50 research outputs found

    Corporate governance and industrial relations in Poland

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    The paper discusses Polish privatisation from the industrial relations point of view. It focuses on the role of trade unions and workers councils in the privatisation process. Two polar privatisation blueprints are identified: those aiming at competitive 'atomistic' firms and those, which accentuate corporate financial-industrial structures and networks. The internal structure of corporate control in Polish companies is evaluated from this perspective, taking into account the role of organised labour, of the managers and of the politicians in the privatisation process

    Case report: response to the ERK1/2 inhibitor ulixertinib in BRAF D594G cutaneous melanoma.

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    Melanoma is characterized by oncogenic mutations in pathways regulating cell growth, proliferation, and metabolism. Greater than 80% of primary melanoma cases harbor aberrant activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase/extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (MEK/ERK) pathway, with oncogenic mutations in BRAF, most notably BRAF V600E, being the most common. Significant progress has been made in BRAF-mutant melanoma using BRAF and MEK inhibitors; however, non-V600 BRAF mutations remain a challenge with limited treatment options. We report the case of an individual diagnosed with stage III BRAF D594G-mutant melanoma who experienced an extraordinary response to the ERK1/2 inhibitor ulixertinib as fourth-line therapy. Ulixertinib was obtained via an intermediate expanded access protocol with unique flexibility to permit both single-agent and combination treatments, dose adjustments, breaks in treatment to undergo surgery, and long-term preventive treatment following surgical resection offering this patient the potential for curative treatment

    Industrial relations in Poland:Patterns of reaction to market and privatization dilemmas

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    Industrial relations in Poland: Patterns of reaction to market and privatization dilemmas

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    Wpływ auksyn i preparatu AlgaminoPlant na ukorzenianie sadzonek pędowych dwóch odmian derenia białego (Cornus alba ‘Aurea’ i ‘Elegantissima’)

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    Wprowadzane przez UE ograniczenia produkcji i zastosowania środków ochrony roślin wymuszają na szkółkarzach poszukiwania nowych substancji bezpiecznych dla środowiska a skutecznych w produkcji materiału roślinnego. Celem niniejszej pracy było określenie wpływu preparatu z grupy biostymulatorów – AlgaminoPlantu – zastosowanego w formie opryskiwania sadzonek 0.2% roztworem wodnym, na proces ukorzeniania sadzonek pędowych Cornus alba ‘Aurea’ i ‘Elegantissima’. Dla porównania użyto stosowane dotąd w praktyce szkółkarskiej ukorzeniacze pudrowe: Ukorzeniacz AB (0.3% NAA) i Rhizopon AA (2% IBA). Zastosowane ukorzeniacze w niewielkim stopniu oddziaływały na rizogenezę u derenia. Wyniki przeprowadzonego doświadczenia wskazują natomiast na możliwość wykorzystania preparatu AlgaminoPlant w procesie ukorzeniania w/w odmian derenia, ponieważ jego zastosowanie zwiększyło procent i stopień ukorzenienia sadzonek w porównaniu z sadzonkami kontrolnymi. Preparat ten wpłynął na wzrost zawartości chlorofilu, węglowodanów zawartość i wolnych aminokwasów w liściach sadzonek.The UE-imposed restrictions on the manufacture and application of plant protection chemicals impose on the nurseryman the need to screen for new substances that are environmentally friendly and yet effective in the production of plant material. Biopreparations may constitute such a group as they contain substance little affecting the environment. The aim of the work was to evaluate effects of the biopreparation AlgaminoPlant on rooting of stem cuttings in Cornus alba ‘Aurea’ and C. alba ‘Elegantissima’. Freshly harvested cuttings were sprayed with the 0.2% water solution of the biopreparation. To compare its effectiveness with the commercial rooting powders used routinely in the nursery production part of the cuttings were treated with “Ukorzeniacz AB” (0.3% NAA) or Rhizopon AA (2% IBA). Both powders little affected rhizogenesis. Application of the biopreparation increased percentage and degree of rooting in dogwood as compared to control cuttings what shows its potential in a commercial production. The above treatment increased chlorophyll, carbohydrate contents and free amino acids in leaves of the sprayed cuttings

    First year of transformation and the behaviour of state-run enterprises

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    This paper summarizes a year of empirical research on the adjustment patterns of Polish state enterprises. The research was undertaken by the Research Group on Enterprise Adjustment at the Gdansk Institute for Market Economics. The paper is in three main parts. In the first section we give a thumbnail description of the macro-economic performance of the Polish economy during 1990. The second section reviews the changes in the organizational, legal and sociological structures of state-run enterprises. The third section discusses the performance of state firms and challenges a number of stereotypes concerning their activity. We argue that small and medium-sized enterprises adjusted more dynamically to the changing environment than their larger counterparts and also that state enterprises which were under competitive pressure and operating on the consumer markets were significantly more active than other firms.Transformation stabilization state-run enterprise