365 research outputs found

    The Narrative Structure of Transcripts and the Psychoanalytic Self

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    Psychoanalytic publications often contain the patient’s discourse in the form of transcripts in the context of a clinical vignette. These transcripts are productions that result from a set of operations and technologies put at play by the psychoanalytic author, in the process of transmission and dissemination of the psychoanalytic discipline. The focus of our study was to investigate these transcripts and to determine first, if their narrative structure was affected by four factors (diagnosis, psychoanalytic school, gender and source of the transcript), and second, to articulate what type of self was promoted by such narratives. For this purpose, 93 clinical vignettes with transcripts, published in a recognized psychoanalytic journal, were analyzed and the effects of those factors upon the narrative structure of these transcripts, studied. Anova´s results showed that the produced transcripts were affected in their narrative structure by the studied factors. At the same time, the studied factors tended to promote certain forms of selfhood over others through the transcripts. &nbsp

    Resistance to the influences of others: Limits to the formation of a collective memory through conversational remembering

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    People often form collective memories by sharing their memories with others. Warnings about the reliability of one conversational participant can limit the extent to which conversations or other forms of postevent information can influence subsequent memory. Although this attenuation is consistently found for prewarnings, there are substantial reasons to suspect that, by carefully manipulating both individual characteristics of the listener in a conversation and the dynamics of the postevent conversation, one can restrict the effect even prewarnings have on the influence a speaker might have on the memory of a listener. Indeed, in situations in which a speaker contributes substantially to a conversation and the quality of memory of a listener is poor, prewarnings have the paradoxical effect of increasing the influence of the speaker on a listener's memory. Warnings may not always limit the formation of a collective memory.Fil: Muller, Felipe Juan. Universidad de Belgrano; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Hirst, William. New School for Social Research; Estados Unido

    The Historical and Lived Sources of Collective Memory

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    Se estudia el rol que desempeñan los recuerdos vividos e históricos en la memoria colectiva por medio de la valoración del pasado reciente argentino. Estos recuerdos operan como fuentes que nutren a la memoria colectiva. Los recuerdos vividos están vinculados a la experiencia directa, mientras que los recuerdos históricos a las fuentes indirectas que informan sobre el pasado. 60 participantes, divididos en dos grupos (mayores y menores de 46 años), realizaron valoraciones sobre el presente y el pasado reciente, en base a recuerdos vividos y en recuerdos históricos. Los resultados muestran que los recuerdos vividos o autobiográficos tienen una incidencia distinta en las valoraciones que los recuerdos históricos.The aim of the present paper is to study the role that lived and historical memories have in the conformation of collective memory through the participant’s appraisals in the recent past of Argentina. These memories operate as sources that nurture collective memory. Lived memories are related to live experiences, while historical memories are related to indirect sources that inform about the past. 60 participants, divided in two groups (above and below 46 years of age) appraised the present and recent past, based on lived and historical memories. Results show that lived or autobiographical and historical memories contribute differently to collective memory.Fil: Muller, Felipe Juan. Universidad de Belgrano; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Bermejo, Federico Alejandro. Universidad de Belgrano; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Vehículos eléctricos a escala controlados y simulados dentro de un entorno controlado

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    El desarrollo de los vehículos eléctricos se ha convertido en un elemento importante en la evolución de nuevos tipos de fuentes de energía renovables. Estos avances tienen como objetivo proteger los recursos del medio ambiente mediante la sustitución de los motores de combustible por motores eléctricos que disminuyen los niveles de contaminación. Estos vehículos eléctricos traen algunos problemas que pueden ser resueltos cuando se encuentran dentro de una red inteligente o de una ciudad inteligente. El objetivo de este trabajo de grado es poner en práctica un nuevo modelo de vehículos eléctricos a escala con el desarrollo de una arquitectura de control que permita la navegación de estos robots en un entorno controlado. Estos resultados contribuirán al avance de nuevos vehículos eléctricos, además de explicar cómo se realizó el diseño, la construcción y los mecanismos necesarios para el desarrollo del prototipo y la arquitectura de control.In modern technologies, the development of electric vehicles has become one important element in the evolution of new types of renewable energy sources. However, these advances aim to protect the environmental resources by replacing the fuel engines for electric motors decreasing pollution levels. Consequently, these EV s bring other problems that can be solved when they are within a Smart Grid or inside a Smart city. The goal of this paper is implement a new miniaturized EV s model with control architecture able to accomplish the trace of a simple path that takes place on a special environment. These results will contribute to the study of how the EV s can be development. Furthermore, it explains how this miniaturized EV s were design and built, which mechanisms of control they use and which dynamic and cinematic model was implemented.Ingeniero (a) ElectrónicoPregrad

