13 research outputs found

    Imported malaria cases: the connection with the European ex-colonies

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    Background: Imported malaria is increasing in non-endemic areas due to the increment of international travels, migration and, probably, other unknown factors. The objective of this study was to describe the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of malaria cases in a region of Spain; analyse the possible association between the variables of interest; compare this series with others; and evaluate the characteristics of imported malaria cases according to the country of origin, particularly cases from Equatorial Guinea (Spanish ex-colony) and from the rest of sub-Saharan Africa. Methods: A descriptive observational study was carried out with a retrospective data collection of cases of malaria reported in Aragon from 1996 to 2017. Univariate and bivariate analysis of clinical-epidemiological variables was performed. In addition, an analysis of cases from sub-Saharan Africa was carried out using logistic regression, calculating odds ratio with its 95% confidence interval. Results: 609 cases of malaria were recorded in Aragon from 1996 to 2017. An autochthonous case in 2010. 50.33% were between 15 and 39 years old. 45.65% of the cases were notified of the 4-weeks 9 to 12. 82.6% reside in the main province, urban area, of which 65.4% were VFR (Visiting Friends and Relatives), 23.8% new immigrants and 10.9% travellers. The infectious Plasmodium species par excellence was Plasmodium falciparum (88%). Analysing the cases from sub-Saharan Africa (95.2% of the total), 48.1% were from Equatorial Guinea. Comparing these with the cases from the rest of sub-Saharan Africa, it was observed that the cases from the Spanish ex-colony have association with the female gender, being under 5 years old, residing in the main province (urban area) and being a new immigrant. Conclusions: The epidemiological profile of imported malaria cases can be defined as VFR between 15 and 39 years old, coming from sub-Saharan Africa, particularly from Equatorial Guinea. Immigrants education about the importance of chemoprophylaxis when travelling to visit friends and relatives, emphasizing on those who are originally from the ex-colonies of destination country, is necessary; as well as to raise awareness among health professionals to make advice in consultations, specially before summer vacations

    Influence of cardiovascular risk factors and treatment exposure on cardiovascular event incidence: assessment using machine learning algorithms

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    Assessment of the influence of cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) on cardiovascular event (CVE) using machine learning algorithms offers some advantages over preexisting scoring systems, and better enables personalized medicine approaches to cardiovascular prevention. Using data from four different sources, we evaluated the outcomes of three machine learning algorithms for CVE prediction using different combinations of predictive variables and analysed the influence of different CVRF-related variables on CVE prediction when included in these algorithms. A cohort study based on a male cohort of workers applying populational data was conducted. The population of the study consisted of 3746 males. For descriptive analyses, mean and standard deviation were used for quantitative variables, and percentages for categorical ones. Machine learning algorithms used were XGBoost, Random Forest and Na茂ve Bayes (NB). They were applied to two groups of variables: i) age, physical status, Hypercholesterolemia (HC), Hypertension, and Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and ii) these variables plus treatment exposure, based on the adherence to the treatment for DM, hypertension and HC. All methods point out to the age as the most influential variable in the incidence of a CVE. When considering treatment exposure, it was more influential than any other CVRF, which changed its influence depending on the model and algorithm applied. According to the performance of the algorithms, the most accurate was Random Forest when treatment exposure was considered (F1 score 0.84), followed by XGBoost. Adherence to treatment showed to be an important variable in the risk of having a CVE. These algorithms could be applied to create models for every population, and they can be used in primary care to manage interventions personalized for every subject

    Variabilidad de la prescripci贸n de antibi贸ticos en atenci贸n primaria de los sectores sanitarios de Arag贸n

