3,820 research outputs found

    The Hubble Sequence in Groups: The Birth of the Early-Type Galaxies

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    The physical mechanisms and timescales that determine the morphological signatures and the quenching of star formation of typical (~L*) elliptical galaxies are not well understood. To address this issue, we have simulated the formation of a group of galaxies with sufficient resolution to track the evolution of gas and stars inside about a dozen galaxy group members over cosmic history. Galaxy groups, which harbor many elliptical galaxies in the universe, are a particularly promising environment to investigate morphological transformation and star formation quenching, due to their high galaxy density, their relatively low velocity dispersion, and the presence of a hot intragroup medium. Our simulation reproduces galaxies with different Hubble morphologies and, consequently, enables us to study when and where the morphological transformation of galaxies takes place. The simulation does not include feedback from active galactic nuclei showing that it is not an essential ingredient for producing quiescent, red elliptical galaxies in galaxy groups. Ellipticals form, as suspected, through galaxy mergers. In contrast with what has often been speculated, however, these mergers occur at z>1, before the merging progenitors enter the virial radius of the group and before the group is fully assembled. The simulation also shows that quenching of star formation in the still star-forming elliptical galaxies lags behind their morphological transformation, but, once started, is taking less than a billion years to complete. As long envisaged the star formation quenching happens as the galaxies approach and enter the finally assembled group, due to quenching of gas accretion and (to a lesser degree) stripping. A similar sort is followed by unmerged, disk galaxies, which, as they join the group, are turned into the red-and-dead disks that abound in these environments.Comment: 12 pages, 12 Figures, 1 Table, accepted for publication in AP

    Semi-fermionic representation of SU(N) Hamiltonians

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    We represent the generators of the SU(N) algebra as bilinear combinations of Fermi operators with imaginary chemical potential. The distribution function, consisting of a minimal set of discrete imaginary chemical potentials, is found for arbitrary N. This representation leads to the conventional temperature diagram technique with standard Feynman codex, except that the Matsubara frequencies are determined by neither integer nor half-integer numbers. The real-time Schwinger-Keldysh formalism is formulated in the framework of complex distribution functions. We discuss the continuous large N and SU(2) large spin limits. We illustrate the application of this technique for magnetic and spin-liquid states of the Heisenberg model.Comment: 11 pages, 7 EPS figures included, extended versio

    The Overlap Representation of Skewed Quark and Gluon Distributions

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    Within the framework of light-cone quantisation we derive the complete and exact overlap representation of skewed parton distributions for unpolarised and polarised quarks and gluons. Symmetry properties and phenomenological applications are discussed.Comment: LaTex, 36 pages. v2: incorrect paper attached originally. v3: erratum adde

    Hyperatlas: A New Framework for Image Federation

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    Hyperatlas is an open standard intended to facilitate the large-scale federation of image-based data. The subject of hyperatlas is the space of sphere-to-plane projection mappings (the FITS-WCS information), and the standard consists of coherent collections of these on which data can be resampled and thereby federated with other image data. We hope for a distributed effort that will produce a multi-faceted image atlas of the sky, made by federating many different surveys at different wavelengths and different times. We expect that hyperatlas-compliant imagery will be published and discovered through an International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) registry, and that grid-based services will emerge for the required resampling and mosaicking.Comment: Published in ADASS XIII proceeding

    Atlasmaker: A Grid-based Implementation of the Hyperatlas

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    The Atlasmaker project is using Grid technology, in combination with NVO interoperability, to create new knowledge resources in astronomy. The product is a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional, scientifically trusted image atlas of the sky, made by federating many different surveys at different wavelengths, times, resolutions, polarizations, etc. The Atlasmaker software does resampling and mosaicking of image collections, and is well-suited to operate with the Hyperatlas standard. Requests can be satisfied via on-demand computations or by accessing a data cache. Computed data is stored in a distributed virtual file system, such as the Storage Resource Broker (SRB). We expect these atlases to be a new and powerful paradigm for knowledge extraction in astronomy, as well as a magnificent way to build educational resources. The system is being incorporated into the data analysis pipeline of the Palomar-Quest synoptic survey, and is being used to generate all-sky atlases from the 2MASS, SDSS, and DPOSS surveys for joint object detection.Comment: Published in the Proceedings of ADASS XI

