49 research outputs found

    The impact of creative organizational climate on the innovation activity of medical devices manufacturing firms in Hungary

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    The purpose of this study was to empirically investigate the impact of creative organizational climate on the innovation activity of medical devices manufacturing firms in Hungary. We applied a combined qualitative and quantitative research model, focusing on two firm’s case studies that are active in the above mentioned sector and differ to a substantial degree in their innovation activities. The connection between innovative climate and innovation was analyzed by comparing their organizational climate and perceptions of organizational members of innovation activities. Our findings revealed that classical models of creative organizational climate explain only partially the differences, although on the level of individual perceptions of climate and innovativeness we can find some connections. We found one factor that differentiated the two firms in terms of organizational climate in the predicted direction: the amount, quality, sincerity and depth of debates going on in the organization. The level of challenge (high involvement, commitment and challenging goals) and the time devoted to think about new ideas and innovative solutions (idea time) turned out to be contrary to the expectations based on previous research – although these results are less significant statistically. The results trigger further research into the sources of competitiveness in the Hungarian medical devices manufacturing sector

    Knowledge and innovation as value drivers in professional services firms: an empirical research in Central and Eastern Europe

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate empirically the role of knowledge and innovation within Central and Eastern Europe’s changing economy. We applied qualitative research methods, and focused only on professional services firms within the region. The connection between knowledge and innovation as well as knowledge and competitiveness was analyzed by top managers and senior industry experts. Our findings revealed that knowledge might be a real value driver for professional services firms. These companies can significantly contribute to the development of modern economies through the dissemination of their internal best practices in knowledge management. We found three factors that might influence the effectiveness of knowledge management. These three factors are the involvement of international knowledge networks, the investments in human capital, and focus on critical resources. These issues proved to be essential to maximize the potential of knowledge and to leverage this into increased business performance

    A határ menti együttműködések jogi és közigazgatási háttere, az együttműködés továbbfejlesztésének lehetséges irányai = The Legal and Administrative Aspects of the Cross-Border Cooperation in Hungary

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    A kutatás során végzett vizsgálat azt támasztja alá, hogy a határ menti együttműködés intézményesült formája (eurorégió) keretében koordinálható társadalmi-gazdasági együttműködés gyorsabb kohéziós fejlődést tesz lehetővé, növeli a határ menti versenyképességet és foglalkoztatást. A keleti bővítés a magyarországi eurorégiók számára is új feladatokat és kihívásokat jelent a határ menti területek fejlesztése és menedzselése terén. A keleti és déli határok mentén megszerveződött eurorégiók a jövőben felértékelődnek az EU szomszédságpolitikájában s Magyarország nemzetpolitikai szerepvállalásában. A kutatási program keretében kérdőíves felmérésre és mélyinterjúk készítésére került sor a Magyarország határain működő eurorégiókban és munkaközösségekben. Az együttműködések sikere decentralizált, helyi és regionális partnerségek kiépítésével erősíthető. Az intézmények operatív szintű kapcsolatainak fejlődéséhez elengedhetetlen, hogy a felek hasonló jogkörökkel (politikai, pénzügyi, jogi) legyenek felruházva. A legtöbb szomszédunknál a középszint vagy hiányzik, vagy ha létezik is, kevés kompetenciával rendelkezik, inkább dekoncentrált jellegű, semmint önkormányzati. Az EGTC önkéntes jellegéből következően azonban az egységesülő Európában, illetve Magyarországon még a belső határok mentén sem garantált a jogi személyiséggel felruházott ?európai területi együttműködési csoportosulások? alkalmazásával a határ menti régiók Európájának létrejötte. | In summing up the ongoing processes on the external borders of Hungary, it can be stated that despite the need to improve their activities, financial support and information, these cross-border bodies are positive factors in the development of cross-border co-operation. The findings of the research show that a coordinated and integrated developmental strategy for cross-border areas can be achieved through fundamentally institutionalised Euroregions. This is the prerequisite for regular co-operation. In order to improve economic competitiveness and solve shared cross-border problems jointly on both the local and regional levels, Euroregional Strategies are indispensable. In the course of the research, we polled the leaders to elicit their views on how the changes of social characteristics and teritorial charasteristcs should be taken into account in the socio-political development of their Euroregion. The new legal instrument, the EGTC is an attempt to overcome the legal and administrative barriers often associated with territorial co-operation in Hungary. Having assessed the surveys we can state that it is essential that local and regional authorities have the necessary powers and administrative budgetary resources to play their natural role of promoting and managing competitiveness and innovation and cohesion policies for the benefit of regional and local development

    Doctor-Patient Knowledge Transfer: Innovative Technologies and Policy Implications

