7 research outputs found

    Características regionais da produtividade e da mecanização da agropecuária brasileira.

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    Este trabalho construiu indicadores regionais de mecanização e produtividade da terra e do trabalho na agropecuária brasileira, com base nos censos agropecuários de 1995/1996, 2006 e 2017, com o objetivo de avaliar os desempenhos e diferenças regionais do setor. Os resultados mostraram que a agropecuária brasileira possui profundas disparidades regionais e que esse processo permaneceu ao longo das três últimas décadas. Observou-se, também, que os maiores níveis dos indicadores ocorreram no Sul, Sudeste e Centro-Oeste e que, apesar de mudanças nos indicadores do Norte e Nordeste, as disparidades regionais permanecem profundas. Assim, embora o crescimento da produção tenha sido significativo, acompanhado da maior mecanização e do aumento da produtividade da terra e do trabalho, estas não foram suficientes para reduzir diferenças regionais e intrarregionais no setor agropecuário brasileiro

    Thoracoschisis: case report and review of the literature

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    Introduction: Thoracoschisis is a rare congenital malformation characterized by herniation of intraabdominal contents through a thoracic wall defect. There have been six previously reported cases. We describe our novel approach incorporating closure of the chest wall defect with temporary abdominal wall expansion utilizing a silastic pouch.Case report: A male child born at 29 weeks’ gestation was transferred to our institution for the management of a right anterior chest wall defect with herniation of intraabdominal contents through this defect. The patient was taken to the operating room for reduction of the herniated viscera from the right chest wall defect into the abdomen utilizing a spring-loaded silastic pouch to cover the abdominal viscera.Discussion: The cause of thoracoschisis is unclear. Multiple mechanisms have been proposed for the development of thoracoschisis, including amnionic rupture, vascular injury, and embryologic maldevelopment. In previously reported cases, a majority of patients had associated limb abnormalities. It has been proposed that this association between extremity agenesis/deformity  and chest wall defects is related to the limb–body wall complex. In addition, most of the cases reported also had an accompanying diaphragmatic defect, allowing the abdominal viscera to enter the chest and then herniate through the thoracic defect.Conclusion: Overall, thoracoschisis is a very rare congenital abnormality characterized by a chest wall defect with herniation of intra-abdominal organs through this defect. Previously, only six cases have been reported, most of which had an associated limb anomaly or diaphragmatic hernia.Keywords: gastroschisis, limb–body wall complex, thoracoabdominal schisis, thoracoschisi

    Adjuvants used in fungicide spraying on soybean plants

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    Aim of study: An adjuvant is a material that is added to a spray carrier to improve the application technology's efficiency but lacks phytosanitary qualities. Our objective was to determine the best option of combining fungicides and adjuvants to control soybean (Glycine max) leaf diseases in three cropping seasons. Area of study: The experiment was developed in the Campos Gerais region (PR - Brazil). Material and methods: The five treatments consisted of 1) control (without applying fungicides on soybean plants); 2) fungicide application on soybean plants without adjuvant; 3) fungicide with adjuvant based on mineral oil; 4) fungicide with adjuvant based on lecithin and 5) propionic acid and fungicide with 50% of the dose of adjuvant based on mineral oil + 50% of the dose of surfactant adjuvant based on lecithin and propionic acid. The analyzed variables were the physicochemical characteristics of the spray carrier, the incidence and severity of diseases, and the yield components. A completely randomized design was used to study the physicochemical characteristics of the carrier and in randomized blocks for the field experiment. We used five replicates per treatment. Main results: No foaming and mixing incompatibility of the spray carrier was observed in any treatment. The adjuvant based on lecithin and propionic acid further acidified the spray carrier and presented the same surface tension as mineral oil. The soybean plants that did not receive chemical treatment had a higher occurrence of diseases, which reduced the productive potential. Research highlights: Adding adjuvants to the spray carrier did not increase the performance of fungicides in controlling diseases and did not affect the yield components

    Eficiência Produtiva Regional da Agricultura Brasileira: uma análise de fronteira estocástica

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    This study aims to analyze the regional productive efficiency of agriculture using estimation techniques of stochastic production frontiers and exploratory spatial data analysis. The estimation was carried out for permanent and temporary crops separately using data from 2006 Agricultural Census. The results of production equation show that productive factors such as land area and labor promote productivity gains to those crops related to respectively increase returns to scale and technological intensity. Results also show that the linkage between efficiency and specialization is positive for permanent crops but negative for temporary crops. Additionally, the efficiency of temporary crops seems more sensitive to geographical factors as precipitations, temperature and biomes. The spatial analysis applied to permanent crops identified high efficiency clusters in Northeast and South and low efficiency clusters in the North. Considering temporary crops, it was identified high efficiency clusters in Northeast and Southeast and low efficiency clusters concentrated in North and Northeast of Brazil