52 research outputs found

    Storia demaniale della città dell’Aquila

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    This essay reconstructs the history of the town of L’Aquila. Our first focus is on the common lands left to the citizens’ use: woods and mountain pastures. In addition we analize the history of L’Aquila’s territory as a tax jurisdiction. L’Aquila was founded in 1254 as a union of smaller towns: the castles of Amiterno and Forcona countryside. Despite the union of the castles’ territories and the building of a new town « apud acculam », each castle retained its own common lands to be reserved to the citizens living intus and extra civitatem (inside or outside the new town). During the years 1529-1542 the unity of the territory of L’Aquila fell apart, and the old castles extra civitatem regained their territory, i.e. a tax jurisdiction; the « civitas intus » retained a smaller territory and gained the common lands of the ruined castles. The dismemberment of the territory of L’Aquila was recognized by the Regia Camera della Sommaria in a sentence of 1771, february 25

    La direzione lavori negli interventi forestali

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    La normativa forestale di alcune regioni italiane rende obbligatoria la nomina di un “direttore dei lavori forestali” che sovrintenda all’esecuzione degli interventi in bosco. Non è sempre chiaro, però, quali siano i compiti e le responsabilità del “direttore dei lavori forestali”. Una specifica disciplina sulla direzione lavori è prevista, infatti, con riferimento ai contratti pubblici di appalto di lavori e di servizi. Questa disciplina viene in rilievo ogni volta che il taglio sia commissionato da una pubblica amministrazione ad una ditta che lo esegua con propri mezzi ed organizzazione, e con gestione a proprio rischio. Paradigmatico è il caso del taglio dei boschi d’uso civico: in questi casi, infatti, viene in rilievo un contratto di appalto pubblico di servizi; se vengono in rilievo opere edili che assumano carattere prevalente rispetto al servizio del taglio, il contratto sarà un appalto pubblico di lavori. Al di fuori di queste ipotesi, manca una disciplina specifica sulla direzione lavori. In particolare, manca una disciplina con riferimento ai tagli eseguiti in proprio dal proprietario del bosco, agli appalti privati, ai tagli cd. “ad uso commercio”, cioè alle vendite dei boschi in piedi effettuate dai comuni titolari dei boschi civici riguardo alle piante risultate in eccesso rispetto alle esigenze dei cives. I lavori boschivi presentano infatti caratteristiche peculiari, considerato che il taglio boschivo lascia inalterato il dato naturale, non comportando trasformazione permanente del territorio. Per queste ragioni, non è possibile applicare alle fattispecie predette la normativa sull’edilizia, che disciplina i compiti e le responsabilità del direttore dei lavori. Quest’ultima normativa può trovare applicazione nel solo caso in cui l’esecuzione comporti la costruzione in bosco di opere che alterino permanentemente il dato fisiconaturalistico (ad es., strade a carattere permanente). Stante il vuoto normativo, la prassi mostra che gli operatori definiscono, nel concreto, compiti e responsabilità del direttore dei lavori nell’accordo con i committenti o con i proprietari dei boschi. Da questo quadro di analisi, e dalla scarna normativa reperibile in materia, è possibile trarre linee guida sulla direzione lavori boschivi da proporre ai legislatori, sia nazionali, sia regionali, chiamati a riempire il vuoto normativo attualmente esistente su questi temi. Tali indicazioni, in certa misura, riguardano anche la materia della sicurezza dei lavoratori nei luoghi di lavoro

    [Towards a practical geology in Italy: sciences applied to territory in Italy between the ‘20s and the ‘30s of the 20th century]

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    Il prossimo 30 dicembre 2023 ricorrerà il centenario del Vincolo idrogeologico e forestale (R.D.L. 3267/1923). La norma è conosciuta anche come legge Serpieri, in memoria del suo illuminato ideatore e co-redattore assieme al giurista Romualdo Trifone (Roggero, 2022)...   [Article in Italian

    Maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality among pregnant women with and without COVID-19 Infection: The INTERCOVID multinational cohort study

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    Importance: Detailed information about the association of COVID-19 with outcomes in pregnant individuals compared with not-infected pregnant individuals is much needed.Objective: To evaluate the risks associated with COVID-19 in pregnancy on maternal and neonatal outcomes compared with not-infected, concomitant pregnant individuals.Design, setting, and participants: In this cohort study that took place from March to October 2020, involving 43 institutions in 18 countries, 2 unmatched, consecutive, not-infected women were concomitantly enrolled immediately after each infected woman was identified, at any stage of pregnancy or delivery, and at the same level of care to minimize bias. Women and neonates were followed up until hospital discharge.Exposures: COVID-19 in pregnancy determined by laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 and/or radiological pulmonary findings or 2 or more predefined COVID-19 symptoms.Main outcomes and measures: The primary outcome measures were indices of (maternal and severe neonatal/perinatal) morbidity and mortality; the individual components of these indices were secondary outcomes. Models for these outcomes were adjusted for country, month entering study, maternal age, and history of morbidity.Results: A total of 706 pregnant women with COVID-19 diagnosis and 1424 pregnant women without COVID-19 diagnosis were enrolled, all with broadly similar demographic characteristics (mean [SD] age, 30.2 [6.1] years). Overweight early in pregnancy occurred in 323 women (48.6%) with COVID-19 diagnosis and 554 women (40.2%) without. Women with COVID-19 diagnosis were at higher risk for preeclampsia/eclampsia (relative risk [RR], 1.76; 95% CI, 1.27-2.43), severe infections (RR, 3.38; 95% CI, 1.63-7.01), intensive care unit admission (RR, 5.04; 95% CI, 3.13-8.10), maternal mortality (RR, 22.3; 95% CI, 2.88-172), preterm birth (RR, 1.59; 95% CI, 1.30-1.94), medically indicated preterm birth (RR, 1.97; 95% CI, 1.56-2.51), severe neonatal morbidity index (RR, 2.66; 95% CI, 1.69-4.18), and severe perinatal morbidity and mortality index (RR, 2.14; 95% CI, 1.66-2.75). Fever and shortness of breath for any duration was associated with increased risk of severe maternal complications (RR, 2.56; 95% CI, 1.92-3.40) and neonatal complications (RR, 4.97; 95% CI, 2.11-11.69). Asymptomatic women with COVID-19 diagnosis remained at higher risk only for maternal morbidity (RR, 1.24; 95% CI, 1.00-1.54) and preeclampsia (RR, 1.63; 95% CI, 1.01-2.63). Among women who tested positive (98.1% by real-time polymerase chain reaction), 54 (13%) of their neonates tested positive. Cesarean delivery (RR, 2.15; 95% CI, 1.18-3.91) but not breastfeeding (RR, 1.10; 95% CI, 0.66-1.85) was associated with increased risk for neonatal test positivity.Conclusions and relevance: In this multinational cohort study, COVID-19 in pregnancy was associated with consistent and substantial increases in severe maternal morbidity and mortality and neonatal complications when pregnant women with and without COVID-19 diagnosis were compared. The findings should alert pregnant individuals and clinicians to implement strictly all the recommended COVID-19 preventive measures