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    Fundamentos: La resistencia a los antibi贸ticos puede contenerse con una mejor utilizaci贸n, para lo que debemos conocer c贸mo se usan. El objetivo del estudio es describir la prevalencia del consumo de antibi贸ticos y la variabilidad en su utilizaci贸n en los diferentes sectores sanitarios de Arag贸n. M茅todos: Estudio descriptivo de la prescripci贸n de antibi贸ticos en los sectores sanitarios de Arag贸n en 2008. Los datos se obtuvieron del Sistema de Informaci贸n de Consumo Farmac茅utico de Arag贸n, que recoge las recetas dispensadas en oficinas de farmacia. Se calcularon las tasas de utilizaci贸n de antibi贸ticos por cada mil habitantes ajustadas por sexo y edad mediante el m茅todo directo e indirecto. La utilizaci贸n de los subgrupos de antibi贸ticos se midi贸 en dosis diarias definidas (DDD) por mil habitantes/d铆a (DHD). En el an谩lisis de la variabilidad se utilizaron la raz贸n de variaci贸n (RV), el coeficiente de variaci贸n (CV), el coeficiente de variaci贸n ponderado (CVw) y el componente sistem谩tico de la variaci贸n (SCV). Resultados: La tasa ajustada de utilizaci贸n de antibi贸ticos oscil贸 entre 279,8 y 382 por cada 1.000 habitantes, mostrando un CVw=0,12. La tasa de utilizaci贸n en mujeres fue 364,9 por 1.000 y en hombres 300,0 por 1.000. Los subgrupos que presentaron las mayores variaciones fueron cefalosporinas (RV 2,42 y CVw 0,37) y las quinolonas (RV 1,84 y CVw 0,22). Conclusiones: La tasa de utilizaci贸n fue mayor en las mujeres que en los hombres.Por subgrupos la mayor variabilidad en la prescripci贸n de antibi贸ticos entre los sectores sanitarios de Arag贸n se produce en las cefalosporinas y las quinolonas. BACKGROUND: Resistance to antibacterial drugs can be contained by judicious utilization, so we must know about its use. The objective is to describe the prevalence of antibiotic consumption and the variability in the use of antibiotics among outpatients in the different health areas of Aragon. METHODS: Study of the prescription of antibiotics in the health areas of Aragon in 2008. Data were extracted from the Aragon Pharmaceutical Consumption Database, a complete register of all dispensed prescriptions. Prescription rates per 1000 individuals adjusted by sex and age were calculated using a direct and indirect standardization method. The subgroups utilization were calculated in Defined Daily Dose per 1000 inhabitants per day (DID). In the variation analysis were used: extremal quotient (EQ), coefficient of variation (CV), weighted coefficient of variation (CVw). RESULTS: The adjusted rate of antibiotic varied between 279,8 and 382 per 1000 inhabitants, showing a CVw=0,12. The utilization rate in women was 364.9 per 1,000 and in men 300.0 per 1,000. Cephalosporins have a EQ=2,42 and CVw=0,37; and quinolones have EQ=1,84 and CVw=0,22. CONCLUSIONS: The utilization rate was higher in women than men. The higher variability in the prescription of antibiotics among health areas in Aragon was in cephalosporins and quinolones

    Variabilidad de la prescripci贸n de antibi贸ticos en atenci贸n primaria de los sectores sanitarios de Arag贸n

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    Background: Resistance to antibacterial drugs can be contained by judicious utilization, so we must know about its use. The objective is to describe the prevalence of antibiotic consumption and the variability in the use of antibiotics among outpatients in the different health areas of Aragon. Methods: Study of the prescription of antibiotics in the health areas of Aragon in 2008. Data were extracted from the Aragon Pharmaceutical Consumption Database, a complete register of all dispensed prescriptions. Prescription rates per 1000 individuals adjusted by sex and age were calculated using a direct and indirect standardization method. The subgroups utilization were calculated in Defined Daily Dose per 1000 inhabitants per day (DID). In the variation analysis were used: extremal quotient (EQ), coefficient of variation (CV), weighted coefficient of variation (CVw). Results: The adjusted rate of antibiotic varied between 279,8 and 382 per 1000 inhabitants, showing a CVw=0,12. The utilization rate in women was 364.9 per 1,000 and in men 300.0 per 1,000. Cephalosporins have a EQ=2,42 and CVw=0,37; and quinolones have EQ=1,84 and CVw=0,22. Conclusions: The utilization rate was higher in women than men. The higher variability in the prescription of antibiotics among health areas in Aragon was in cephalosporins and quinolones.Fundamentos: La resistencia a los antibi贸ticos puede contenerse con una mejor utilizaci贸n, para lo que debemos conocer c贸mo se usan. El objetivo del estudio es describir la prevalencia del consumo de antibi贸ticos y la variabilidad en su utilizaci贸n en los diferentes sectores sanitarios de Arag贸n. M茅todos: Estudio descriptivo de la prescripci贸n de antibi贸ticos en los sectores sanitarios de Arag贸n en 2008. Los datos se obtuvieron del Sistema de Informaci贸n de Consumo Farmac茅utico de Arag贸n, que recoge las recetas dispensadas en oficinas de farmacia. Se calcularon las tasas de utilizaci贸n de antibi贸ticos por cada mil habitantes ajustadas por sexo y edad mediante el m茅todo directo e indirecto. La utilizaci贸n de los subgrupos de antibi贸ticos se midi贸 en dosis diarias definidas (DDD) por mil habitantes/d铆a (DHD). En el an谩lisis de la variabilidad se utilizaron la raz贸n de variaci贸n (RV), el coeficiente de variaci贸n (CV), el coeficiente de variaci贸n ponderado (CVw) y el componente sistem谩tico de la variaci贸n (SCV). Resultados: La tasa ajustada de utilizaci贸n de antibi贸ticos oscil贸 entre 279,8 y 382 por cada 1.000 habitantes, mostrando un CVw=0,12. La tasa de utilizaci贸n en mujeres fue 364,9 por 1.000 y en hombres 300,0 por 1.000. Los subgrupos que presentaron las mayores variaciones fueron cefalosporinas (RV 2,42 y CVw 0,37) y las quinolonas (RV 1,84 y CVw 0,22). Conclusiones: La tasa de utilizaci贸n fue mayor en las mujeres que en los hombres. Por subgrupos la mayor variabilidad en la prescripci贸n de antibi贸ticos entre los sectores sanitarios de Arag贸n se produce en las cefalosporinas y las quinolonas

