17,426 research outputs found

    A First Look at Airborne Imaging Spectrometer (AIS) Data in an Area of Altered Volcanic Rocks and Carbonate Formations, Hot Creek Range, South Central Nevada

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    Three flight lines of Airborne Imaging Spectrometer (AIS) data were collected in 128 bands between 1.2 and 2.4 microns in the Hot Creek Range, Nevada on July 25, 1984. The flight lines are underlain by hydrothermally altered and unaltered Paleozoic carbonates and Tertiary rhyolitic to latitic volcanics in the Tybo mining district. The original project objectives were to discriminate carbonate rocks from other rock types, to distinguish limestone from dolomite, and to discriminate carbonate units from each other using AIS imagery. Because of high cloud cover over the prime carbonate flight line and because of the acquisition of another flight line in altered and unaltered volcanics, the study has been extended to the discrimination of alteration products. In an area of altered and unaltered rhyolites and latites in Red Rock Canyon, altered and unaltered rock could be discriminated from each other using spectral features in the 1.16 to 2.34 micron range. The altered spectral signatures resembled montmorillonite and kaolinite. Field samples were gathered and the presence of montmorillonite was confirmed by X-ray analysis

    Singular order parameter interaction at nematic quantum critical point in two dimensional electron systems

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    We analyze the infrared behavior of effective N-point interactions between order parameter fluctuations for nematic and other quantum critical electron systems with a scalar order parameter in two dimensions. The interactions exhibit a singular momentum and energy dependence and thus cannot be represented by local vertices. They diverge for all N greater or equal 4 in a collinear static limit, where energy variables scale to zero faster than momenta, and momenta become increasingly collinear. The degree of divergence is not reduced by any cancellations and renders all N-point interactions marginal. A truncation of the order parameter action at quartic or any other finite order is therefore not justified. The same conclusion can be drawn for the effective action describing fermions coupled to a U(1) gauge field in two dimensions.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    Evaluation of selected strapdown inertial instruments and pulse torque loops, volume 1

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    Design, operational and performance variations between ternary, binary and forced-binary pulse torque loops are presented. A fill-in binary loop which combines the constant power advantage of binary with the low sampling error of ternary is also discussed. The effects of different output-axis supports on the performance of a single-degree-of-freedom, floated gyroscope under a strapdown environment are illustrated. Three types of output-axis supports are discussed: pivot-dithered jewel, ball bearing and electromagnetic. A test evaluation on a Kearfott 2544 single-degree-of-freedom, strapdown gyroscope operating with a pulse torque loop, under constant rates and angular oscillatory inputs is described and the results presented. Contributions of the gyroscope's torque generator and the torque-to-balance electronics on scale factor variation with rate are illustrated for a SDF 18 IRIG Mod-B strapdown gyroscope operating with various pulse rebalance loops. Also discussed are methods of reducing this scale factor variation with rate by adjusting the tuning network which shunts the torque coil. A simplified analysis illustrating the principles of operation of the Teledyne two-degree-of-freedom, elastically-supported, tuned gyroscope and the results of a static and constant rate test evaluation of that instrument are presented

    Lunar Resource Assessment: an Industry Perspective

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    The goals of the U.S. space program are to return to the Moon, establish a base, and continue onward to Mars. To accomplish this in a relatively short time frame and to avoid the high costs of transporting materials from the Earth, resources on the Moon will need to be mined. Oxygen will be one of the most important resources, to be used as a rocket propellant and for life support. Ilmenite and lunar regolith have both been considered as ores for the production of oxygen. Resource production on the Moon will be a very important part of the U.S. space program. To produce resources we must explore to identify the location of ore or feedback and calculate the surface and underground reserves. Preliminary resource production tests will provide the information that can be used in final plant design. Bechtel Corporation's experience in terrestrial engineering and construction has led to an interest in lunar resource assessment leading to the construction of production facilities on the Moon. There is an intimate link between adequate resource assessment to define feedstock quantity and quality, material processing requirements, and the successful production of lunar oxygen. Although lunar resource assessment is often viewed as a research process, the engineering and production aspects are very important to consider. Resource production often requires the acquisition of different types, scales, or resolutions of data than that needed for research, and it is needed early in the exploration process. An adequate assessment of the grade, areal extent, and depth distribution of the resources is a prerequisite to mining. The need for a satisfactory resource exploration program using remote sensing techniques, field sampling, and chemical and physical analysis is emphasized. These data can be used to define the ore for oxygen production and the mining, processing facilities, and equipment required