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    The aim of this study was to empirically investigate the barriers in doctor-patient communication and knowledge transfer and the role of innovative technologies in overcoming these barriers. We applied qualitative research methods. Our results show that patients extensively use information sources, primarily the Internet before the visits. Patients regularly apply a self-diagnosis regarding their diseases. This implies several risks as many of them are not able to properly interpret the found information and at the same time the information might not be reliable. To overcome these risks efforts are required within the fields of technology developments for making web sites more reliable and improvement of the health culture of patients, as well. Our research identified the most significant barriers of doctor-patient communication including limited time, the patients’ distress, inadequate health culture and prior knowledge, as well as poor communication skills of some clinicians. Technology might help clinicians to use their limited time more effectively. In the long term, innovative technology solutions might take over some tasks of the health care personnel if they provide reliable health information adapted to the patient’s health, emotional and psychosocial status. Barriers of access to the new technology should be identified and addressed otherwise it would increase the already existing knowledge gap between patients and doctors

    Innovation Management in Central and Eastern Europe: Technology Perspectives and EU Policy Implications

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate empirically the role of innovation activity in Central and Eastern Europea (CEE). We also identified those internal and external factors, which might cause improvements in innovation performance of CEE companies. Our main focus was on technology-based innovations within the healthcare industry. We applied qualitative research methods. Our findings demonstrate that CEE companies within the healthcare industry have significant contribution to European Union’s innovation performance. We found that key success factors of these organizations are based on four elements: knowledge management, access to financial resources, managing formal and informal networks, as well as achieving synergies between technological and non-technological innovations

    Innovációmenedzsment és innovációs stratégiák – a vállalati tudás szerepe az innovációs folyamatokban (Innovation management and innovation strategies – the role of corporate knowledge in innovative processes)

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    A szerzők kutatásának célja, hogy az innovációmenedzsment és az innovációs stratégiák összefüggéseiben rávilágítsanak a magyarországi vállalatokat jellemző stratégiai irányokra és azonosítsák a vállalati tudás szerepét az innovációs folyamatokban. Az induktív logikán alapuló, kvalitatív interjúkra építkező módszertan segítségével történt az adatok gyűjtése és elemzése. Kutatási eredményeik alapján megállapítható, hogy a magyar vállalatok többsége tisztában van az innováció stratégiai jelentőségével és a tudás innovációfokozó erejével. Azonban a bizonytalan szabályozási környezet, a negatív piaci hangulat, a finanszírozási forrásokhoz való hozzáférés és a globális verseny megnehezítik a hazai KKV-k innovációs törekvéseit. Ugyanakkor a multinacionális vállalatok élen járnak mind a technológiai, mind pedig a nem technológiai innovációk terén is. A nem technológiai innováció területén komoly fejlődési lehetőségek körvonalazódhatnak a magyar KKV-k számára is, hiszen ezek kevésbé költségesek és időigényesek, és a belső erőforrásokat felhasználva a szervezeti tudásbázisra is épülhetnek. ____ The aim of the authors’ research is to highlight the characteristic strategic directions of Hungarian companies and identify the role of corporate knowledge in the innovative processes in the context of innovation management and innovative strategies. The collection and analysis of data were helped by a methodology which is based on inductive logic and qualitative interviews. The diagnosis, based on there search results,was that the majority of Hungarian companies are aware of the strategic importance of innovation and the innovation enhancing power of knowledge

    Situation Analysis of Organic Food Production with Qualitative Market Research

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    During past decade the general attitude of the population toward health, nutrition, quality and environment remarkably changed. Consequently ecological farming showed an upswing especially in developed countries. Due to growing demand, government subsidies and other economic advantages the cropping area increased and it will keep its pace in the near future. In Hungary the actors of economy have not fitted themselves to changed conditions. Main problem is the presence of quite a narrow domestic market resulting from a purchasing boom by western trading companies. In our survey the input, production and marketing aspects of organic farming were studied through interviewing farmers being involved into organic farming. results highlight the specific features of production in Hungary, its management relations, production structure and environment protectional considerations. As an overall goal it was set forth to identify the main limiting factors of domestic market growth, define the most marketable products and related companyforms. Producers´ opinion helped us with conducting the above process. Results of interviews were supported by our former experiences

    Recent trends and activities in hydrogeologic research at the University of Miskolc, Hungary

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    The Institute of Environmental Management at the University of Miskolc, as a major Hungarian research entity in groundwater management, is dedicated to finding solutions to regional issues of global sustainable water resource management challenges, thus further developing its scope of groundwater management competence. WELLaHEAD is an EU-funded fundamental research program coordinated by the faculty members of the institute, covering a broad spectrum of relevant groundwater related research topics based on Northern Hungarian test sites. The research concept is described in the detailed Research Plan of the project, and after 14 project months some of intermediate results can be presented from three research modules