192 research outputs found

    Formation and development of the legal regulation of foreign investments in Russia

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    The article’s purpose is to study the formation and the development of the legal regulation of foreign investment in the Russian Federation. During the research, the authors analyzed the legal mechanisms for creating an enabling environment for attracting foreign investments in Russia. The authors concluded that it is necessary to systematize Russian legislation in the field of foreign investments and to bring Russian legislation into line with the norms of international law. They also came to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop legal regulation of foreign investments within the framework of the integration space of the Eurasian Economic Union.peer-reviewe

    Atmospheric waves disturbances from the solar terminator according to the VLF radio stations data

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    The perturbations from the solar terminator in the range of acoustic-gravity waves (AGWs) periods from 5 minutes to 1 hour were analysed with the use of measurements of VLF radio signals amplitudes on the European radio path GQD--A118 (Great Britain--France). These observations provide information on the propagation of waves at altitudes near the mesopause (\sim 90 km), where VLF radio waves are reflected. On the considered radio path a systematic increase in fluctuations in the amplitudes of radio waves was observed within a few hours after the passage of the evening terminator. For April, June, October 2020 and February 2021 events, the distribution of the number of wave perturbations with large amplitudes over AGWs time periods has been studied. Our results show that the evening terminator for different seasons is dominated by waves in the range of periods of 15--20 minutes. The amplitudes of the AGWs from the terminator at the heights of the mesosphere (fluctuations in the concentration of neutral particles, velocity components and vertical displacement of the volume element) are approximately determined by the fluctuations of the amplitudes of the VLF radio signals. The amplitudes of the AGWs on the terminator are 12--14\% in relative concentration fluctuations, which correspond to the vertical displacement of the atmospheric gas volume of 1.1--1.3 km. Based on the analysis of the AGW energy balance equation, it was concluded that the waves predominantly propagate in a quasi-horizontal direction at the terminator. The possibility of studying the long-term changes in the mesosphere parameters using fluctuations in the amplitudes of VLF radio waves at the terminator is shown

    Association of PIP4K2A Polymorphisms with Alcohol Use Disorder

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    Background: Alcohol use disorder (AUD) not only influences individuals and families but also has a lasting social impact on communities at the national level. Dopaminergic neurotransmission is involved in excessive alcohol consumption. Phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate-4-kinase type 2 α (PIP4K2A) plays an important role in the regulation of ascending dopamine pathways. In this study; we determined possible associations between nine polymorphisms in PIP4K2A and AUD in Russian men. Methods: 279 Russian men with AUD were investigated. The control group consisted of 222 healthy men from the general Russian population. Genotyping of DNA samples for nine polymorphic variants of PIP4K2A was carried out by the Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio™ 5 Real-Time PCR System with use of the TaqMan1 Validated SNP Genotyping Assay (Applied Biosystems; CIIIA). Results: Carriage of the PIP4K2A rs2230469*TT/T genotype/allele was a relative risk factor for developing AUD in men (p = 0.026 and p = 0.0084 accordingly). Moreover; men with AUD had a higher frequency of PIP4K2A rs746203*T allele (p = 0.023) compared to healthy men. Conclusions: For the first time; we demonstrated different PIP4K2A polymorphisms to be associated with AUD presumably due to dopamine system modulation resulting from regulation of the lateral habenula

    Orbital glass and spin glass states of 3He-A in aerogel

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    Glass states of superfluid A-like phase of 3He in aerogel induced by random orientations of aerogel strands are investigated theoretically and experimentally. In anisotropic aerogel with stretching deformation two glass phases are observed. Both phases represent the anisotropic glass of the orbital ferromagnetic vector l -- the orbital glass (OG). The phases differ by the spin structure: the spin nematic vector d can be either in the ordered spin nematic (SN) state or in the disordered spin-glass (SG) state. The first phase (OG-SN) is formed under conventional cooling from normal 3He. The second phase (OG-SG) is metastable, being obtained by cooling through the superfluid transition temperature, when large enough resonant continuous radio-frequency excitation are applied. NMR signature of different phases allows us to measure the parameter of the global anisotropy of the orbital glass induced by deformation.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, Submitted to Pis'ma v ZhETF (JETP Letters


