437 research outputs found

    A influência do modelo de gestão sobre os processos administrativos: análise do funcionamento da função de compras em um centro de serviços compartilhados

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    O estudo, aqui apresentado, descreverá os conceitos básicos que envolvem a função de compras de uma organização, da mesma forma que o modelo de gestão de serviços compartilhados. O objetivo principal dessa monografia é demonstrar as peculiaridades desenvolvidas (riscos, benefícios e perdas) no processo de compras, após ser incorporado por um modelo de serviços compartilhados

    Relative importance of inoculum sources of Guignardia citricarpa on the citrus black spot epidemic in Brazil.

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    Guignardia citricarpa, the causal agent of citrus black spot (CBS), forms ascospores and conidia in citrus leaf litter and only conidia on fruit and twigs. The objective of this work was to determine the relative importance of inoculum sources of ascospores and conidia in the progress of CBS under natural conditions in Brazil. A first experiment was conducted in an orchard subdivided into two areas. In one area, fallen leaves were removed and in the other area fallen leaves were maintained. In each area, two treatments were established: 1) CBS symptomatic mature fruit remained on the trees after the new fruit set, and 2) CBS symptomatic mature fruit were harvested before the new fruit set. A second experiment was carried out in a CBS-free experimental orchard where detached symptomatic fruit and leaf litter on the orchard floor and detached symptomatic fruit and dead twigs on the tree canopy were distributed to investigate the spread of disease. In the first experiment disease incidence was similar for all treatments in all years. However, in 2003, in the area without leaf litter (absence of the ascospores source), disease intensity and the rate of progress of disease incidence were higher when there was overlap of mature and young fruit. In the second experiment, only detached symptomatic fruit and dead twigs on the tree canopy were able to spread CBS in two years of the experiment. The distance of disease spread was less than 80 cm from these inoculum sources. The removal of fallen leaves was not sufficient to completely suppress the disease because of the presence of conidia in fruit and dead twigs. Therefore the reduction of conidia sources should be considered in CBS management in Brazil

    Some applications of projections in nonlinear control and estimation

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    The present thesis uses an approach which regards nonlinear systems as a pair (z(·),zf) trajectory-final state, for the case of controlability or (zO,z(·)) initial state-trajectory, for the case of state estimation, in a space M which is the cross product 1x Z or Z x F between the space of trajectories F and the state space Z. In this setting some mappings F:M + M are constructed using projections P onto specific subsets S of M (i.e. p2 = P and Rep} = S). The solution of the problems of nonlinear controllability, state estimation and state and parameter estimation are obtained via the fixed points of such F's. Fixed points theorems have been used in [8, 9, 25, 35 and 15] to provide global controllability, state estimation ,and joint state and parameter estimation. Some theoretical results are presented here, which show that it is possible to eliminate some of the assumptions which restricted the systems treated in these papers and at the same time to , obtain mappings with fixed points which contain all the possible solutions for the problem of nonlinear controllability, state estimation and the joint state and parameter estimation. Among the relaxations allowed now are, for example, in the problem of control, the possibility of a set of admissible controls Uad different from the set U of all input controls of the system. In order to obtain continuous projections P, S must be closed in M. This will occur naturally in the case of state estimation however, for the control case, in general, it will be necessary to adjust the topologies of the spaces U and/or M in order to achieve this. A comprehensive theory which shows that this adjustment is always possible as well as a complete procedure for obtaining the adjusted spaces, U and M are presented here

    Carotenoid composition of Umbu-Cajá fruits from Bahia.

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    Umbu-cajá (Spondias spp.) is a tropical fruit, native from Brazilian northeastern region, consumed fresh or prepared as ice cream, jelly and juice by the population from small cities


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    O presente trabalho propôs o estudo e caracterização dos vinte e sete canais de drenagem localizados no campus da UFJF, a partir de suas variáveis hidrológicas e morfológicas. Na posterior classificação destes em hidrossistemas, além de obedecer a suas subjetivas, três parâmetros inerentes à Geomorfologia Fluvial foram estabelecidos para diferenciá-los, são eles: Largura/Profundidade, Tipo de Leito, e Tipo de Fluxo


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    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo caracterizar física e quimicamente o destilado desodorizado de óleo de soja e verificar se esse subproduto é indicado para a recuperação de vitamina E. O desodorizado foi analisado de acordo com as normas analíticas do Instituto Adolfo Lutz e métodos da Association of Official Analytical Chemists, sendo os tocoferóis determinados por cromatografia a gás. Foram encontradas 28,05% de matéria insaponificável, 73,65% de ácidos graxos, 7,41% de tocoferóis totais e 2,63% de a-tocoferol. O destilado de óleo de soja mostrou-se adequado para a recuperação da vitamina E. PHYSICO-CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE BY-PRODUCT OBTAINED DURING THE DEODORIZATION OF SOYBEAN OIL Abstract The aim of the present work was to characterize physical and chemically the deodorized distillate from soybean oil and verify if the deodorizer is suitable for vitamin E recovery. The deodorizer was analyzed in agreement with the Analytic Norms of the Instituto Adolfo Lutz and AOAC methods being the tocopherols determined by gas chromatography. It was found (w/w): unsaponifiable matter - 28,05%, fatty - 73,65%, total tocopherols - 7,41% and a-tocopherol 2,63%. The distillate from soybean oil is suitable for vitamin E recovery

    Interaction of chitosan and mucin in a biomembrane model environment

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    AbstractChitosans have been widely exploited in biological applications, including drug delivery and tissue engineering, especially owing to their mucoadhesive properties, but the molecular-level mechanisms for the chitosan action are not known in detail. It is believed that chitosan could affect the mucus by interacting with the proteins mucins, in a process mediated by the cell membrane. In this study we used Langmuir monolayers of dimyristoylphosphatidic acid (DMPA) as simplified membrane models to investigate the interplay between the activity of mucins and chitosan. Surface pressure and surface potential measurements were performed with DMPA monolayers onto which chitosan and/or mucin was adsorbed. We found that the expanding effect from mucin was considerably reduced when chitosan was injected after mucin had been adsorbed on the DMPA monolayer. The results were consistent with the formation of complexes between mucin and chitosan, thus highlighting the importance of electrostatic interactions. Furthermore, chitosan could remove mucin that was co-deposited along with DMPA in Langmuir–Blodgett (LB) films, which could be ascribed to molecular-level interactions between chitosan and mucin inferred from the FTIR spectra of the LB films. In conclusion, the results with Langmuir and LB films suggest that electrostatic interactions are crucial for the mucoadhesive mechanism, which is affected by the complexation between chitosan and mucin

    Caracterização Morfométrica dos Compartimentos do Relevo do Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó, Serra do Espinhaço Meridional – Minas Gerais

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    O mapeamento morfológico é uma importante ferramenta na interpretação de processos, materiais e formas do relevo regional. Sobretudo em Unidades de Conservação, auxilia no planejamento e gestão ambiental das áreas protegidas. Nesse contexto, o principal objetivo desse trabalho é caracterizar os compartimentos morfológicos do Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó a partir da medição de parâmetros morfométricos. Os procedimentos metodológicos envolvem a sobreposição de dados cartográficos, a elaboração de perfis topográficos, a identificação de rupturas de declive e, finalmente, medições morfométricas. Os resultados mostram que o Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó pode ser dividido em onze compartimentos morfológicos na escala de 1:50.000, demonstrando a importância da morfometria na individualização de unidades do relevo. Espera-se que esses resultados e os avanços metodológicos desse trabalho possam colaborar para pesquisas futuras assim como para a gestão de Unidades de Conservação na Serra do Cipó