73 research outputs found

    UAN: underwater acoustic network

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    Acoustic networks are for underwater what wifi is for terrestrial networks. The ocean is a nearly perfect media for acoustic waves in which regards long range propagation but poses a number of challenges in terms of available bandwidth, Doppler spread and channel fading. These limitations originate in the physical properties of the ocean, namely its anisotropy and boundary interaction which are particularly relevant in coastal waters where acoustic propagation becomes predominantly de- pendent on seafloor and sea surface properties. The acoustic communication channel is therefore multipath dominated and time and Doppler spread variable. The problem is aggravated when involving moving receivers as for instance when attempting to establish communication with or between moving autonomous underwater vehicles. The EU-funded project UAN - Underwater Acoustic Network aims at conceiving, developing and testing at sea an innovative and operational concept for integrating in a unique communication system submerged, surface and aerial sensors with the objective of protecting off-shore and coastline critical infrastructures. UAN went through various phases, including the development of hardware and software specific components, its testing independently and then in an integrated fashion, both in the lab and at sea. This paper reports on the project concept and vision as well as on the progress of its various development phases and the results obtained herein. At the time of writing, a final project sea trial is being planned and will take place two weeks before the conference so, although here we will concentrate on the progress obtained so far, the presentation at the conference may include additional results depending on the outcome of the sea trial

    Água disponível no solo com ponto de murcha permanente obtido por diferentes métodos.

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi comparar os valores de água disponível no solo com o ponto de murcha permanente (PMP), determinado pelo método da centrífuga ou pelo método fisiológico, com a capacidade de campo (CC) estimada por diferentes potenciais mátricos (Ψm). Pelo método da centrífuga foram determinadas a umidade na CC nos potenciais mátricos de -0,006 e -0,01 MPa e no PMP de -1,5 MPa. O PMP fisiológico foi obtido utilizando a Célosia cultivada em ambiente protegido. Estas foram irrigadas diariamente a fim de manter o solo com umidade próxima à capacidade de vaso até a floração, quando foi suspensa a irrigação. Ao apresentar sintomas de murcha, as mudas foram levadas ao laboratório e colocadas em local escuro e saturado, o procedimento foi repetido até a murcha irreversível, quando determinou-se a umidade residual do solo pelo método gravimétrico. Houve efeito significativo do método, determinação do PMP e do Ψm adotado na obtenção da CC para quantificação da água disponível no solo a 1% de probabilidade, contudo não se verificou efeito significativo da interação entre os fatores. O maior valor de água disponível foi ao considerar a planta como indicadora de murcha permanente, sendo que a Celósia extraiu água a potencial mátrico inferior a -1,5 MPa. A água disponível no solo aumentou ao utilizar o maior Ψm na determinação da CC

    Efeito da adição de fibra de broto de bambu em formulação de pão francês

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    O bambu é uma espécie vegetal amplamente conhecida e utilizada, sendo o Brasil responsável por 20% da plantação de bambu do mundo. Essa vasta produção permite que o bambu tenha diversos destinos de uso, sem comprometer sua reprodução e produção, incluindo desde o mercado de construção até o de alimentação. A utilização do broto de bambu como ingrediente alimentício, poderá contribuir no desenvolvimento de produtos menos calóricos e com maior aporte de fibras (vantagens nutricionais) e na maior diversidade de produtos alimentícios no mercado. O pão francês tem um alto consumo no país, sendo uma das principais fontes calóricas na dieta dos brasileiros, e por isso, torná-lo mais saudável pode causar um impacto positivo na alimentação. Alinhando a busca dos consumidores por uma alimentação mais saudável, a fibra do broto de bambu (FB) pode ser uma alternativa para melhorar a composição nutricional do pão francês. Assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar formulações de pão francês com adição de FB nos teores de 0; 2,5; 5,0; 7,5 e 10% com reduzido teor de sódio, usando um delineamento de mistura e ponto central (5%) em triplicata. Os pães foram avaliados quanto volume específico, formato, teor de umidade, atividade de água (Aa), parâmetros de cor e de textura. Os resultados foram submetidos a ANOVA e a diferença entre as médias avaliadas pelo Teste de Tukey (p<0,05). Observou-se redução significativa no volume específico das formulações adicionadas de FB, e também aumento no teor de umidade, Aa e firmeza, em comparação com a formulação controle. Relacionado aos parâmetros de cor do miolo, todas as formulações apresentaram uma coloração clara e similar à formulação controle, concluindo-se que é viável a adição de FB em até 2,5%, em formulação de pão francês, com reduzido teor de sódio, sem alteração dos parâmetros tecnológicos

    Depth-specific fluctuations of gene expression and protein abundance modulate the photophysiology in the seagrass <i>Posidonia oceanica</i>

