32 research outputs found

    Methylprednisolone-induced toxic hepatitis after intravenous pulsed therapy for multiple sclerosis relapses

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    High-dose, intravenous methylprednisolone (MP) is the only recommended first-line treatment for multiple sclerosis relapses. However, there are increasing reports on liver toxicity induced by this treatment regimen. We report of 4 multiple sclerosis patients with no history of viral/metabolic liver disorders or alcohol/hepatotoxic drug intake, who developed hypertransaminasaemia following intravenous MP. In 2 of the patients, liver biopsy showed periportal fibrosis, piecemeal necrosis, and inflammatory cell infiltrates. A rechallenge test confirmed a causal association in 1 case. MP-induced liver toxicity may be more frequent than commonly thought and it is important to report this adverse reaction, which is potentially lethal, and to raise awareness on the potential hepatotoxicity of corticosteroid pulses

    Fibromatosis of the Plantar Fascia: Diagnosis and Indications For Surgical Treatment

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    Plantar fibromatosis is a rare, benign lesion involving the plantar aponeurosis. Eleven patients (13 feet) underwent 24 operations, including local excision, wide excision, or complete plantar fasciectomy. Clinical results were evaluated retrospectively. There were no differences among the subgroups in postoperative complications. Two primary fasciectomies did not recur. Three of six revised fasciectomies, seven of nine wide excisions, and six of seven local excisions recurred. Our results indicate that recurrence of plantar fibromatosis after surgical resection can be reduced by aggressive initial surgical resection

    Sviluppo locale e turismo culturale. La Tabula Peutingeriana: un punto di partenza

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    La crescente richiesta di turismo culturale da parte del pubblico va di pari passo con la crisi del tradizionale turismo balneare. Il progetto europeo ROMIT che coinvolge diverse universit\ue0 dell'Unione europea si propone di progettare itinerari fondati sulla presenza di vestigia romane nelle diverse regioni. Nel caso dell'Emilia Romagna gli itinerari sono numerosi e possono essere inquadrati e in qualche modo unificati all'interno della rete stradale individuabile nella Tabula Peutingeriana, l'unica carta geografica romana giunta fino a noi, sia pure attraverso una copia del XII secolo. Le caratteristiche peculiari di questa rappresentazione e le sue vicende attraverso i secoli, come anche le riproduzioni a stampa che ne sono state realizzate nel passato, sono degne di interesse e di approfondimento anche ai fini della fruizione da parte di un pubblico colto, anche se non specializzato, come quello dei turisti

    Improvement of the shape memory effect of a Fe-Mn-Cr-Si-Ni by original thermomechanical treatments

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    Among the shape memory alloys, Fe-based have real perspectives of industrial development. However, to acquire a good shape memory effect, these alloys must undergo a thermomechanical treatment. For applcation perspective this treatment must be the simpliest as possible. In this paper, two types of treatment have been performed, based of the fact that : - the formation of the martensite γ, responsible for the shape memory effect, is sensitive to the microstructure - its reversibility is the best as possible if the austenite is previously hardened by a deformation at high temperature

    Donne di carta. Le regioni italiane del Rinascimento in forma di emblemi

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    La mostra espone le immagini femminili che personalizzano le regioni italiane, tratte dall'Iconologia di Cesare Ripa, pubblicata per la prima volta a Roma, senza illustrazioni, nel 1593 e successivamente ripubblicata (1603) con il ricco corredo di illustrazioni che la tradizione attribuisce a Giuseppe Cesari detto il Cavalier d'Arpino. La passione per gli emblemi esplode nel Rinascimento a partire dal manoscritto degli Hieroglifica di Horapollio, portato in Italia da Cristoforo Buondelmonti, umanista e geografo. Da allora, fino al XIX secolo, la raccolta degli emblemi ha influenzato la pittura, la letteratira, il teatro. Le somatopie, per la prima volta esposte nel Museo della Citt\ue0 di Rimini, sono quelle dell'edizione del 1603, in cui l'Italia e le sue regioni vengono rappresentate attraverso l'allegoria di corpi femminili. La mostra \ue8 stata inaugurata il 22 settembre 2006 ed \ue8 rimasta aperta presso il Museo della Citt\ue0 di Rimini fino al 12 novembre 2006

