4 research outputs found

    Creatinine, blood urea nitrogen and thyroid hormone levels before and after haemodialysis

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    A study was carried out on 57 patients with chronic renal failure in a hospital in Kerman city, Islamic Republic of Iran. Blood samples were taken before and after haemodialysis to measure blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) levels. Findings revealed that before dialysis T4 in 11 cases and T3 in 29 cases were lower than the normal range, but after haemodialysis only 3 cases for T4 and 15 cases for T3 were lower than normal levels. The remaining cases reverted to normal state. We suggest that a feedback relationship exists between the major end catabolic products (creatinine and blood urea nitrogen) and thyroid hormone serum levels. Les taux de créatinine, d'azote uréique sanguin et d’hormones thyroïdiennes avant et après une hémodialyse RÉSUMÉ Une étude a été réalisée sur 57 patients atteints d’insuffisance rénale chronique dans un hôpital de la ville de Kerman (République islamique d’Iran). On a prélevé des échantillons sanguins avant et après une hémodialyse pour mesurer les taux d’azote uréique sanguin, de créatinine sérique, de triiodothyronine (T3) et de thyroxine (T4). Les résultats ont indiqué que la T4 et la T3 étaient inférieures aux valeurs normales pour 11 cas et 29 cas respectivement avant la dialyse, et que 3 cas pour la T4 et 15 cas pour la T3 seulement avaient des valeurs inférieures à la normale après l’hémodialyse. Les autres cas sont revenus à un état normal. Ceci nous donne à penser qu’une relation de rétroaction existe entre les principaux produits cataboliques finals (créatinine et azote uréique sanguin) et le taux sérique d’hormones thyroïdiennes

    Evaluation of the Cost – Effectiveness of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Treatment after the Earthquake in Bam

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    Abstract: Background & Aims: Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a vector – borne disease and at present it is one of the important health problems in tropical and sub - tropical countries including Iran. Due to imposed expenses to the people and government, this study was performed to evaluate the cost – effectiveness of cutaneous leishmaniasis treatment in the years after the earthquake in Bam/Iran. Methods: In a descriptive cross-sectional study data about treatment costs CL-patients during 2006-7 were collected. Overall, 100 recovered patients were randomly selected and their treatment costs were analyzed. Results: For 5320 CL patients about 2570 million rials was spend by the government that was equal to per capita cost of 483676 rials. In addition, 1150 million rials were spent by the patients themselves in private clinics which increase the per capita cost to 216320 rials. Overall, 3% of the patients referred to private sectors that had 2 million rials costs and 25% referred to both governmental and private sectors which has led to a per capita cost of 550000 rials. In total, over 90% of the costs were direct and 10% were indirect costs. Conclusion: The per capita treatment cost in this study shows a significant difference with those by other national and international reports. The establishment of CL Treatment Center after the earthquake in bam has reduced the disease costs and provided an efficient, free and easy accessible service for the patients. This experience could be a suitable model to be used nationally as well as globally. Keywords: Cutaneous leishmaniasis, Treatment costs, Bam Earthquak

    Creatinine, blood urea nitrogen and thyroid hormone levels before and after haemodialysis

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    A study was carried out on 57 patients with chronic renal failure in a hospital in Kerman city, Islamic Republic of Iran. Blood samples were taken before and after haemodialysis to measure blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) levels. Findings revealed that before dialysis T4 in 11 cases and T3 in 29 cases were lower than the normal range, but after haemodialysis only 3 cases for T4 and 15 cases for T3 were lower than normal levels. The remaining cases reverted to normal state. We suggest that a feedback relationship exists between the major end catabolic products (creatinine and blood urea nitrogen) and thyroid hormone serum levels