    Review of Recent Searches for Rare and Forbidden Dilepton Decays of Charmed Mesons

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    I briefly review the results of recent searches for flavor-changing neutral current and lepton-flavor and lepton-number violating decays of D+, Ds, and D0 mesons (and their antiparticles) into modes containing muons and electrons. The primary focus is the results from Fermilab charm hadroproduction experiment E791. E791 examined 24 pi,l,l and K,l,l decay modes of D+ and Ds and l+l- decay modes of D0. Limits presented by E791 for 22 rare and forbidden dilepton decays of D mesons were more stringent than those obtained from previous searches, or else were the first reported.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, uses psfig.sty and RevTeX, submitted to Modern Physics Letters A, based on a Fermilab "Joint Theoretical and Experimental" tal

    Linear semigroups with coarsely dense orbits

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    Let SS be a finitely generated abelian semigroup of invertible linear operators on a finite dimensional real or complex vector space VV. We show that every coarsely dense orbit of SS is actually dense in VV. More generally, if the orbit contains a coarsely dense subset of some open cone CC in VV then the closure of the orbit contains the closure of CC. In the complex case the orbit is then actually dense in VV. For the real case we give precise information about the possible cases for the closure of the orbit.Comment: We added comments and remarks at various places. 14 page

    On Collisionless Electron-Ion Temperature Equilibration in the Fast Solar Wind

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    We explore a mechanism, entirely new to the fast solar wind, of electron heating by lower hybrid waves to explain the shift to higher charge states observed in various elements in the fast wind at 1 A.U. relative to the original coronal hole plasma. This process is a variation on that previously discussed for two temperature accretion flows by Begelman & Chiueh. Lower hybrid waves are generated by gyrating minor ions (mainly alpha-particles) and become significant once strong ion cyclotron heating sets in beyond 1.5 R_sun. In this way the model avoids conflict with SUMER electron temperature diagnostic measurements between 1 and 1.5 R_sun. The principal requirement for such a process to work is the existence of density gradients in the fast solar wind, with scale length of similar order to the proton inertial length. Similar size structures have previously been inferred by other authors from radio scintillation observations and considerations of ion cyclotron wave generation by global resonant MHD waves.Comment: 32 pages including 11 figures, 4 tables, accepted by Ap

    PAMELA Positron Excess as a Signal from the Hidden Sector

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    The recent positron excess observed in the PAMELA satellite experiment strengthens previous experimental findings. We give here an analysis of this excess in the framework of the Stueckelberg extension of the standard model which includes an extra U(1)XU(1)_X gauge field and matter in the hidden sector. Such matter can produce the right amount of dark matter consistent with the WMAP constraints. Assuming the hidden sector matter to be Dirac fermions it is shown that their annihilation can produce the positron excess with the right positron energy dependence seen in the HEAT, AMS and the PAMELA experiments. Further test of the proposed model can come at the Large Hadron Collider. The predictions of the pˉ/p\bar p/p flux ratio also fit the data.Comment: 9 pages,3 figures; Breit-Wigner enhancement emphasized; published in PR

    Electron heating at interplanetary shocks

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    Data for 41 forward interplanetary shocks show that the ratio of downstream to upstream electron temperatures. T sub e (d/u) is variable in the range between 1.0 (isothermal) and 3.0. On average, (T sub e (d/u) = 1.5 with a standard deviation, sigma e = 0.5. This ratio is less than the average ratio of proton temperatures across the same shocks, (T sub p (d/u)) = 3.3 with sigma p = 2.5 as well as the average ratio of electron temperatures across the Earth's bow shock. Individual samples of T sub e (d/u) and T sub p (d/u) appear to be weakly correlated with the number density ratio. However the amounts of electron and proton heating are well correlated with each other as well as with the bulk velocity difference across each shock. The stronger shocks appear to heat the protons more efficiently than they heat the electrons
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