    Creation of ventricular septal defects on the beating heart in a new pig model

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    Background/ Aims: So far, surgical and interventional therapies for muscular ventricular septal defects ( mVSDs) beyond the moderator band have had their limitations. Thus, alternative therapeutic strategies should be developed. We present a new animal model for the evaluation of such strategies. Methods: In a pig model ( n = 9), anterolateral thoracotomy was performed for exposure of the left ventricle. mVSDs were created under two- and three- dimensional echocardiography with a 7.5- mm sharp punch instrument, which was forwarded via a left ventricular puncture without extracorporeal circulation. Results: Creation of mVSDs was successful in all animals ( n = 9) confirmed by echocardiography, hemodynamic measurements and autopsy. The defects were located in the midmuscular ( n = 4), apical ( n = 1), inlet ( n = 2) and anterior part ( n = 2) of the muscular septum. All animals were hemodynamically stable for further procedures. The diameter and shunt volume of the mVSDs were 4.8 - 7.3 mm ( mean: 5.9 mm) and 12.9 - 41.3% ( mean: 22.1%), respectively. Autopsy confirmed in all animals the creation of a substantial defect. Conclusion: The described new technique for creation of an mVSD on the beating heart in a pig model is suitable for the evaluation of new therapeutic strategies for mVSD closure. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Pseudoscalar Meson Mixing in Effective Field Theory

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    We show that for any effective field theory of colorless meson fields, the mixing schemes of particle states and decay constants are not only related but also determined exclusively by the kinetic and mass Lagrangian densities. In the general case, these are bilinear in terms of the intrinsic fields and involve non-diagonal kinetic and mass matrices. By applying three consecutive steps this Lagrangian can be reduced into the standard quadratic form in terms of the physical fields. These steps are : (i) the diagonalization of the kinetic matrix, (ii) rescaling of the fields, and (iii) the diagonalization of the mass matrix. In case, where the dimensions of the non-diagonal kinetic and mass sub-matrices are respectively, k×kk\times k and n×nn\times n, this procedure leads to mixing schemes which involve [k(k1)/2]+[n(n1)/2][k(k-1)/2] + [n(n-1)/2] angles and kk field rescaling parameters. This observation holds true irrespective with the type of particle interactions presumed. The commonly used mixing schemes, correspond to a proper choice of the kinetic and mass matrices, and are derived as special cases. In particular, η\eta-η\eta ' mixing, requires one angle, if and only if, the kinetic term with the intrinsic fields has a quadratic form.Comment: REVTeX, 6 page

    The eta-photon transition form factor

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    The eta-photon transition form factor is evaluated in a formalism based on a phenomenological description at low values of the photon virtuality, and a QCD-based description at high photon virtualities, matching at a scale Q02Q_{0}^{2}. The high photon virtuality description makes use of a Distribution Amplitude calculated in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with Pauli-Villars regularization at the matching scale Q02Q_{0}^{2}, and QCD evolution from Q02Q_{0}^{2} to higher values of Q2Q^{2}. A good description of the available data is obtained. The analysis indicates that the recent data from the BaBar collaboration on pion and eta transition form factor can be well reproduced, if a small contribution of twist three at the matching scale Q02Q_{0}^{2} is included.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, revised version, minor corrections, references added, conclusions unchanged. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Selforganized 3-band structure of the doped fermionic Ising spin glass

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    The fermionic Ising spin glass is analyzed for arbitrary filling and for all temperatures. A selforganized 3-band structure of the model is obtained in the magnetically ordered phase. Deviation from half filling generates a central nonmagnetic band, which becomes sharply separated at T=0 by (pseudo)gaps from upper and lower magnetic bands. Replica symmetry breaking effects are derived for several observables and correlations. They determine the shape of the 3-band DoS, and, for given chemical potential, influence the fermion filling strongly in the low temperature regime.Comment: 13 page