    Refugiados homossexuais: o Código Penal Iraniano e as violações ao Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos

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    TCC (Graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Socioeconômico. Curso de Graduação em Relações Internacionais.O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso tratará da situação dos homossexuais, novos refugiados no sistema internacional. Em particular, o caso dos homossexuais da República Islâmica do Irã, que desde 1979 vive um regime comandado pelos aiatolás muçulmanos e utiliza a Sharia – espécie de código de conduta islâmico – como Código Penal. Não há distinção entre o Estado (em termos político-jurídicos) e a religião, que considera a prática da homossexualidade como crime, punida inclusive com a morte. Neste contexto, iremos enquadrar este grupo social minoritário vítima de perseguição institucionalizada como possíveis refugiados. Para alcançar este objetivo, será feira uma revisão da norma jurídica do Direito Internacional dos Refugiados, qual seja a Convenção de 1951 Relativa ao Estatuto dos Refugiados e o Protocolo de 1967 para a temática, bem como outros diplomas que tratam da promoção de direitos humanos de refugiados. Para justificar a perseguição que este grupo social sofre em diversas partes do mundo trataremos do regime governamental iraniano, suas leis islâmicas (a Sharia) e o implacável Código Penal do Irã, que criminaliza e discrimina homossexuais. O estudo buscará ressaltar os direitos dos homossexuais enquanto pessoas humanas, respaldados pelo Direito Internacional dos Diritos Humanos e outros mecanismos de proteção. A própria Declaração Universal das Nações Unidas, de 1948, prevê em seu Artigo VII que “todos são iguais perante a lei e têm direito, sem qualquer distinção, a igual proteção” desta. Assim sendo, todos os seres humanos tem “igual proteção contra qualquer discriminação que viole” a Declaração e “contra qualquer incitamento a tal discriminação.” A monografia também fará uma breve exposição de casos recentes envolvendo homossexuais que buscaram refúgios em diversos países. Em especial o ocorrido em 2010, quando o Comitê Nacional para Refugiados (CONARE), presidido pelo Ministério da Justiça brasileiro, concedeu status a um refugiado iraniano que viajou ao Brasil e alegava perseguição em solo iraniano por ser homossexual


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    Este artigo tem como tema a evasão existente na graduação de uma Instituição pública de ensino superior. O objetivo é a previsão da evasão em cursos de graduação presenciais com a finalidade de visualizar perspectivas que permitam uma ação efetiva de intervenção, mitigando o processo da evasão. A pesquisa desenvolvida utiliza vários métodos computacionais de previsão, partindo de informações sobre os alunos e seus desempenhos acadêmicos e aplicando técnicas de mineração de dados para a previsão. Os resultados demonstram que a abordagem proposta é factível e eficiente. Os experimentos alcançaram uma acurácia de 98% na previsão, e mais de 70% de sucesso na previsão de alunos que abandonaram o curso. A intuição por trás da abordagem, além de prever possíveis evasões, é minimizar a lista de potenciais evasões e monitorar os alunos para identificar as possíveis causas da evasão