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    The article comprises a review of modern methods of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and emission tomography (single-photon emission and positron emission computed tomography – SPECT and PET) as tools for diagnosis and prognosis of myocardial ischemic damage, in particular in coronary revascularization. The definition of term «myocardial viability» is discussed. It has been shown that the integrity of blood-tissue barrier between myocardium and microcirculatory vessels is the most sensitive marker of tissue viability and of functional integrity of myocardium. It’s evaluation by means of contrast-enhanced MRI of myocardium is the most available and most precise technique of diagnosis and prognosis both in patients with post-infarction myocardial scarring and in patients with coronary disease without myocardial infarction. It is proposed that in the nearest future the combination of MR-coronarography and contrast-enhanced MRI of myocardium will deliver a possibility to obtain the full set of data necessary for planning of endovascular and surgical treatment of various forms of coronary heart disease. PET and SPECT techniques currently are of some essential interest for pathophysiologic studies of coronary ischemia in clinical and experimental studies as well as for qualitative visual studies of pharmacokinetics.Представлен обзор современных методов эмиссионной (однофотонной эмиссионной компьютерной томографии – ОФЭКТ и позитронной эмиссионной томографии – ПЭТ) и магнитно-резонансной томографии (МРТ) в отношении возможностей оценки тяжести повреждения миокарда и прогнозирования эффективности реваскуляризирующих вмешательств при коронарном атеросклерозе. Обсуждается термин «жизнеспособность миокарда». Показано, что сохранность гематомиокардиального барьера определяет функциональную сохранность миокарда, а ее оценка с помощью контрастированной МРТ миокарда – наиболее точный и в то же время доступный метод диагностики и прогноза как у пациентов с постинфарктным кардиосклерозом, так и при стенокардии без перенесенного инфаркта миокарда. Предположено, что комбинация МР-коронарографии и контрастированной МРТ миокарда позволит за одно исследование полностью получать весь комплекс данных, необходимых для планирования эндоваскулярного и хирургического лечения. Методы ОФЭКТ и ПЭТ сохранят значение для патофизиологических исследований коронарной ишемии в клинике и эксперименте, качественной оценки кинетики лекарственных препаратов

    Genetic Polymorphisms of 5-HT Receptors and Antipsychotic-Induced Metabolic Dysfunction in Patients with Schizophrenia

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    Background: Antipsychotic-induced metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a multifactorial disease with a genetic predisposition. Serotonin and its receptors are involved in antipsychotic-drug-induced metabolic disorders. The present study investigated the association of nine polymorphisms in the four 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor (HTR) genes HTR1A, HTR2A, HTR3A, and HTR2C and the gene encoding for the serotonin transporter SLC6A4 with MetS in patients with schizophrenia. Methods: A set of nine single-nucleotide polymorphisms of genes of the serotonergic system was investigated in a population of 475 patients from several Siberian regions (Russia) with a clinical diagnosis of schizophrenia. Genotyping was performed and the results were analyzed using chi-square tests. Results: Polymorphic variant rs521018 (HTR2C) was associated with higher body mass index in patients receiving long-term antipsychotic therapy, but not with drug-induced metabolic syndrome. Rs1150226 (HTR3A) was also associated but did not meet Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Conclusions: Our results indicate that allelic variants of HTR2C genes may have consequences on metabolic parameters. MetS may have too complex a mechanistic background to be studied without dissecting the syndrome into its individual (causal) components

    Search for Possible Associations of FTO Gene Polymorphic Variants with Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity and Body Mass Index in Schizophrenia Patients

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    PURPOSE: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is characterized by abdominal obesity, hyperglycaemia, dyslipidaemia and hypertension. FTO gene has been implicated in the pathogenesis of obesity, but the available scientific data concerning their relationship to antipsychotic drug-induced obesity and metabolic syndrome is still incomplete and inconsistent, which indicates that continuing the investigation of this gene’s role is necessary. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In the present study, 517 patients with schizophrenia underwent antipsychotic drug treatment, and two groups were identified: patients with MetS and without MetS. Genotyping of 6 SNPs in the FTO gene was performed, and the results analyzed using R-programme. RESULTS: We performed a statistical analysis to identify possible associations of the frequencies of genotypes and alleles of the studied polymorphisms with the presence of metabolic syndrome in schizophrenia patients, with the presence of abdominal obesity, and with an increased body mass index. The rs7185735 polymorphism did not meet the Hardy-Weinberg criterion and was excluded. After correcting for differences in age, gender and duration of illnesses, none of the variants was shown to be related to metabolic syndrome or abdominal obesity, but rs9939609, rs1421085, rs3751812 and rs8050136 were associated with body mass index. CONCLUSION: The present study provides additional support for these SNP’s roles as a pharmacogenetic biomarker that may become useful in the framework of the personalized medicine approach

    Genes of the Glutamatergic System and Tardive Dyskinesia in Patients with Schizophrenia

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    Background: Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is an extrapyramidal side effect of the long-term use of antipsychotics. In the present study, the role of glutamatergic system genes in the pathogenesis of total TD, as well as two phenotypic forms, orofacial TD and limb-truncal TD, was studied. Methods: A set of 46 SNPs of the glutamatergic system genes (GRIN2A, GRIN2B, GRIK4, GRM3, GRM7, GRM8, SLC1A2, SLC1A3, SLC17A7) was studied in a population of 704 Caucasian patients with schizophrenia. Genotyping was performed using the MassARRAY Analyzer 4 (Agena Bioscience™). Logistic regression analysis was performed to test for the association of TD with the SNPs while adjusting for confounders. Results: No statistically significant associations between the SNPs and TD were found after adjusting for multiple testing. Since three SNPs of the SLC1A2 gene demonstrated nominally significant associations, we carried out a haplotype analysis for these SNPs. This analysis identified a risk haplotype for TD comprising CAT alleles of the SLC1A2 gene SNPs rs1042113, rs10768121, and rs12361171. Nominally significant associations were identified for SLC1A3 rs2229894 and orofacial TD, as well as for GRIN2A rs7192557 and limb-truncal TD. Conclusions: Genes encoding for mGlu3, EAAT2, and EAAT1 may be involved in the development of TD in schizophrenia patients