48 research outputs found

    Transfer of 0-order coherence matrix along spin-1/2 chain

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    In this work, we study transfer of coherence matrices along spin-1/2 chains of various length. Unlike higher order coherence matrices, 0-order coherence matrix can be perfectly transferred if its elements are properly fixed. In certain cases, to provide the perfect transfer, an extended receiver together with optimized its unitary transformation has to be included into the protocol. In this work, the asymptotic perfectly transferable 0-order coherence matrix for an infinitely long chain is considered and deviation of a perfectly transferred state from this asymptotic state is studied as a function of the chain length for various sizes of the extended receiver. The problem of arbitrary parameter transfer via the nondiagonal elements of the 0-order coherence matrix is also considered and optimized using the unitary transformation of the extended receiver.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figure

    L'umano nell'uomo: Vasilij Grossman tra ideologie e domande eterne

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    Vasilij Grossman (1905-1964) s'impone solo ora, con il recente successo delle ripubblicazioni in diverse lingue del suo capolavoro postumo Vita e destino, come una delle figure artistiche e filosofiche pi\uf9 interessanti del XX secolo. La dimensione letteraria di Grossman che affonda le radici nella pi\uf9 alta tradizione russa - \ue8 votata ad un realismo classico, aperto all'universale, costantemente teso all'espressione di domande ultime ed eterne che affermano l'uomo e la sua libert\ue0 contro il potere dell'ideologia. L'umano nell'uomo \ue8 questo nucleo originale presente in ogni uomo che impedisce al potere di schiacciare il singolo nella morsa dell'omologazione. Tra i meandri oscuri della storia del Novecento, la risposta di Grossman non \ue8 da intendersi solo in senso intellettuale: \ue8 una strada reale che la letteratura, nella sua bellezza "incarnata", manifesta come possibilit\ue0 aperta all'esperienza di ciascuno. I saggi che compongono questo volume il secondo di studi collettanei su Grossman - rappresentano un passo decisivo verso una conoscenza completa della vita e dell'opera del grande autore russo e ne documentano l'appartenenza ai classici della letteratura di ogni tempo

    The loyal dissident: N.A. Bernstein and the double-edged sword of Stalinism

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    Nikolai Aleksandrovich Bernstein (1896-1966) studied movement in order to understand the brain. Contra Pavlov, he saw movements (thus, the brain) as coordinated. For Bernstein, the cortex was a stochastic device; the more cortexes an animal species has, the more variable its actions will be. Actions are planned with a stochastic "model of the future," and relevance is established through blind mathematical search. In the 1950 neoPavlovian affair, he came under strong attack and had to stop experimenting. It is argued that the consistency of his work derived both from both dialectical materialism and the relentless attacks of the neoPavlovians. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Variability of Poisson's ratio in investigating the state of stress of rubber parts

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    Plane-strain investigation of rubber specimens using a variable Poisson's ratio

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