73 research outputs found

    Effect of Enterococcus faecium SF68 on growth performance and in vivo digestibility in buffalo calves

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    The effect of dietary supplementation with Enterococcus faecium strain SF68 on growth performance, faecal consistency and in vivo digestibility in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves was evaluated. Forty calves were randomly assigned at 10 d of age to one of four treatments: (A) milk replacer with no additive, (B) milk replacer supplemented with 0.17 g/l of viable (2 x l09 cfu/g) E. faecium bacteria daily for 3 days with an interval of 7 days throughout 11 weeks, (C) milk replacer supplemented with E. faecium daily for 4 weeks, (D) milk replacer supplemented with E. faecium daily for 11 weeks. A total mixed ration was offered ad libitum from 5th week of the experimental period. Faecal score was significantly better in E. faecium-treated calves than control ones. The use of E. faecium had no effect on average daily gain at any stage, total body weight (BW) gain, dry matter intake or total tract digestibility. Therefore, E. faecium supplementation may be able to act favourably on the health of the gastro-intestinal trac

    Fatty acid composition of Mediterranean buffalo milk fat

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    The purpose of this research was to investigate the variation in fatty acid composition of milk fat from four buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) herds under different feeding management and ration composition. Changes in milk fatty acid composition were monitored on a weekly basis. Saturated fatty acids (65.5%) predominated in buffalo milk fat; monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids were 27.0% and 4.5%, respectively. Of saturated fatty acids, the content of palmitic acid was the highest (30.6%) followed by stearic acid (12.0%) and myristic acid (10.7%). Of the unsaturated fatty acids the content of oleic acid was the highest (26.6%). The average content of conjugated linoleic acid (0.76±0.33) was higher than the maximal values generally reported for dairy cow

    Use of peas in organic buffalo farming: effects on nutrient digestibility and milk production

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    Twenty lactating buffalo cows, organically farmed, were used to examine the effects of including peas in total mixed ration. Two concentrates were formulated to contain, as the main protein sources, either 350 g/kg of soybean cake (CC) or 450 g/kg of peas (ExpC). Cows were blocked into two groups according to parity and previous milk yield and were assigned to one of two dietary treatments: one group was fed a diet with 6 kg/d of CC, whereas the treatment group was fed diet in which 3kg/d of CC were replaced by an equal quantity of ExpC. Digestibility of the diets and milk production of the cows were measured. The experimental period covered the whole lactation period. No differences were observed between groups for milk yield and composition, and for total tract apparent digestibility. The main hypothesis tested, that the replacement of soybean cake with peas in buffalo diet would not affect milk yield and composition, was confirmed. This suggested that the partial substitution of soybean cake with peas in diet for buffalo cows can be possible without affect performances

    Effects of Chickpea in Substitution of Soybean Meal on Milk Production, Blood Profile and Reproductive Response of Primiparous Buffaloes in Early Lactation

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effects of the use of chickpea meal in substitution of soybean meal on plasma metabolites, reproductive response, milk yield and composition and milk coagulation traits of primiparous buffaloes in early lactation. Eighteen primiparous buffaloes were blocked by age, body weight and days in milk and equally allotted to two experimental groups from 10 to 100 days of lactation. The experimental diets consisted of the same forage integrated with two different isonitrogenous and isoenergetic concentrates containing either 210 g/kg of soybean meal or 371 g/kg chickpea. The use of chickpea meal had no negative effects on dry matter intake (p = 0.69), body condition score (p = 0.33) and milk yield (p = 0.15). Neither milk composition nor blood metabolites were influenced by dietary treatments (p > 0.05), but an increment of urea concentrations in milk (p 0.05) of the dietary treatment was highlighted on milk coagulation traits as well as buffalo reproductive responses. We concluded that soybean meal can be replaced by chickpea meal in the diet for primiparous dairy buffaloes in the early lactation period without impairing their productive and reproductive performance

    Effect of Lupinus albus as protein supplement on yield, constituents, clotting properties and fatty acid composition in ewes' milk

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    The effect of feeding lupin seeds (Lupinus albus L.) as an alternative protein source in ewe diets was investigated. Two groups of 18 Sarda ewes were fed two different isonitrogenous diets: with lupin (L) seed, given after 12 h soaking, or soybean meal (SBM) as the main protein source. DMI, variations of body weight and milk production were unaffected by the treatment. Although not statistically significant, in the group fed L diet the production of milk fat and protein was higher. Clotting properties of milk were similar for the two treatments, probably due to the small differences in the milk protein contents. The fatty acid profile of milk was affected by treatment with a larger content of short (14.19 wt% versus 12.26 wt%)- and medium (49.37 wt% versus 47.76 wt%)-chain fatty acids in milk from ewes fed the L diet. CLA content was unaffected by treatment. Triglyceride content of fat from the two diets reflects the milk fatty acid composition. Indeed, milk from L diet showed a higher level of medium-chain triglycerides, which are of particular interest to consumers with concerns over health and heart disease. The inclusion of lupin seed in the diet of lactation ewes can be a means of achieving a more desirable triglyceride profile in milk fat. Milk with enhanced nutritive quality may promote wider market penetration of sheep dairy products

    Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Live Cells on In Vivo Digestibility and Nitrogen Excretion in Lactating Buffaloes

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    The effects of dietary inclusion of Saccharomyces cerevisiae culture on intake, in vivo digestibility, and fecal nitrogen excretion were examined in dairy buffalo. Forty lactating buffalo cows were equally divided into Control and Saccharomyces groups, balanced for milk production, parity, and days in milk. Two subsequent 16-d experimental phases were carried out. For both groups during the first experimental period a TMR based on maize silage (maize-TMR) was used, whereas in the second period an alfalfa haylage (alfalfa-TMR) was administered to the animals. In each experimental period, Saccharomyces group was supplemented with 50 g/head/day of yeast (Biocell®, Limena, Padova, Italy), corresponding to 20—109 CFU/head/day Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCYC Sc47 strain. The yeast supplement was top-dressed onto the morning feed. Dry matter intake (DMI) was assessed for 6 consecutive d on group basis, by the difference between feed offered and refused. In the last 3 days of experimental period in vivo digestibility was determined by using acid-insoluble ash (AIA) as an intrinsic digestibility marker. Saccharomyces supplemented buffalo cows presented greater DMI of maize-TMR, whereas no statistical differences between the groups were observed for alfalfa-TMR. Saccharomyces supplementation significantly improved in vivo digestibility of both TMR. Fecal nitrogen excretion was significantly reduced by the use of yeast supplementation. Results suggest that the inclusion of Saccharomyces cerevisiae culture in the diet for lactating buffaloes can be recommended for its effects on cow's digestive efficiency and fecal nitrogen excretion

    Feeding management and milk production in organic and conventional buffalo farms

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    The feeding management, milk yield and milk composition were investigated in two adjacent buffalo farms, one organic certified (on average, 220 lactating buffalo cows) and one conventional (on average, 314 lactating buffalo cows) located in the Sele Plain (southern Italy). Milk samples from the two farm were collected twice a month during the period from June to November 2006. Milk production was also recorded. The investigated milk components were the content of protein, fat, lactose, urea and the number of somatic cells. The following features about the feeding management of lactating buffalo cows were recorded during monthly farm visits: feed used, herbage utilization, ration composition. Fat and protein correct milk yield was higher in conventional farm than in organic one, but milk components were similar between the farms. The greatest differences were found in the somatic cell count, lower in organic milk than in conventional one, and the urea content, which was higher in organic milk than in conventional farm, but still within the normal range reported for buffalo milk

    Effect of tomato by-products in the diet of Comisana sheep on composition and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content of milk fat

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    To evaluate the effect of supplementing the diet of Comisana sheep with by-products from industrial tomato manifacture on the composition and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content of milk fat, two groups of 50 ewes each were fed either total mixed ration standard (TMRS) or total mixed ration with added tomato by-products (TMRA). Milk fat composition was determinated by HRGC. The milk fat content for animals fed the TMRA diet increased by 6,41% aafter six weeks, compared with the animals fed the TMRS diet. The CLA content in the milk fat for the group of animal fed the TMRA diet was 19,8% higher than for those fed the TMRS diet. The fatty acid composition showed an increase in the amount of PUFA; the n-3:n-6 ratio increased by 13% in the milk from sheep fed with the TMRA diet

    High fiber cakes from mediterranean multipurpose oilseeds as protein sources for ruminants

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    Fifteen oilseed cakes from sunflower, pomegranate, cardoon, tobacco and hemp were characterized with regard to chemical composition, Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS) fractionation, in vitro digestibility of dry matter, neutral detergent fiber, and crude protein. All the cakes presented low moisture, rather variable ether extract contents and medium to high levels of crude protein and neutral detergent fiber. The cakes significantly differed in terms of CNCPS partitioning and in vitro digestibility. Tobacco and hemp cakes presented high contents of slow degradable fractions of crude protein and carbohydrate joined to good post-ruminal protein digestibility. Cardoon cakes presented the highest rumen protein degradability. Based on crude protein content and intestinal digestibility of rumen undegraded protein, cakes of tobacco and hemp showed the better potential as alternative protein supplements for ruminants, while pomegranate appears to be the least suitable for ruminant feeding
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