    Reinforcement, resistance and subjetive effects on conversational memories

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    El estudio realizado indagó el papel que tiene la información complementaria en los procesos de resistencia que participan en el desarrollo de memorias colectivas. Se diseñó un experimento con el fin de evaluar si es posible fortalecer los procesos de resistencia proveyendo a los participantes con información complementaria al material estímulo. El experimento constaba de tres fases: El día 1 escucharon historias (cada sujeto escuchó una versión levemente modificada) y desarrollaron un recuerdo libre, individual y escrito acerca de cada una. El día 2 participaron en un recupero grupal acerca de las historias. El día 3 respondieron a tareas escritas de recuerdo libre y de reconocimiento forzado e indicaron el nivel de confianza en sus respuestas. La calidad de los recuerdos se manipuló al proveer dibujos contextualizantes generales y específicos para el material estímulo. Además se generó una situación de desconfianza en uno de los participantes a fines de evaluar los procesos resistenciales. Los resultados indican que la información complementaria reforzante no tiene una incidencia mayor que la información contextualizante general en los procesos de resistencia. Si la fuente que impone no es confiable y escuchó la información sin dibujo que la acompañe, aumenta el nivel de confianza que el sujeto tiene en su propia respuesta. En cambio, si la fuente recibió la información con un dibujo acompañante, el nivel de confianza en la respuesta dada se mantiene igual, tanto si la fuente es confiable como si no lo es.This study focuses on the resistance processes involved in the development of collective memories. It is part of a series of studies that consider conversational dynamics as a factor in the development of these memories. Previous studies have shown how conversation participates in the development and the shaping of collective memories. Recall of the past has shown to be very structured according to different roles: those of Narrator, Mentor and Monitor. Narrators, those subjects in a group recall who do most of the telling of the past, proved to be very effective in imposing their version of the past onto other members of the group. This fact would explain one of the ways memory converge and how collective memories are formed. When a group of subjects recall together the past, some of the processes involved are those of resistance and appropriation. In conversational recalls, participants have resisted the rendering of the past of some members and appropriated those of others. There are several studies that consider how different factors -psychological as well as social- have an impact on the formation of collective memories through conversation. These studies have shown how the quality of the memories affects the levels of resistance, as well as the dynamics of the conversation. Another factor that has had an impact on resistance and appropriation processes is trust. Entrusted subjects can be resisted in a group recall under certain circumstances. Finally, discussions about disagreements of the past, as they happen during a conversational recall of the past, have also proven to be an important factor that has had an effect on resistance levels. In this experimental study we investigated how complementary information may play a role on resistance processes. The study was designed in order to find out whether it is possible to reinforce resistance by providing the subjects with information that complements the stimuli material. It took place on three consecutive days. The sample was composed of 80 participants that conformed 20 groups of four subjects each. On the first day, subjects listened to some stories (each one heard a slightly different version), then they were exposed to a distracter, and then responded to a free recall task. On the second day, subjects were assembled around a table and asked to recall the stories together. Before the recall, a warning was provided over one of the subjects, who was not aware of the situation. Finally, on the third day, they completed a free recall and a forced recognition task remembering the stories as they heard them on the first day. In order to evaluate their confidence on the response, subjects had also to indicate how confidence they were in a 1 to 6 Lickert scale. By providing the subjects with specific and general contextual drawings together with the stimuli material, we manipulated the quality of the memories. Subjects with a contextual drawing would be able to form better memories of the stories, thus, more resistance to imposition. Would a specific drawing generate even more resistant memories? The mistrust situation generated on day 2 would allow enquiring on resistance processes. The findings indicate that reinforcing complementary information has no major incidence on resistance processes than general contextualizing information. Results on recognition have shown that. On the other hand, confidence rating analysis show that if the source imposing its version is not trusted and heard the story without complementary information, subjects tend to trust more on their own answers. Also, if the source imposing its version was provided with complementary information, subjects' confidence on their own answers remains the same whether the source is trusted or not.Fil: Muller, Felipe Juan. Universidad de Belgrano. Departamento de Investigaciones; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Camarasa, Rosario. Universidad de Belgrano. Departamento de Investigaciones; Argentin

