2,444 research outputs found

    Phase-Tunable Thermal Logic: Computation with Heat

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    Boolean algebra, the branch of mathematics where variables can assume only true or false value, is the theoretical basis of classical computation. The analogy between Boolean operations and electronic switching circuits, highlighted by Shannon in 1938, paved the way to modern computation based on electronic devices. The grow of computational power of such devices, after an exciting exponential -Moore trend, is nowadays blocked by heat dissipation due to computational tasks, very demanding after the chips miniaturization. Heat is often a detrimental form of energy which increases the systems entropy decreasing the efficiency of logic operations. Here, we propose a physical system able to perform thermal logic operations by reversing the old heat-disorder epitome into a novel heat-order paradigm. We lay the foundations of heat computation by encoding logic state variables in temperature and introducing the thermal counterparts of electronic logic gates. Exploiting quantum effects in thermally biased Josephson junctions (JJs), we propound a possible realization of a functionally complete dissipationless logic. Our architecture ensures high operation stability and robustness with switching frequencies reaching the GHz

    Phase-Tunable Temperature Amplifier

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    Coherent caloritronics, the thermal counterpart of coherent electronics, has drawn growing attention since the discovery of heat interference in 2012. Thermal interferometers, diodes, transistors and nano-valves have been theoretically proposed and experimentally demonstrated by exploiting the quantum phase difference between two superconductors coupled through a Josephson junction. So far, the quantum-phase modulator has been realized in the form of a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) or a superconducting quantum interference proximity transistor (SQUIPT). Thence, an external magnetic field is necessary in order to manipulate the heat transport. Here, we theoretically propose the first on-chip fully thermal caloritronic device: the phase-tunable temperature amplifier. Taking advantage of a recent thermoelectric effect discovered in spin-split superconductors coupled to a spin-polarized system, by a temperature gradient we generate the magnetic flux controlling the transport through a temperature biased SQUIPT. By employing commonly used materials and a geometry compatible with state-of-the-art nano-fabrication techniques, we simulate the behavior of the temperature amplifier and define a number of figures of merit in full analogy with voltage amplifiers. Notably, our architecture ensures infinite input thermal impedance, maximum gain of about 11 and efficiency reaching the 95%. This device concept could represent a breakthrough in coherent caloritronic devices, and paves the way for applications in radiation sensing, thermal logics and quantum information.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Phase-tunable Josephson thermal router

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    Since the the first studies of thermodynamics, heat transport has been a crucial element for the understanding of any thermal system. Quantum mechanics has introduced new appealing ingredients for the manipulation of heat currents, such as the long-range coherence of the superconducting condensate. The latter has been exploited by phase-coherent caloritronics, a young field of nanoscience, to realize Josephson heat interferometers, which can control electronic thermal currents as a function of the external magnetic flux. So far, only one output temperature has been modulated, while multi-terminal devices that allow to distribute the heat flux among different reservoirs are still missing. Here, we report the experimental realization of a phase-tunable thermal router able to control the heat transferred between two terminals residing at different temperatures. Thanks to the Josephson effect, our structure allows to regulate the thermal gradient between the output electrodes until reaching its inversion. Together with interferometers, heat diodes and thermal memories, the thermal router represents a fundamental step towards the thermal conversion of non-linear electronic devices, and the realization of caloritronic logic components.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    A gate- and flux-controlled supercurrent diode

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    Non-reciprocal charge transport in supercurrent diodes (SDs) polarized growing interest in the last few years for its potential applications in superconducting electronics (SCE). So far, SD effects have been reported in complex hybrid superconductor/semiconductor structures or metallic systems subject to moderate magnetic fields, thus showing a limited potentiality for practical applications in SCE. Here, we report the design and the realization of a monolithic SD by exploiting a Dayem bridge-based superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). Our structure allows reaching rectification efficiencies (η\eta) up to about 6%. Moreover, the absolute value and the polarity of η\eta can be selected on demand by the modulation of an external magnetic flux or by a gate voltage, thereby guaranteeing high versatility and improved switching speed. Furthermore, our SD operates in a wide range of temperatures up to about the 70% of the superconducting critical temperature of the titanium film composing the interferometer. Our SD can find extended applications in SCE by operating in synergy with widespread superconducting technologies, such as nanocryotrons, rapid single flux quanta (RSFQs) and memories.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Preliminary demonstration of a persistent Josephson phase-slip memory cell with topological protection

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    Superconducting computing promises enhanced computational power in both classical and quantum approaches. Yet, scalable and fast superconducting memories are not implemented. Here, we propose a fully superconducting memory cell based on the hysteretic phase-slip transition existing in long aluminum nanowire Josephson junctions. Embraced by a superconducting ring, the memory cell codifies the logic state in the direction of the circulating persistent current, as commonly defined in flux-based superconducting memories. But, unlike the latter, the hysteresis here is a consequence of the phase-slip occurring in the long weak link and associated to the topological transition of its superconducting gap. This disentangles our memory scheme from the large-inductance constraint, thus enabling its miniaturization. Moreover, the strong activation energy for phase-slip nucleation provides a robust topological protection against stochastic phase-slips and magnetic-flux noise. These properties make the Josephson phase-slip memory a promising solution for advanced superconducting classical logic architectures or flux qubits

    Thermal superconducting quantum interference proximity transistor

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    Superconductors are known to be excellent thermal insulators at low temperature owing to the presence of the energy gap in their density of states (DOS). In this context, the superconducting \textit{proximity effect} allows to tune the local DOS of a metallic wire by controlling the phase bias (φ\varphi) imposed across it. As a result, the wire thermal conductance can be tuned over several orders of magnitude by phase manipulation. Despite strong implications in nanoscale heat management, experimental proofs of phase-driven control of thermal transport in superconducting proximitized nanostructures are still very limited. Here, we report the experimental demonstration of efficient heat current control by phase tuning the superconducting proximity effect. This is achieved by exploiting the magnetic flux-driven manipulation of the DOS of a quasi one-dimensional aluminum nanowire forming a weal-link embedded in a superconducting ring. Our thermal superconducting quantum interference transistor (T-SQUIPT) shows temperature modulations up to ∼16\sim 16 mK yielding a temperature-to-flux transfer function as large as ∼60\sim 60 mK/Φ0\Phi_0. Yet, phase-slip transitions occurring in the nanowire Josephson junction induce a hysteretic dependence of its local DOS on the direction of the applied magnetic field. Thus, we also prove the operation of the T-SQUIPT as a phase-tunable \textit{thermal memory}, where the information is encoded in the temperature of the metallic mesoscopic island. Besides their relevance in quantum physics, our results are pivotal for the design of innovative coherent caloritronics devices such as heat valves and temperature amplifiers suitable for thermal logic architectures.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Thermoelectric single-photon detection through superconducting tunnel junctions

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    Bipolar thermoelectricity in tunnel junctions between superconductors of different energy gap has been recently predicted and experimentally demonstrated. This effect showed thermovoltages up to ±150  μ\pm150\;\muV at milliKelvin temperatures. Thus, superconducting tunnel junctions can be exploited to realize a passive single-photon thermoelectric detector TEDTED operating in the broadband range 15 GHz - 50 PHz. In particular, this detector is expected to show a signal-to-noise ratio of about 15 down to ν=50\nu=50 GHz and a operating window of more than 4 decades. Therefore, the TEDTED might find applications in quantum computing, telecommunications, optoelectronics, spectroscopy and astro-particle physics.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure
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