    Etude M.E.H.R. de la martensite [MATH] thermique dans un alliage Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni à mémoire de forme

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    Des échantillons polycristallins d'un alliage à mémoire de forme Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni, contenant 70% de martensite ε thermique, ont été étudiés par M.E.H.R. Les images montrent, à l'échelle atomique, la structure feuilletée de la phase ε. A partir d'images traitées de l'extrémité de plaquettes ε élémentaires, nous avons analysé la structure de l'interface ε (h.c.) / γ(c.f.c.). Celle-ci peut être décrite au moyen d'une distribution périodique de partielles de Shockley à 30° et 90° dans le rapport 2/1. Des calculs de relaxation élastique ont confirmé ce modèle qui traduit les propriétés d'auto-accommodation de la martensite ε thermique à l'échelle la plus fine.Polycrystalline samples of the Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni shape memory alloy which contained a 70% fraction of thermal ε-martensite, have been studied by H.R.E.M. Images taken along a γ//ε axis clearly show, at the atomic level, the layered substructure of the ε-phase. The structure of the ε (h.c.p.) / γ(f.c.c.) interface has been analysed from numerically processed images of elementary ε-laminate ends. It can be described by a periodic array of 30° and 90° Shockley partials in a 2:1 ratio. Isotropic elasticity calculations confirmed this model which illustrates the self-accommodation properties of thermal ε-martensite at the finest scale

    H.R.E.M. observation of thermally induced ε-martensite plates in a Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni shape memory alloy

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    Des échantillons polycristallins d'un alliage Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni à mémoire de forme, contenant 70% de martensite ε thermique, ont été étudiés par M.E.H.R. Les images mettent en evidence, à l'échelle atomique, la structure feuilletée de la phase ε. En analysant des images traitées numériquement de l'extrémité de plaquettes ε élémentaires, l'interface ε/γ a été décrite au moyen d'une distribution périodique de partielles de Shockley à 30° et 90° dans le rapport 2/1, ce qui traduit les propriétés d'auto-accommodation de la martensite ε thermique à l'échelle la plus fine.Polycrystalline samples of a Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni shape memory alloy containing a 70% fraction of thermal [MATH]-martensite have been studied by H.R.E.M. Images taken along a [MATH] axis clearly show, at the atomic level, the layered substructure of larger [MATH]-bands. By analysing numerically processed images of elementary [MATH]-laminate tips, the [MATH] interface could be described by a periodic array of 30° and 90° Shockley partials in a 2:1 ratio, leading to self-accommodation of thermal [MATH]-martensite at the finest scale

    Occupational therapy in special respite care: a new multi-component model for challenging behaviour in people with dementia.

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    People with dementia experience a cognitive and functional decline and besides Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms (BPSD). BPSD represent the main cause of the dramatic deterioration in the quality of life and stress for patients and their families. BPSD can benefit from psychosocial and environment approach; in particular the tailor made treatment has proved the best results in literature. The intervention of Occupational Therapist (OT) at home (CotiD-Method) and in Nursing Home on elderly people with moderate dementia can improve BPSD. OT is the trigger figure that can understand the intricate relationship between person, environment and occupation that is required for successful task performance. Our prospective cohort study analyzed a sample of 14 People (aged 82±5.88) With moderate-severe (MMSE mean 9.29/30 sd=6.88) Dementia (PWD) and severe BPSD (NPI=31.79±7.62) in a Temporary Special Respite Care (SRC) in Modena. We test how a multi-professional approach and a Personal Care Planning including occupational therapy could be effective in challenging behaviors. The method includes formal and informal caregivers reflecting CotiD method. Our results show that occupational therapy can significantly improve BPSD and quality con life in PWD. The multiprofessional approach permitted to reduce number of psychotropic drugs and also falls. The general positive mood reflects on professionals working in SRC in the sense of improvement,even if not significantly, of psychological load and personal fulfillment. In the same way even formal caregivers who assist PWD at home, learned skills in managing the exacerbation of BPSD