    From Lacan to Balint: Axis to think a relationship

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    este trabajo aborda la relación de Jacques Lacan con Michel Balint en función de tres ejes que organizan algunos de sus componentes principales. partiendo de un eje puramente teórico, que pone en evidencia el particular y llamativo trato que Lacan dedica a Balint, vamos expandiendo el contexto que enmarca esta relación. en este recorrido se atraviesan cuestiones fundamentales como la de la formación analítica, cuestión que se juega en el eje que denominamos teóricoinstitucional. de allí se llega, finalmente, al problema político-institucional del psicoanálisis francés de principios de 1950, sin perder nunca de vista la relación Lacan-Balint como centro del abordaje. esta problemática conforma el tercer y último eje de esta relación, el eje político-institucional. este recorrido nos otorga nuevos elementos para analizar el trabajo teórico que Lacan hace de Balint, al tiempo que nos permite observar la sintonía que Lacan encuentra, a través de Balint, con respecto a algunas de los principios de la escuela de Budapest erigida en torno a sándor Ferenczi.This paper intends to study Jacques Lacan’s relationship with Michel Balint, from three axis that organize some of its fundamental components. Beginning with the purely theoretical axis, that shows the particular treatment that Lacan manifests towards Balint, we then expand the context that surrounds this relationship. We review some fundamental issues as it is the analytical training system, issue that allows us to identify the second axis, the theoretical-institutional one. From there, we finally arrive to the political and institutional conflict of psychoanalysis in France in the first years of the 1950’s, and study how these conflicts are part of the relationship of Lacan towards Balint. The institutional conflicts conforms the political-institutional axis of this relationship. This historical analysis gives us new elements to examine Lacan’s theoretical work of Balint, and at the same time, shows the support that Lacan possibly found, through Balint, in some of the principles of the Budapest psychoanalytical school and its founder, sándor Ferenczi.Fil: Muller, Felipe Juan. Universidad de Belgrano. Departamento de Investigaciones; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Tolini, Diego. Universidad de Belgrano. Departamento de Investigaciones; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    From Lacan to Balint: Axis to think a relationship

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    este trabajo aborda la relación de Jacques Lacan con Michel Balint en función de tres ejes que organizan algunos de sus componentes principales. partiendo de un eje puramente teórico, que pone en evidencia el particular y llamativo trato que Lacan dedica a Balint, vamos expandiendo el contexto que enmarca esta relación. en este recorrido se atraviesan cuestiones fundamentales como la de la formación analítica, cuestión que se juega en el eje que denominamos teóricoinstitucional. de allí se llega, finalmente, al problema político-institucional del psicoanálisis francés de principios de 1950, sin perder nunca de vista la relación Lacan-Balint como centro del abordaje. esta problemática conforma el tercer y último eje de esta relación, el eje político-institucional. este recorrido nos otorga nuevos elementos para analizar el trabajo teórico que Lacan hace de Balint, al tiempo que nos permite observar la sintonía que Lacan encuentra, a través de Balint, con respecto a algunas de los principios de la escuela de Budapest erigida en torno a sándor Ferenczi.This paper intends to study Jacques Lacan’s relationship with Michel Balint, from three axis that organize some of its fundamental components. Beginning with the purely theoretical axis, that shows the particular treatment that Lacan manifests towards Balint, we then expand the context that surrounds this relationship. We review some fundamental issues as it is the analytical training system, issue that allows us to identify the second axis, the theoretical-institutional one. From there, we finally arrive to the political and institutional conflict of psychoanalysis in France in the first years of the 1950’s, and study how these conflicts are part of the relationship of Lacan towards Balint. The institutional conflicts conforms the political-institutional axis of this relationship. This historical analysis gives us new elements to examine Lacan’s theoretical work of Balint, and at the same time, shows the support that Lacan possibly found, through Balint, in some of the principles of the Budapest psychoanalytical school and its founder, sándor Ferenczi.Fil: Muller, Felipe Juan. Universidad de Belgrano. Departamento de Investigaciones; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Tolini, Diego. Universidad de Belgrano. Departamento de Investigaciones; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Reinforcement, resistance and subjetive effects on conversational memories

