78 research outputs found

    Pre-equilibrium dileptons look thermal

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    The dilepton mass distribution from pre-equilibrium matter in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions is indistinguishable from a thermally produced distribution.Comment: CERN-TH.6813/93, 3 pages (latex) plus 1 figure (uuencoded postscript file

    Superluminal Signals: Causal Loop Paradoxes Revisited

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    Recent results demonstrating superluminal group velocities and tachyonic dispersion relations reopen the question of superluminal signals and causal loop paradoxes. The sense in which superluminal signals are permitted is explained in terms of pulse reshaping, and the self-consistent behavior which prevents causal loop paradoxes is illustrated by an explicit example.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Evidence for Color Fluctuations in Hadrons from Coherent Nuclear Diffraction}

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    A QCD-based treatment of projectile size fluctuations is used to compute inelastic diffractive cross sections σdiff\sigma_{diff} for coherent hadron-nuclear processes. We find that fluctuations near the average size give the major contribution to the cross section with few% \le few \% contribution from small size configurations. The computed values of σdiff\sigma_{diff} are consistent with the limited available data. The importance of coherent diffraction studies for a wide range of projectiles for high energy Fermilab fixed target experiments is emphasized. The implications of these significant color fluctuations for relativistic heavy ion collisions are discussed.Comment: Report number DOE/ER 40427-13-N93 11 pages, 3 figures available from author Mille

    A New Phase of Matter: Quark-Gluon Plasma Beyond the Hagedorn Critical Temperature

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    I retrace the developments from Hagedorn's concept of a limiting temperature for hadronic matter to the discovery and characterization of the quark-gluon plasma as a new state of matter. My recollections begin with the transformation more than 30 years ago of Hagedorn's original concept into its modern interpretation as the "critical" temperature separating the hadron gas and quark-gluon plasma phases of strongly interacting matter. This was followed by the realization that the QCD phase transformation could be studied experimentally in high-energy nuclear collisions. I describe here my personal effort to help develop the strangeness experimental signatures of quark and gluon deconfinement and recall how the experimental program proceeded soon to investigate this idea, at first at the SPS, then at RHIC, and finally at LHC. As it is often the case, the experiment finds more than theory predicts, and I highlight the discovery of the "perfectly" liquid quark-gluon plasma at RHIC. I conclude with an outline of future opportunities, especially the search for a critical point in the QCD phase diagram.Comment: To appear in {\em Melting Hadrons, Boiling Quarks} by Rolf Hagedorn and Johan Rafelski (editor), Springer Publishers, 2015 (open access

    Out-of-equilibrium electromagnetic radiation

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    We derive general formulas for photon and dilepton production rates from an arbitrary non-equilibrated medium from first principles in quantum field theory. At lowest order in the electromagnetic coupling constant, these relate the rates to the unequal-time in-medium photon polarization tensor and generalize the corresponding expressions for a system in thermodynamic equilibrium. We formulate the question of electromagnetic radiation in real time as an initial value problem and consistently describe the virtual electromagnetic dressing of the initial state. In the limit of slowly evolving systems, we recover known expressions for the emission rates and work out the first correction to the static formulas in a systematic gradient expansion. Finally, we discuss the possible application of recently developed techniques in non-equilibrium quantum field theory to the problem of electromagnetic radiation. We argue, in particular, that the two-particle-irreducible (2PI) effective action formalism provides a powerful resummation scheme for the description of multiple scattering effects, such as the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal suppression recently discussed in the context of equilibrium QCD.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figures, uses JHEP3.cl

    Scaling violations: Connections between elastic and inelastic hadron scattering in a geometrical approach

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    Starting from a short range expansion of the inelastic overlap function, capable of describing quite well the elastic pp and pˉp\bar{p}p scattering data, we obtain extensions to the inelastic channel, through unitarity and an impact parameter approach. Based on geometrical arguments we infer some characteristics of the elementary hadronic process and this allows an excellent description of the inclusive multiplicity distributions in pppp and pˉp\bar{p}p collisions. With this approach we quantitatively correlate the violations of both geometrical and KNO scaling in an analytical way. The physical picture from both channels is that the geometrical evolution of the hadronic constituents is principally reponsible for the energy dependence of the physical quantities rather than the dynamical (elementary) interaction itself.Comment: 16 pages, aps-revtex, 11 figure

    On the formation of a Hawking-radiation photosphere around microscopic black holes

