17 research outputs found

    On Space Weather Data Assimilation

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    Most if not all terrestrial weather prediction services today are based on data assimilation and numerical weather prediction models. Space Weather services are expected to follow a similar path towards data assimilation. However, the application of data assimilation in Space Weather requires a different implementation compared to terrestrial weather because space systems tend to be strongly forced and because the amount of data available for assimilation is critically small. In this paper we review the implementation of an ensemble Kalman filter data assimilation system based on the Space Weather Prediction Center operational Coupled Thermosphere Ionosphere Plasmasphere Electrodynamics (CTIPe) model. We present assimilation results for neutral mass density during geomagnetically quiet and disturbed conditions and discuss the future use of data assimilation for the thermosphere ionosphere system

    Comparison between operational and research simulations with CTIPe model during geomagnetic storm conditions

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    The perturbations in the magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere system are significant during geomagnetic storm conditions. The response in the ionosphere-thermosphere (IT) system to these conditions can be analyzed with the Coupled Thermosphere Ionosphere Plasmasphere electrodynamics physics based model (CTIPe). We perform simulations using first the inputs that were available in real-time (operational run) and second with the best estimate obtained after the fact (research run), and compare the results. The CTIPe simulations show input dependent global changes in neutral winds, temperature, and composition which are reflected in the global electron density structure. Comparing the research run results with ionosonde, GNSS and CHAMP satellite observations allows validating the CTIPe results and complete the interpretation of the physical mechanisms behind the perturbations during the event

    Capabilities of the CTIPe model to reproduce storm conditions

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    Since the ionosphere is impacting various communication and navigation applications relying on radio signal transmission, accurate monitoring and forecasting of the ionosphere is of great importance. For this purpose, physics based modelling of the coupled thermosphere ionosphere system is rather important, because good forecasts of ionospheric variability especially during storms need to consider the various physical driving processes in the thermosphere and ionosphere. This includes the energy transmission from the solar wind to the magnetosphere and ionosphere-thermosphere, as well as the electric field modifications, enhancement of ionosphere currents and thermosphere circulation and composition disturbances. One of the state of the art numerical models is the Coupled Thermosphere Ionosphere Plasmasphere electrodynamics (CTIPe) model. The implementation of the model has been enhanced step by step over decades. Recent developments improved the capabilities of reproducing thermosphere ionosphere conditions during storms. These capabilities will be demonstrated based on comparison of CTIPe results during the St. Patrick’s Day storm on 17 March 2015 with ground and space based observations. We will make use of Swarm measurements, ionosondes and GNSS based TEC estimations. The validation results show a rather good reproduction of thermosphere conditions with CTIPe. Especially radiative cooling has improved significantly. The deviations between model and observations are larger for the ionosphere. Based on the validation results the limitations of the model are discussed and next steps for implementation are proposed

    On the difference between operational and research simulations with CTIPe

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    Understanding the thermosphere and ionosphere conditions is crucial for spacecraft operations and many applications using radio signal transmission e.g. in communication and navigation applications. In this sense, physics based modelling plays an important role, since it can adequately reproduce the complex coupling mechanisms in magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere (MIT) system. Next to the capacity of the model itself, the accuracy of the model results depends on the quality of the input data (forcing). In this study, we analyze the impact of input data uncertainties on the model results. We use the Coupled Thermosphere Ionosphere Plasmasphere electrodynamics model (CTIPe), which requires satellite based solar wind, interplanetary field and hemispheric power data from ACE and TIROS/NOAA missions. To identify the impact of the forcing uncertainties, two model runs are compared against each other. The first run uses the input data that were available in real-time (operational run) and the second run uses the best estimate obtained in post-processing (research run). The analysis is performed in a case study on the 20th20^{th} November 2003 extreme geomagnetic storm, that caused significant perturbations in the MIT system. This paper validates the thermosphere and ionosphere response to this storm over Europe comparing both CTIPe model runs with measurements of Total Electron Content (TEC) and thermosphere neutral density. In general, CTIPe results show a good agreement with measurements. However, the deviations between the model and observations are larger in the ionosphere than in the thermosphere. Comparing the two model runs, it has been shown that the deviations between model results and measurements are larger for the operational run than the research run. It is evident for the storm analyzed here, that the best estimate of the forcing has substantially improved the model performance. The consistency between simulation and measurements allows the interpretation of the physical mechanisms behind the ionosphere perturbations and the changes in neutral composition during this event. Joule heating in the Auroral region, generating meridional winds and large scale surges, is suggested to be the main driver of the positive ionospheric storm over central Europe. In the polar cap and Auroral region, convection processes dominate the thermosphere-ionosphere conditions.This study does not only illustrate the importance of working with a good estimate of the model forcings, but also indicates the necessity of using measurements and models, to get a better understanding of the most likely responsible processes for the observed storm effects

    Modeling the ionosphere-thermosphere response to a geomagnetic storm using physics-based magnetospheric energy input: OpenGGCM-CTIM results

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    The magnetosphere is a major source of energy for the Earth’s ionosphere and thermosphere (IT) system. Current IT models drive the upper atmosphere using empirically calculated magnetospheric energy input. Thus, they do not sufficiently capture the storm-time dynamics, particularly at high latitudes. To improve the prediction capability of IT models, a physics-based magnetospheric input is necessary. Here, we use the Open Global General Circulation Model (OpenGGCM) coupled with the Coupled Thermosphere Ionosphere Model (CTIM). OpenGGCM calculates a three-dimensional global magnetosphere and a two-dimensional high-latitude ionosphere by solving resistive magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations with solar wind input. CTIM calculates a global thermosphere and a high-latitude ionosphere in three dimensions using realistic magnetospheric inputs from the OpenGGCM. We investigate whether the coupled model improves the storm-time IT responses by simulating a geomagnetic storm that is preceded by a strong solar wind pressure front on August 24, 2005. We compare the OpenGGCM-CTIM results with low-earth-orbit satellite observations and with the model results of Coupled Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Plasmasphere electrodynamics (CTIPe). CTIPe is an up-to-date version of CTIM that incorporates more IT dynamics such as a low-latitude ionosphere and a plasmasphere, but uses empirical magnetospheric input. OpenGGCM-CTIM reproduces localized neutral density peaks at ~ 400 km altitude in the high-latitude dayside regions in agreement with in situ observations during the pressure shock and the early phase of the storm. Although CTIPe is in some sense a much superior model than CTIM, it misses these localized enhancements. Unlike the CTIPe empirical input models, OpenGGCM-CTIM more faithfully produces localized increases of both auroral precipitation and ionospheric electric fields near the high-latitude dayside region after the pressure shock and after the storm onset, which in turn effectively heats the thermosphere and causes the neutral density increase at 400 km altitude