21 research outputs found
Annotirovannaya bibliografiya sovremennykh ukraino-i russkoyazychnykh rabot po ukrainskoy trudovoy migratsii
Russian version of CARIM-East RR2012/07CARIM-East: Creating an Observatory of Migration East of EuropeCARIM-East is co-financed by the European University Institute and the European Union
New (im)possibilities for agriculture and domestic services in Poland and Italy? : navigating legal solutions and social organisations’ support for Ukrainian women displaced by the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022
Published online: September 2023The aim of this report is to analyse the support provided to Ukrainian women in Poland and Italy displaced as a result of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. The analysis focuses on the actions taken by social actors in the agriculture and domestic services sectors. Both countries have been facing labour shortages in these sectors for some time, with the gaps traditionally filled by migrant workers, including a significant number of Ukrainian workers. The main research question is: what forms of support have been provided to forced migrant women from Ukraine in the agriculture and domestic services in Poland and Italy, and has the presence of this new group of migrants contributed to addressing the labour shortages in these sectors? The analysis is based on analysis of secondary sources and the authors’ own research findings
Long-term inclusionary agenda on decent work in low-wage sectors in Italy : how to combat exploitation of women under temporary protection directive in domestic and agricultural sectors
This Policy Brief examines the challenges faced by Ukrainian women, Temporary Protection holders, who enter the Italian labor market. Despite legal protection, many end up in low-wage sectors such as domestic work and agriculture, characterized by informality, poor working conditions, and limited prospects. The brief proposes recommendations for fairer recruitment practices, improved working conditions, and greater opportunities for occupational mobility
Od tymczasowości do stabilności : Holistyczne podejście do zatrudnienia kobiet objętych specustawą w Polsce
This policy brief focuses on improving the employment of women fleeing the Russian war in Ukraine, covered by the "Special Law" in Poland. Based on research findings, it recommends implementing changes that promote better and more stable long-term integration of Ukrainian women into the Polish labour market and enable them to realise their professional potential.Niniejszy policy brief koncentruje się na poprawie zatrudnienia kobiet uciekających przed rosyjską wojną w Ukrainie, objętych “specustawą” w Polsce. Opierając się na wynikach badań, zalecamy wdrożenie zmian, które by promowały lepszą i bardziej stabilną długoterminową integrację ukraińskich kobiet na polskim rynku pracy i umożliwiły im realizację ich potencjału zawodowego