141 research outputs found

    A new class of carbon stabilized austenitic steels resistant to hydrogen embrittlement

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    High strength steels are susceptible to H-induced failure, which is typically caused by the presence of diffusible H in the microstructure. The diffusivity of H in austenitic steels with fcc crystal structure is slow. The austenitic steels are hence preferred for applications in the hydrogen-containing atmospheres. However, the fcc structure of austenitic steels is often stabilized by the addition of Ni, Mn or N, which are relatively expensive alloying elements to use. Austenite can kinetically also be stabilized by using C. Here, we present an approach applied to a commercial cold work tool steel, where we use C to fully stabilize the fcc phase. This results in a microstructure consisting of only austenite and an M7C3 carbide. An exposure to H by cathodic hydrogen charging exhibited no significant influence on the strength and ductility of the C stabilized austenitic steel. While this material is only a prototype based on an existing alloy of different purpose, it shows the potential for low-cost H-resistant steels based on C stabilized austenite

    Magnetic dilution by severe plastic deformation

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    Mixtures of Fe and Cu powders are cold-compacted and subsequently deformed with severe plastic deformation by high-pressure torsion, leading to bulk samples. The dilution of Fe in the Cu matrix is investigated with SQUID-magnetometry, whereas the magnetic properties change as a function of Fe-content from a frustrated regime to a thermal activated behaviour. The magnetic properties are correlated with the microstructure, investigated by synchrotron X-ray diffraction and atom probe tomography. Annealing of the as-deformed states leads to demixing and grain growth, with the coercivity as a function of annealing temperature obeying the random anisotropy model. The presented results show that high-pressure torsion is a technique capable to affect the microstructure even on atomic length scales

    Transfer of Individual Micro- and Nanoparticles for High- Precision 3D Analysis Using 360° Electron Tomography

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    A versatile approach is demonstrated, providing a general routine for an extensive and advanced 3D characterization of individually selected micro- and nanoparticles, enabling the combination of complementary and scale-bridging techniques. Quintessential to the method is the transfer of individual particles onto tailored tips using a conventional scanning electron microscope equipped with a suitable micromanipulator. The method enables a damage- and contamination-free preparation of freestanding particles. This is of significant importance for applications addressing the measurement of structural, physical, and chemical properties of specifically selected particles, such as 360° electron tomography, atom probe tomography, nano X-ray tomography, or optical near-field measurements. In this context, the method is demonstrated for 360° electron tomography of micro-/macroporous zeolite particles with sizes in the micrometer range and mesoporous alpha-hematite nanoparticles exhibiting sizes of 50–100 nm, including detailed pre- and postcharacterization on the nanoscale.“Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft” (DFG) within the framework of the SPP 1570 (project DFG SP 648/4-3 “3D analysis of complex pore structures using ET and high-resolution TEM”) and the research training group GRK 1896 (“In situ Microscopy with Electrons, X-rays and Scanning Probes”) as well as through the Cluster of Excellence “Engineering of Advanced Materials” at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany)FIBJulian Losche

    Fused Filament Fabrication Based Additive Manufacturing of Commercially Pure Titanium

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    Fabrication of titanium components is very cost intensive, partly due to the complex machining and limited recyclability of waste material. For electrochemical applications, the excellent corrosion resistance of pure titanium is of high importance, whereas medium mechanical strength of fabricated parts is sufficient for such a use case. For smaller parts, metal fused filament fabrication MF3 enables the fabrication of complex metallic structures densified during a final sintering step. Pure titanium can be processed to near net shape geometries for electrochemical applications if the parameters and the atmosphere during sintering are carefully monitored. Herein, the influence of thermal debinding and sintering parameters on the fabrication of high density pure titanium using MF3 is investigated. Particular focus is placed on enhancing sintered density while limiting impurity uptake to conserve the high chemical purity of the initial powder material. Relative densities of 95 are repeatedly reached inside the bulk of the samples. An oxygen content of 0.56 amp; 8201;wt as a result of vacuum processing induces the formation of the retained amp; 945; Ti phase 925 amp; 8201;HV0.2 inside the amp; 945; matrix 295 amp; 8201;HV0.2 . Fabricated parts exhibit high mechanical strength, albeit reduced elongation due to remaining pores, and, in terms of electrochemistry, enhanced stability toward anodic dissolutio

    Effects of solute Nb atoms and Nb precipitates on isothermal transformation kinetics from austenite to ferrite

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    Nb is a very important micro-alloying element in low-carbon steels, for grain size refinement and precipitation strengthening, and even a low content of Nb can result in a significant effect on phase transformation kinetics from austenite to ferrite. Solute Nb atoms and Nb precipitates may have different effects on transformation behaviors, and these effects have not yet been fully characterized. This paper examines in detail the effects of solute Nb atoms and Nb precipitates on isothermal transformation kinetics from austenite to ferrite. The mechanisms of the effects have been analyzed using various microscopy techniques. Many solute Nb atoms were found to be segregated at the austenite/ferrite interface and apply a solute drag effect. It has been found that solute Nb atoms have a retardation effect on ferrite nucleation rate and ferrite grain growth rate. The particle pinning effect caused by Nb precipitates is much weaker than the solute drag effect

    Removal of church bells in the villages of the Walser in Vorarlberg (Glockenabnahmen in den Walsergemeinden)

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