51 research outputs found

    Long-range correlated random field and random anisotropy O(N) models: A functional renormalization group study

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    We study the long-distance behavior of the O(N) model in the presence of random fields and random anisotropies correlated as ~1/x^{d-sigma} for large separation x using the functional renormalization group. We compute the fixed points and analyze their regions of stability within a double epsilon=d-4 and sigma expansion. We find that the long-range disorder correlator remains analytic but generates short-range disorder whose correlator develops the usual cusp. This allows us to obtain the phase diagrams in (d,sigma,N) parameter space and compute the critical exponents to first order in epsilon and sigma. We show that the standard renormalization group methods with a finite number of couplings used in previous studies of systems with long-range correlated random fields fail to capture all critical properties. We argue that our results may be relevant to the behavior of He-3A in aerogel.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, revtex

    Localization of spin waves in disordered quantum rotors

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    We study the dynamics of excitations in a system of O(N)O(N) quantum rotors in the presence of random fields and random anisotropies. Below the lower critical dimension dlc=4d_{\mathrm{lc}}=4 the system exhibits a quasi-long-range order with a power-law decay of correlations. At zero temperature the spin waves are localized at the length scale LlocL_{\mathrm{loc}} beyond which the quantum tunneling is exponentially suppressed ce(L/Lloc)2(θ+1) c \sim e^{-(L/L_{\mathrm{loc}})^{2(\theta+1)}}. At finite temperature TT the spin waves propagate by thermal activation over energy barriers that scales as LθL^{\theta}. Above dlcd_{\mathrm{lc}} the system undergoes an order-disorder phase transition with activated dynamics such that the relaxation time grows with the correlation length ξ\xi as τeCξθ/T\tau \sim e^{C \xi^\theta/T} at finite temperature and as τeCξ2(θ+1)/2\tau \sim e^{C' \xi^{2(\theta+1)}/\hbar^2} in the vicinity of the quantum critical point.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, revtex

    Instanton theory for bosons in disordered speckle potential

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    We study the tail of the spectrum for non-interacting bosons in a blue-detuned random speckle potential. Using an instanton approach we derive the asymptotic behavior of the density of states in d dimensions. The leading corrections resulting from fluctuations around the saddle point solution are obtained by means of the Gel'fand-Yaglom method generalized to functional determinants with zero modes. We find a good agreement with the results of numerical simulations in one dimension. The effect of weak repulsive interactions in the Lifshitz tail is also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, revtex

    On the disorder-driven quantum transition in three-dimensional relativistic metals

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    The Weyl semimetals are topologically protected from a gap opening against weak disorder in three dimensions. However, a strong disorder drives this relativistic semimetal through a quantum transition towards a diffusive metallic phase characterized by a finite density of states at the band crossing. This transition is usually described by a perturbative renormalization group in d=2+εd=2+\varepsilon of a U(N)U(N) Gross-Neveu model in the limit N0N \to 0. Unfortunately, this model is not multiplicatively renormalizable in 2+ε2+\varepsilon dimensions: An infinite number of relevant operators are required to describe the critical behavior. Hence its use in a quantitative description of the transition beyond one-loop is at least questionable. We propose an alternative route, building on the correspondence between the Gross-Neveu and Gross-Neveu-Yukawa models developed in the context of high energy physics. It results in a model of Weyl fermions with a random non-Gaussian imaginary potential which allows one to study the critical properties of the transition within a d=4εd=4-\varepsilon expansion. We also discuss the characterization of the transition by the multifractal spectrum of wave functions.Comment: 5+8 pages, 1+5 figure

    Random field and random anisotropy O(N) spin systems with a free surface

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    We study the surface scaling behavior of a semi-infinite dd-dimensional O(N) spin system in the presence of quenched random field and random anisotropy disorders. It is known that above the lower critical dimension dlc=4d_{\mathrm{lc}}=4 the infinite models undergo a paramagnetic-ferromagnetic transition for N>NcN>N_c (Nc=2.835N_c=2.835 for random field and Nc=9.441N_c=9.441 for random anisotropy). For N<NcN<N_c and d<dlcd<d_{\mathrm{lc}} there exists a quasi-long-range ordered phase with zero order parameter and a power-law decay of spin correlations. Using functional renormalization group we derive the surface scaling laws which describe the ordinary surface transition for d>dlcd>d_{\mathrm{lc}} and the long-range behavior of spin correlations near the surface in the quasi-long-range ordered phase for d<dlcd<d_{\mathrm{lc}}. The corresponding surface exponents are calculated to one-loop order. The obtained results can be applied to the surface scaling of periodic elastic systems in disordered media and amorphous magnets.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, revtex

    A functional renormalization group approach to systems with long-range correlated disorder

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    We studied the statics and dynamics of elastic manifolds in disordered media with long-range correlated disorder using functional renormalization group (FRG). We identified different universality classes and computed the critical exponents and universal amplitudes describing geometric and velocity-force characteristics. In contrast to uncorrelated disorder, the statistical tilt symmetry is broken resulting in a nontrivial response to a transverse tilting force. For instance, the vortex lattice in disordered superconductors shows a new glass phase whose properties interpolate between those of the Bragg and Bose glasses formed by pointlike and columnar disorder, respectively. Whereas there is no response in the Bose glass phase (transverse Meissner effect), the standard linear response expected in the Bragg-glass gets modified to a power law response in the presence of disorder correlations. We also studied the long distance properties of the O(N) spin system with random fields and random anisotropies correlated as 1/x^{d-sigma}. Using FRG we obtained the phase diagram in (d,sigma,N)-parameter space and computed the corresponding critical exponents. We found that below the lower critical dimension 4+sigma, there can exist two different types of quasi-long-range-order with zero order-parameter but infinite correlation length.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Non-Gaussian effects and multifractality in the Bragg glass

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    We study, beyond the Gaussian approximation, the decay of the translational order correlation function for a d-dimensional scalar periodic elastic system in a disordered environment. We develop a method based on functional determinants, equivalent to summing an infinite set of diagrams. We obtain, in dimension d=4-epsilon, the even n-th cumulant of relative displacements as ^c = A_n ln r, with A_n = -(\epsilon/3)^n \Gamma(n-1/2) \zeta(2n-3)/\pi^(1/2), as well as the multifractal dimension x_q of the exponential field e^{q u(r)}. As a corollary, we obtain an analytic expression for a class of n-loop integrals in d=4, which appear in the perturbative determination of Konishi amplitudes, also accessible via AdS/CFT using integrability.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Minimal conductivity, topological Berry winding and duality in three-band semimetals

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    The physics of massless relativistic quantum particles has recently arisen in the electronic properties of solids following the discovery of graphene. Around the accidental crossing of two energy bands, the electronic excitations are described by a Weyl equation initially derived for ultra-relativistic particles. Similar three and four band semimetals have recently been discovered in two and three dimensions. Among the remarkable features of graphene are the characterization of the band crossings by a topological Berry winding, leading to an anomalous quantum Hall effect, and a finite minimal conductivity at the band crossing while the electronic density vanishes. Here we show that these two properties are intimately related: this result paves the way to a direct measure of the topological nature of a semi-metal. By considering three band semimetals with a flat band in two dimensions, we find that only few of them support a topological Berry phase. The same semimetals are the only ones displaying a non vanishing minimal conductivity at the band crossing. The existence of both a minimal conductivity and a topological robustness originates from properties of the underlying lattice, which are encoded not by a symmetry of their Bloch Hamiltonian, but by a duality