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    Here we present the results of a multiple organizational level analysis conceived to identify acclimative/adaptive strategies exhibited by the seagrass Posidonia oceanica to the daily fluctuations in the light environment, at contrasting depths. We assessed changes in photophysiological parameters, leaf respiration, pigments, and protein and mRNA expression levels. The results show that the diel oscillations of P. oceanica photophysiological and respiratory responses were related to transcripts and proteins expression of the genes involved in those processes and that there was a response asynchrony between shallow and deep plants probably caused by the strong differences in the light environment. The photochemical pathway of energy use was more effective in shallow plants due to higher light availability, but these plants needed more investment in photoprotection and photorepair, requiring higher translation and protein synthesis than deep plants. The genetic differentiation between deep and shallow stands suggests the existence of locally adapted genotypes to contrasting light environments. The depth-specific diel rhythms of photosynthetic and respiratory processes, from molecular to physiological levels, must be considered in the management and conservation of these key coastal ecosystems

    Establishing research strategies, methodologies and technologies to link genomics and proteomics to seagrass productivity, community metabolism, and ecosystem carbon fluxes

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    A complete understanding of the mechanistic basis of marine ecosystem functioning is only possible through integrative and interdisciplinary research. This enables the prediction of change and possibly the mitigation of the consequences of anthropogenic impacts. One major aim of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action ES0609 “Seagrasses productivity. From genes to ecosystem management,” is the calibration and synthesis of various methods and the development of innovative techniques and protocols for studying seagrass ecosystems. During 10 days, 20 researchers representing a range of disciplines (molecular biology, physiology, botany, ecology, oceanography, and underwater acoustics) gathered at The Station de Recherches Sous-marines et Océanographiques (STARESO, Corsica) to study together the nearby Posidonia oceanica meadow. STARESO is located in an oligotrophic area classified as “pristine site” where environmental disturbances caused by anthropogenic pressure are exceptionally low. The healthy P. oceanica meadow, which grows in front of the research station, colonizes the sea bottom from the surface to 37 m depth. During the study, genomic and proteomic approaches were integrated with ecophysiological and physical approaches with the aim of understanding changes in seagrass productivity and metabolism at different depths and along daily cycles. In this paper we report details on the approaches utilized and we forecast the potential of the data that will come from this synergistic approach not only for P. oceanica but for seagrasses in general

    Typology of dairy goat production systems in a semiarid region of Brazil.

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    Abstract: Socio-productive initiatives that culminated with the advent of the Food Acquisition Program in the Milk modality (PAA Milk) in 2003 boosted the development of Local Productive Arrangements for the dairy goat farming, especially in the area located between the states of Paraíba and Pernambuco, belonging to the Northeast region of Brazil. Considerable changes were performed in goat production systems with the introduction of specialized breeds, new facilities, and increased consumption of external inputs, especially concentrate feed, among other changes. This study characterized the socioeconomic, productive, and structural diversity of dairy goat production systems on 334 farms in the state of Paraíba and 220 farms in the state of Pernambuco aiming to understand the current situation of the production systems and to bring reflections on possible actions for improvement. Multiple correspondence and hierarchical cluster analyses were performed in sequence to establish the typology. Qualitative and quantitative variables were analyzed in the multiple correspondence analysis, and then the first three dimensions (coordinates) were retained for the cluster analysis, which generated three groups of farms: Group I with 216 farms (39% of the sample), Group II with 127 farms (22.9% of the sample), and Group III with 211 farms (38.1% of the sample). Group I had a lower percentage of landowners (34%), a lower presence of retired producers, lower frequencies of cactus pear areas and annual planting for forage conservation, low livestock diversity, few water facilities, and high access to PAA Milk ( 92%). In Group II, 80% of producers own their farms, have the smallest goat herd (18 heads), high presence of cactus pear areas and annual planting, and, consequently, a high practice of forage conservation and diversity of water facilities. Group III presented the oldest producers, larger areas of properties (41 ha), high presence of native pasture area, and higher daily milk production per farm (21 L). The results showed diversity among the identified groups, but with important similar aspects, such as the introduction of specialized breeds for milk production, the fragility of the feed security of herds, high stocking rates of ruminants, and a strong dependence on external feeds compared to those produced in the systems, particularly concentrate feeds, in addition to the high dependence on PAA Milk for production distribution and production stagnation due to few commercialization alternatives. It is necessary to implement solutions for the main identified distortions, such as improvement in the use of native and cultivated forages, adequacy of the stocking rate, reassessment of the composition strategy of the goat herd with specialized animals, and, mainly, the search for new dairy products and marketing channels to reduce the dependence on PAA Milk