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    El estudio realizado indagó el papel que tiene la información complementaria en los procesos de resistencia que participan en el desarrollo de memorias colectivas. Se diseñó un experimento con el fin de evaluar si es posible fortalecer los procesos de resistencia proveyendo a los participantes con información complementaria al material estímulo. El experimento constaba de tres fases: El día 1 escucharon historias (cada sujeto escuchó una versión levemente modificada) y desarrollaron un recuerdo libre, individual y escrito acerca de cada una. El día 2 participaron en un recupero grupal acerca de las historias. El día 3 respondieron a tareas escritas de recuerdo libre y de reconocimiento forzado e indicaron el nivel de confianza en sus respuestas. La calidad de los recuerdos se manipuló al proveer dibujos contextualizantes generales y específicos para el material estímulo. Además se generó una situación de desconfianza en uno de los participantes a fines de evaluar los procesos resistenciales. Los resultados indican que la información complementaria reforzante no tiene una incidencia mayor que la información contextualizante general en los procesos de resistencia. Si la fuente que impone no es confiable y escuchó la información sin dibujo que la acompañe, aumenta el nivel de confianza que el sujeto tiene en su propia respuesta. En cambio, si la fuente recibió la información con un dibujo acompañante, el nivel de confianza en la respuesta dada se mantiene igual, tanto si la fuente es confiable como si no lo es.This study focuses on the resistance processes involved in the development of collective memories. It is part of a series of studies that consider conversational dynamics as a factor in the development of these memories. Previous studies have shown how conversation participates in the development and the shaping of collective memories. Recall of the past has shown to be very structured according to different roles: those of Narrator, Mentor and Monitor. Narrators, those subjects in a group recall who do most of the telling of the past, proved to be very effective in imposing their version of the past onto other members of the group. This fact would explain one of the ways memory converge and how collective memories are formed. When a group of subjects recall together the past, some of the processes involved are those of resistance and appropriation. In conversational recalls, participants have resisted the rendering of the past of some members and appropriated those of others. There are several studies that consider how different factors -psychological as well as social- have an impact on the formation of collective memories through conversation. These studies have shown how the quality of the memories affects the levels of resistance, as well as the dynamics of the conversation. Another factor that has had an impact on resistance and appropriation processes is trust. Entrusted subjects can be resisted in a group recall under certain circumstances. Finally, discussions about disagreements of the past, as they happen during a conversational recall of the past, have also proven to be an important factor that has had an effect on resistance levels. In this experimental study we investigated how complementary information may play a role on resistance processes. The study was designed in order to find out whether it is possible to reinforce resistance by providing the subjects with information that complements the stimuli material. It took place on three consecutive days. The sample was composed of 80 participants that conformed 20 groups of four subjects each. On the first day, subjects listened to some stories (each one heard a slightly different version), then they were exposed to a distracter, and then responded to a free recall task. On the second day, subjects were assembled around a table and asked to recall the stories together. Before the recall, a warning was provided over one of the subjects, who was not aware of the situation. Finally, on the third day, they completed a free recall and a forced recognition task remembering the stories as they heard them on the first day. In order to evaluate their confidence on the response, subjects had also to indicate how confidence they were in a 1 to 6 Lickert scale. By providing the subjects with specific and general contextual drawings together with the stimuli material, we manipulated the quality of the memories. Subjects with a contextual drawing would be able to form better memories of the stories, thus, more resistance to imposition. Would a specific drawing generate even more resistant memories? The mistrust situation generated on day 2 would allow enquiring on resistance processes. The findings indicate that reinforcing complementary information has no major incidence on resistance processes than general contextualizing information. Results on recognition have shown that. On the other hand, confidence rating analysis show that if the source imposing its version is not trusted and heard the story without complementary information, subjects tend to trust more on their own answers. Also, if the source imposing its version was provided with complementary information, subjects' confidence on their own answers remains the same whether the source is trusted or not.Fil: Muller, Felipe Juan. Universidad de Belgrano. Departamento de Investigaciones; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Camarasa, Rosario. Universidad de Belgrano. Departamento de Investigaciones; Argentin