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    We show that once a black hole surpasses some critical temperature TcritT_{crit}, the emitted Hawking radiation interacts with itself and forms a nearly thermal photosphere. Using QED, we show that the dominant interactions are bremsstrahlung and electron-photon pair production, and we estimate Tcritme/α5/2T_{crit} \sim m_{e}/\alpha^{5/2}, which when calculated more precisely is found to be TcritT_{crit} \approx 45 GeV. The formation of the photosphere is purely a particle physics effect, and not a general relativistic effect, since the the photosphere forms roughly α4\alpha^{-4} Schwarzschild radii away from the black hole. The temperature TT of the photosphere decreases with distance from the black hole, and the outer surface is determined by the constraint TmeT\sim m_{e} (for the QED case), since this is the point at which electrons and positrons annihilate, and the remaining photons free stream to infinity. Observational consequences are discussed, and it is found that, although the QED photosphere will not affect the Page-Hawking limits on primordial black holes, which is most important for 100MeV black holes, the inclusion of QCD interactions may significantly effect this limit, since for QCD we estimate TcritΛQCDT_{crit}\sim \Lambda_{QCD}. The photosphere greatly reduces possibility of observing individual black holes with temperatures greater than TcritT_{crit}, since the high energy particles emitted from the black hole are processed through the photosphere to a lower energy, where the gamma ray background is much higher. The temperature of the plasma in the photosphere can be extremely high, and this offers interesting possibilities for processes such as symmetry restoration.Comment: Latex, 16 pages, 3 postscript figures, submitted to PRD. Also available at http://fnas08.fnal.gov

    Are direct photons a clean signal of a thermalized quark gluon plasma?

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    Direct photon production from a quark gluon plasma (QGP) in thermal equilibrium is studied directly in real time. In contrast to the usual S-matrix calculations, the real time approach is valid for a QGP that formed and reached LTE a short time after a collision and of finite lifetime (1020fm/c\sim 10-20 \mathrm{fm}/c as expected at RHIC or LHC). We point out that during such finite QGP lifetime the spectrum of emitted photons carries information on the initial state. There is an inherent ambiguity in separating the virtual from the observable photons during the transient evolution of the QGP. We propose a real time formulation to extract the photon yield which includes the initial stage of formation of the QGP parametrized by an effective time scale of formation Γ1\Gamma^{-1}. This formulation coincides with the S-matrix approach in the infinite lifetime limit. It allows to separate the virtual cloud as well as the observable photons emitted during the pre- equilibrium stage from the yield during the QGP lifetime. We find that the lowest order contribution O(αem)\mathcal{O}(\alpha_{em}) which does \emph{not} contribute to the S-matrix approach, is of the same order of or larger than the S-matrix contribution during the lifetime of the QGP for a typical formation time 1fm/c\sim 1 \mathrm{fm}/c. The yield for momenta 3Gev/c\gtrsim 3 \mathrm{Gev}/c features a power law fall-off T3Γ2/k5\sim T^3 \Gamma^2/k^{5} and is larger than that obtained with the S-matrix for momenta 4Gev/c\geq 4 \mathrm{Gev}/c. We provide a comprehensive numerical comparison between the real time and S-matrix yields and study the dynamics of the build-up of the photon cloud and the different contributions to the radiative energy loss. The reliability of the current estimates on photon emission is discussed.Comment: 31 pages, 12 eps figures, version to appear in PR

    Thermal rates for baryon and anti-baryon production

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    We use a form of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem to derive formulas giving the rate of production of spin-1/2 baryons in terms of the fluctuations of either meson or quark fields. The most general formulas do not assume thermal or chemical equilibrium. When evaluated in a thermal ensemble we find equilibration times on the order of 10 fm/c near the critical temperature in QCD.Comment: 22 pages, 4 tables and 2 figures, REVTe

    Correlations and Fluctuations in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions

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    Nucleon correlations in the target and projectile nuclei are shown to reduce significantly the fluctuations in multiple nucleon-nucleon collisions, total multiplicity and transverse energy in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, in particular for heavy projectile and target. The interplay between cross-section fluctuations, from color transparency and opacity, and nuclear correlations is calculated and found to be able to account for large fluctuations in transverse energy spectra. Numerical implementation of correlations and cross-section fluctuations in Monte-Carlo codes is discussed.Comment: 30 pages, in Revtex, plus 4 figures. Figures and preprint can be obtained by mailing address to: [email protected]