 weeks preceding the survey were analysed and compared between insured and uninsured persons. The incidence and intensity of catastrophic health expenditures (CHE) among households were measured by the catastrophic health payment method. The relative effect of NHIS on the incidence of CHE in the household was estimated by multiple logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: About 36% of households reported at least one illness during the 4 weeks period. Insured patients had significantly lower direct OOPHE for out-patient and in-patient care compared to the uninsured. On financial protection, the incidence of CHE was lower among insured households (2.9%) compared to the partially insured (3.7%) and the uninsured (4.0%) at the 40% threshold. The incidence of CHE was however significantly lower among fully insured households (6.0%) which sought healthcare from NHIS accredited health facilities compared to the partially insured (10.1%) and the uninsured households (23.2%). The likelihood of a household incurring CHE was 4.2 times less likely for fully insured and 2.9 times less likely for partially insured households relative to being uninsured. The NHIS has however not completely eliminated OOPHE for the insured and their households. CONCLUSION: The NHIS has significant effect in reducing OOPHE and offers financial protection against CHE for insured individuals and their households though they still made some out-of-pocket payments. Efforts should aim at eliminating OOPHE for the insured if the objective for establishing the NHIS is to be achieved

    A narrative synthesis of illustrative evidence on effects of capitation payment for primary care: lessons for Ghana and other low/middle-income countries

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    Objective: To analyse and synthesize available international experiences and information on the motivation for, and effects of using capitation as provider payment method in country health systems and lessons and implications for low/middle-income countries.Methods: We did narrative review and synthesis of the literature on the effects of capitation payment on primary care.Results: Eleven articles were reviewed. Capitation payment encourages efficiency: drives down cost, serves as critical source of income for providers, promotes adherence to guidelines and policies, encourages providers to work better and give health education to patients. It, however, induces reduction in the quantity and quality of care providedand encourages skimming on inputs, underserving of patients in bad state of health, “dumping” of high risk patients and negatively affect patient-provider relationship.Conclusion: The illustrative evidence adduced from the review demonstrates that capitation payment in primary care can create positive incentives but could also elicit un-intended effects. However, due to differences in country context, policy makers in Ghana and other low/middle-income countries may only be guided by the illustrative evidencein their design of a context-specific capitation payment for primary care.Funding: Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP), Fellowship number: NFP-PhD.12/352Keywords: Capitation payment, primary care, cost-containment, national health insurance, Ghan

    Open defecation and attainment of Sustainable Development Goal Six: evidence from Kintampo Surveillance System, Ghana.

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    OBJECTIVE: This study examined whether the open-defecation (OD) free target is achievable by 2030. DESIGN: Longitudinal study. SETTING: Seven sub-Districts of Kintampo North Municipal, and five sub-Districts of Kintampo South District. DATA SOURCE: Kintampo health and demographic surveillance system PARTICIPANTS: Data was collected from household heads or their representatives over a 12-year period from 2005 to 2016. MAIN OUTCOME: Open-defecation and attainment of OD free by 2030. RESULTS: In an exploratory analysis, the correlation between the total number of households, year, and total number of OD households was obtained. The average percentage yearly increase or decrease in OD was computed and used to project the percentage of OD for the years 2020, 2025 and 2030. In addition, geo-spatial technology was used to visualize variability in OD across the twelve sub-Districts. The results showed that the OD free target is not achievable in 2030 or even if the current trend continues. In 2016, 44.2 per cent of the 31,571 households defecated openly. In six out of the 12 sub-Districts, more than half of the households openly defecated. Four out of these six sub-Districts were in the Kintampo North Municipality.Conclusion: The 2030 OD free target is not achievable in the Kintampo districts of Ghana if the current trend continues

    Intermittent preventive treatment of pregnant women in Kintampo area of Ghana with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP): trends spanning 2011 and 2015.

