2,114 research outputs found

    Gaudin Model, Bethe Ansatz and Critical Level

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    We propose a new method of diagonalization of hamiltonians of the Gaudin model associated to an arbitrary simple Lie algebra, which is based on Wakimoto modules over affine algebras at the critical level. We construct eigenvectors of these hamiltonians by restricting certain invariant functionals on tensor products of Wakimoto modules. In conformal field theory language, the eigenvectors are given by certain bosonic correlation functions. Analogues of Bethe ansatz equations naturally appear as Kac-Kazhdan type equations on the existence of certain singular vectors in Wakimoto modules. We use this construction to expalain a connection between Gaudin's model and correlation functions of WZNW models.Comment: 40 pages, postscript-file (references added and corrected

    A class of Baker-Akhiezer arrangements

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    We study a class of arrangements of lines with multiplicities on the plane which admit the Chalykh–Veselov Baker–Akhiezer function. These arrangements are obtained by adding multiplicity one lines in an invariant way to any dihedral arrangement with invariant multiplicities. We describe all the Baker–Akhiezer arrangements when at most one line has multiplicity higher than 1. We study associated algebras of quasi-invariants which are isomorphic to the commutative algebras of quantum integrals for the generalized Calogero–Moser operators. We compute the Hilbert series of these algebras and we conclude that the algebras are Gorenstein. We also show that there are no other arrangements with Gorenstein algebras of quasi-invariants when at most one line has multiplicity bigger than 1

    A note on the relationship between rational and trigonometric solutions of the WDVV equations

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    Legendre transformations provide a natural symmetry on the space of solutions to the WDVV equations, and more specifically, between different Frobenius manifolds. In this paper a twisted Legendre transformation is constructed between solutions which define the corresponding dual Frobenius manifolds. As an application it is shown that certain trigonometric and rational solutions of the WDVV equations are related by such a twisted Legendre transform

    Quantum Algebraic Approach to Refined Topological Vertex

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    We establish the equivalence between the refined topological vertex of Iqbal-Kozcaz-Vafa and a certain representation theory of the quantum algebra of type W_{1+infty} introduced by Miki. Our construction involves trivalent intertwining operators Phi and Phi^* associated with triples of the bosonic Fock modules. Resembling the topological vertex, a triple of vectors in Z^2 is attached to each intertwining operator, which satisfy the Calabi-Yau and smoothness conditions. It is shown that certain matrix elements of Phi and Phi^* give the refined topological vertex C_{lambda mu nu}(t,q) of Iqbal-Kozcaz-Vafa. With another choice of basis, we recover the refined topological vertex C_{lambda mu}^nu(q,t) of Awata-Kanno. The gluing factors appears correctly when we consider any compositions of Phi and Phi^*. The spectral parameters attached to Fock spaces play the role of the K"ahler parameters.Comment: 27 page

    Quantum W-algebras and Elliptic Algebras

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    We define quantum W-algebras generalizing the results of Reshetikhin and the second author, and Shiraishi-Kubo-Awata-Odake. The quantum W-algebra associated to sl_N is an associative algebra depending on two parameters. For special values of parameters it becomes the ordinary W-algebra of sl_N, or the q-deformed classical W-algebra of sl_N. We construct free field realizations of the quantum W-algebras and the screening currents. We also point out some interesting elliptic structures arising in these algebras. In particular, we show that the screening currents satisfy elliptic analogues of the Drinfeld relations in U_q(n^).Comment: 26 pages, AMSLATE

    Feigin-Frenkel center in types B, C and D

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    For each simple Lie algebra g consider the corresponding affine vertex algebra V_{crit}(g) at the critical level. The center of this vertex algebra is a commutative associative algebra whose structure was described by a remarkable theorem of Feigin and Frenkel about two decades ago. However, only recently simple formulas for the generators of the center were found for the Lie algebras of type A following Talalaev's discovery of explicit higher Gaudin Hamiltonians. We give explicit formulas for generators of the centers of the affine vertex algebras V_{crit}(g) associated with the simple Lie algebras g of types B, C and D. The construction relies on the Schur-Weyl duality involving the Brauer algebra, and the generators are expressed as weighted traces over tensor spaces and, equivalently, as traces over the spaces of singular vectors for the action of the Lie algebra sl_2 in the context of Howe duality. This leads to explicit constructions of commutative subalgebras of the universal enveloping algebras U(g[t]) and U(g), and to higher order Hamiltonians in the Gaudin model associated with each Lie algebra g. We also introduce analogues of the Bethe subalgebras of the Yangians Y(g) and show that their graded images coincide with the respective commutative subalgebras of U(g[t]).Comment: 29 pages, constructions of Pfaffian-type Sugawara operators and commutative subalgebras in universal enveloping algebras are adde

    Factorizable ribbon quantum groups in logarithmic conformal field theories

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    We review the properties of quantum groups occurring as Kazhdan--Lusztig dual to logarithmic conformal field theory models. These quantum groups at even roots of unity are not quasitriangular but are factorizable and have a ribbon structure; the modular group representation on their center coincides with the representation on generalized characters of the chiral algebra in logarithmic conformal field models.Comment: 27pp., amsart++, xy. v2: references added, some other minor addition

    Solutions of the Knizhnik - Zamolodchikov Equation with Rational Isospins and the Reduction to the Minimal Models

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    In the spirit of the quantum Hamiltonian reduction we establish a relation between the chiral nn-point functions, as well as the equations governing them, of the A1(1)A_1^{(1)} WZNW conformal theory and the corresponding Virasoro minimal models. The WZNW correlators are described as solutions of the Knizhnik - Zamolodchikov equations with rational levels and isospins. The technical tool exploited are certain relations in twisted cohomology. The results extend to arbitrary level k+20k+2 \neq 0 and isospin values of the type J=jj(k+2)J=j-j'(k+2), $ \ 2j, 2j' \in Z\!\!\!Z_+$.Comment: 40 page