    Construcci贸n de un 铆ndice de privaci贸n por zona b谩sica de salud en Arag贸n a partir de datos de censo de 2011

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    ABSTRACT Background: The measurement of inequalities using composite indicators facilitates the prioritization and implementation of public health actions. The most commonly source of information used for this has been the Population and Housing Census of 2011 (PCH_2011).The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of PHC_2011 and develop a deprivation index (DI) by Basic Healthcare Area (BHA) and to analyse its association with mortality in Aragon. Methods: Ecological study by BHA. Since PHC_2011 was a sample of the population it was validated by the Chi-square test for homogeneity. 26 socioeconomic indicators were calculated. Spearman correlation coefficients were used to evaluate the relationship between socioeconomic indicators and Standardized Mortality Ratios (SMR). Principal Component Analyses (PCA) were conducted using the indicators in which a significant correlation was found. Components with eigenvalues higher than 1 were extracted, and the rotated matrix (Varimax) was obtained. PCA from each component were conducted, extracting only one factor. BHA were grouped into, according to the deprivation index values. Mortality rates adjusted to the European Standard Population by age, sex and quartile were calculated. The most discriminant factor by quartiles was considered DI. A different DI for urban areas was obtained from the same variables. Results: The validation of PHC sample detected 4 underrepresented BHA. 17 socioeconomic indicators were significatively correlated with SMR. From the first PCA, 3 components were obtained. The DI included %unemployment, %eventual workers, % insufficient education 16-64 years old and %foreigners. The % of variance explained by the DI was 59.7% and 73.8% in urban areas. In men, mortality in the quartile with the lowest deprivation (544,7 per 105 ; CI95%: 515,8-573,6) was significatively lower than in the most deprivated areas(618,7 per 105 ;CI95%:589,4-648,0). Conclusions: This new DI allows us to identify deprived BHA. This is a useful tool to bring to light health inequalities and to plan interventions according to population麓s needs.RESUMEN Fundamentos: La medici贸n de las desigualdades mediante indicadores compuestos facilita la priorizaci贸n y puesta en marcha de acciones de salud p煤blica. La fuente de informaci贸n m谩s com煤nmente utilizada para ello ha sido el Censo de Poblaci贸n y viviendas de 2011 (CPV_2011). El objetivo fue validar la utilizaci贸n del CPV_2011 por Zona de Salud (ZBS) y construir un 铆ndice de privaci贸n (IP) por ZBS as铆 como analizar su asociaci贸n con la mortalidad en Arag贸n. M茅todos: Estudio ecol贸gico por ZBS. El CPV_2011, con dise帽o muestral, se valid贸 mediante un test de homogeneidad de Chi_cuadrado y se calcularon 26 indicadores socioecon贸micos. Se obtuvo el coeficiente de correlaci贸n de Spearman entre indicadores socioecon贸micos y Razones de Mortalidad Estandarizadas (REM). Se realiz贸 un an谩lisis de componentes principales (ACP) con los indicadores correlacionados significativamente, extrayendo los componentes con autovalores mayores a 1 y se obtuvo la matriz rotada (Varimax). Se realizaron ACP con las variables de cada componente extrayendo un 煤nico factor. Se agruparon las ZBS en cuartiles, seg煤n el factor calculando tasas de mortalidad ajustadas a poblaci贸n est谩ndar europea por edad, sexo y cuartil. El factor que m谩s discrimina por cuartiles se consider贸 IP y se recalcul贸 para ZBS urbanas con id茅nticas variables. Resultados: La validaci贸n de la muestra del CPV_2011, detect贸 cuatro ZBS infrarrepresentadas. 17 indicadores socioecon贸micos se correlacionaron con REM. Del primer ACP se extrajeron 3 componentes, eligiendo como IP, el formado por %Desempleo, %Asalariados eventuales, %Instrucci贸n Insuficiente 16-64 a帽os y %Extranjeros. Las varianzas explicadas fueron 59,7% y 73,8% en el IP urbano. En hombres, la mortalidad en el cuartil menos privado (544,7 por 105 ; IC95%:515,8-573,6), fue inferior a la del m谩s privado (618,7 por 105 ; IC95%:589,4,648,0). Conclusiones: El IP permite identificar ZBS desfavorecidas constituyendo una herramienta para evidenciar desigualdades y planificar intervenciones seg煤n necesidades