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    OBJECTIVE: In Ghana, intermittent preventive treatment during pregnancy with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (IPTp-SP) is recommended for the prevention of malaria-related adverse outcomes. This study demonstrates the coverage of IPTp-SP use among pregnant women over a period (2011-2015) and the impact of various sociodemographic groups on the uptake of IPTp-SP. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis using data from all pregnant women in the Kintampo Health and Demographic Surveillance System area on the uptake of IPTp-SP. SETTING: Kintampo North Municipality and Kintampo South District of Ghana. PARTICIPANTS: All pregnant women in the Kintampo Health and Demographic Surveillance System area. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: The number of doses of IPTp-SP taken by pregnant women were examined. Logistic regression was used to assess the determinant of uptake of IPTp-SP while adjusting for within-subject correlation from women with multiple pregnancies. RESULTS: Data from 2011 to 2015 with a total of 17 484 pregnant women were used. The coverage of the recommended three or more doses of IPTp-SP among all pregnant women was 40.6%, 44.0%, 45.9%, 20.9% and 32.4% in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015, respectively. In the adjusted analysis, age, household size, education, religion, number of antenatal care visits, ethnicity, marital status, wealth index and place of residence were significantly associated with the uptake of three or more doses of IPTp-SP. Having middle school education or higher, aged 20 years and above, visiting antenatal care five times or more (OR 2.83, 95% CI 2.64 to 3.03), being married (OR 1.10, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.19) and those in higher wealth quintiles were significantly more likely to take three or more doses of IPTp-SP. CONCLUSION: The uptake of the recommended three or more doses of IPTp-SP is low in the study area. We recommend a community-based approach to identify women during early pregnancy and to administer IPTp-SP

    Prenatal and Postnatal Household Air Pollution Exposure and Infant Growth Trajectories: Evidence from a Rural Ghanaian Pregnancy Cohort.

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    BACKGROUND: The exposure-response association between prenatal and postnatal household air pollution (HAP) and infant growth trajectories is unknown. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate associations between prenatal and postnatal HAP exposure and stove interventions on growth trajectories over the first year of life. METHODS: The Ghana Randomized Air Pollution and Health Study enrolled n=1,414 pregnant women at ≤24wk gestation from Kintampo, Ghana, and randomized them to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), improved biomass, or open fire (control) stoves. We quantified HAP exposure by repeated, personal prenatal and postnatal carbon monoxide (CO) and, in a subset, fine particulate matter [PM with an aerodynamic diameter of ≤2.5μm (PM2.5)] assessments. Length, weight, mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) and head circumference (HC) were measured at birth, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months; weight-for-age, length-for-age (LAZ), and weight-for-length z (WLZ)-scores were calculated. For each anthropometric measure, we employed latent class growth analysis to generate growth trajectories over the first year of life and assigned each child to a trajectory group. We then employed ordinal logistic regression to determine associations between HAP exposures and growth trajectory assignments. Associations with stove intervention arm were also considered. RESULTS: Of the 1,306 live births, 1,144 had valid CO data and anthropometric variables measured at least once. Prenatal HAP exposure increased risk for lower length [CO odds ratio (OR)= 1.17, 95% CI: 1.01, 1.35 per 1-ppm increase; PM2.5 OR= 1.07, 95% CI: 1.02, 1.13 per 10-μg/m3 increase], lower LAZ z-score (CO OR= 1.15, 95% CI: 1.01, 1.32 per 1-ppm increase) and stunting (CO OR= 1.25, 95% CI: 1.08, 1.45) trajectories. Postnatal HAP exposure increased risk for smaller HC (CO OR= 1.09, 95% CI: 1.04, 1.13 per 1-ppm increase), smaller MUAC and lower WLZ-score (PM2.5 OR= 1.07, 95% CI: 1.00, 1.14 and OR= 1.09, 95% CI: 1.01, 1.19 per 10-μg/m3 increase, respectively) trajectories. Infants in the LPG arm had decreased odds of having smaller HC and MUAC trajectories as compared with those in the open fire stove arm (OR= 0.58, 95% CI: 0.37, 0.92 and OR= 0.45, 95% CI: 0.22, 0.90, respectively). DISCUSSION: Higher early life HAP exposure (during pregnancy and through the first year of life) was associated with poorer infant growth trajectories among children in rural Ghana. A cleaner-burning stove intervention may have improved some growth trajectories. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP8109