    The E-Cultural Adaption Framework (E-CAF) : adapting the local travel interface for Egyptian consumers

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    Although the Internet has become a global medium, which companies use to access individuals worldwide, it is argued in this thesis that cultural issues still need to be taken into account when designing Web sites. In fact, international marketers agree that culture in terms of consumers‘ values and beliefs remains a significant constraint for reaching international consumers. Professional analysts and designers generally agree that well-designed user interfaces improve the performance and appeal of the Web and help in reaching large numbers of consumers across cultures. Therefore, one way of improving the user-interface is by paying attention to users' culture, which means developing culturally adapted Web sites. The Web localisation literature addresses the users' ultural concerns by utilising some of the popular cultural models like those of Hofstede and Hall; however these tools are not appropriate for handling the cultural values affecting the online behaviour of consumers. Effective Web localisation can be achieved through an appropriate cultural framework that incorporates the cultural values that affect the online behaviour of consumers. This thesis introduces the electronic cultural adaption framework or E-CAF, as a structure for adapting local Web interfaces. The E-CAF, constructed for the travel domain, uses six cultural dimensions derived from the observation of behaviour and identifies unique cultural variables that affect online consumer behaviour. The E-CAF is constructed using grounded theory methodology and is then evaluated as a tool for adapting local Web interfaces. This includes discussing the applicability of the E-CAF as a tool for identifying online marketing strategies suitable for targeting consumers across cultures and using the E-CAF to assess and evaluate the cultural adaptation of three Egyptian local travel interfaces. Finally, the E-CAF is utilized as a means for developing questions that can help designers to collect the clients' designing requirements. This helps the designers to build an effective local interface based on an understanding of each client‘s special design requirements.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Quantum Computing for High-Energy Physics: State of the Art and Challenges. Summary of the QC4HEP Working Group

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    Quantum computers offer an intriguing path for a paradigmatic change of computing in the natural sciences and beyond, with the potential for achieving a so-called quantum advantage, namely a significant (in some cases exponential) speed-up of numerical simulations. The rapid development of hardware devices with various realizations of qubits enables the execution of small scale but representative applications on quantum computers. In particular, the high-energy physics community plays a pivotal role in accessing the power of quantum computing, since the field is a driving source for challenging computational problems. This concerns, on the theoretical side, the exploration of models which are very hard or even impossible to address with classical techniques and, on the experimental side, the enormous data challenge of newly emerging experiments, such as the upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider. In this roadmap paper, led by CERN, DESY and IBM, we provide the status of high-energy physics quantum computations and give examples for theoretical and experimental target benchmark applications, which can be addressed in the near future. Having the IBM 100 x 100 challenge in mind, where possible, we also provide resource estimates for the examples given using error mitigated quantum computing

    La sigla "pe. are." in una glossa alla Lombarda

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    Analisi della dottrina giuridica longobardistica condensata in glosse presenti nei manoscritti giurididi della Lombard

    Alle origini del diritto forestale italiano. Il dibattito dottrinale dal 1877 al 1923

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    Tra la legge Majorana-Calatabiano, del 20 giugno 1877, n. 3917, e la legge Serpieri, del 30 dicembre 1923, n. 3267, un ampio dibattito si svolse in Italia intorno alla “questione forestale”. La legge del 1877, di unificazione nazionale della materia, aveva lasciato spazio a spoliazioni, e fin dall’inizio fiorirono proposte per una sua riforma. Gli interventi che si succedettero nel tempo furono ispirati a criteri volta a volta diversi, e previdero una più attiva partecipazione dello Stato nella gestione del patrimonio forestale italiano. Questo stimolò la riflessione dottrinale intorno alla opportunità di costruire un nuovo corpo organico di disposizioni forestali che rendesse possibili ricostruzione sistematica del quadro normativo, insegnamento autonomo del diritto forestale e riflessione scientifica su di esso. L’apporto della dottrina giuridica ed economica condusse alla promulgazione del testo del 1923, ancora vigente e costituente il pilastro dell’ordinamento forestale italiano