    Desigualdades geogr谩ficas en mortalidad e incidencia por c谩ncer de laringe en varones: factores socioecon贸micos y ambientales

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    Fundamento: Diversos estudios sugieren la relaci贸n entre menor nivel socioecon贸mico y factores ambientales con mayor riesgo de c谩ncer. El objetivo del trabajo es identificar desigualdades geogr谩ficas en mortalidad e incidencia por c谩ncer de laringe (CL) en varones y su asociaci贸n con factores de privaci贸n y ambientales en el marco del proyecto MEDEA. M茅todos: Estudio ecol贸gico cuya poblaci贸n de referencia fueron los hombres residentes en el municipio de Zaragoza. El periodo de estudio fue 1996-2003. Las defunciones fueron obtenidas del Registro de Mortalidad de Arag贸n, los casos incidentes del Registro Poblacional de C谩ncer de Zaragoza y los datos socioecon贸micos del Censo de 2001. Se utiliz贸 la base de datos del Registro Europeo de Emisiones Contaminantes en la localizaci贸n de posibles industrias contaminantes. Para cada secci贸n censal (SC) se obtuvo un 铆ndice de privaci贸n mediante an谩lisis de componentes principales. Se obtuvieron las Razones de Mortalidad e Incidencia Estandarizadas suavizadas aplicando metodolog铆a bayesiana. Resultados: Se analizaron 211 defunciones y 569 casos incidentes, con SC conocida, que correspondieron al 95% del total de casos registrados de mortalidad y el 97,8% de incidencia. Las SC que se encontraban en el cuartil superior, mayor 铆ndice de privaci贸n, tuvieron significativamente mayor riesgo, tanto de mortalidad (2,74 veces) como de incidencia (1,66 veces). Sin embargo no se encontr贸 asociaci贸n estad铆sticamente significativa con los indicadores ambientales utilizados. Conclusiones: Las SC con menor nivel econ贸mico presentan mayor riesgo de mortalidad e incidencia por CL. La posible exposici贸n a focos industriales contaminantes no explica la variabilidad geogr谩fica observad

    Desigualdades geogr谩ficas en mortalidad e incidencia por c谩ncer de laringe en varones: factores socioecon贸micos y ambientales

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    Diversos estudios sugieren la relaci贸n entre menor nivel socioecon贸mico y factores ambientales con mayor riesgo de c谩ncer. El objetivo del trabajo es identificar desigualdades geogr谩ficas en mortalidad e incidencia por c谩ncer de laringe (CL) en varones y su asociaci贸n con factores de privaci贸n y ambientales en el marco del proyecto MEDEA. M茅todos: Estudio ecol贸gico cuya poblaci贸n de referencia fueron los hombres residentes en el municipio de Zaragoza. El periodo de estudio fue 1996-2003. Las defunciones fueron obtenidas del Registro de Mortalidad de Arag贸n, los casos incidentes del Registro Poblacional de C谩ncer de Zaragoza y los datos socioecon贸micos del Censo de 2001. Se utiliz贸 la base de datos del Registro Europeo de Emisiones Contaminantes en la localizaci贸n de posibles industrias contaminantes. Para cada secci贸n censal (SC) se obtuvo un 铆ndice de privaci贸n mediante an谩lisis de componentes principales. Se obtuvieron las Razones de Mortalidad e Incidencia Estandarizadas suavizadas aplicando metodolog铆a bayesiana. Resultados: Se analizaron 211 defunciones y 569 casos incidentes, con SC conocida, que correspondieron al 95% del total de casos registrados de mortalidad y el 97,8% de incidencia. Las SC que se encontraban en el cuartil superior, mayor 铆ndice de privaci贸n, tuvieron significativamente mayor riesgo, tanto de mortalidad (2,74 veces) como de incidencia (1,66 veces). Sin embargo no se encontr贸 asociaci贸n estad铆sticamente significativa con los indicadores ambientales utilizados. Conclusiones: Las SC con menor nivel econ贸mico presentan mayor riesgo de mortalidad e incidencia por CL. La posible exposici贸n a focos industriales contaminantes no explica la variabilidad geogr谩fica observad