40 research outputs found

    FIWARE Lab: managing resources and services in a cloud federation supporting future internet applications

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    Real-world experimentation facilities accelerate the development of Future Internet technologies and services, advance the market for smart infrastructures, and increase the effectiveness of business processes through the Internet. The federation of facilities fosters the experimentation and innovation with larger and more powerful environment, increases the number and variety of the offered services and brings forth possibilities for new experimentation scenarios. This paper introduces a management solution for cloud federation that automates service provisioning to the largest possible extent, relieves the developers from time-consuming configuration settings, and caters for real-time information of all information related to the whole lifecycle of the provisioned services. This is achieved by proposing solutions to achieve the seamless deployment of services across the federation and ability of services to span across different infrastructures of the federation, as well as monitoring of the resources and data which can be aggregated with a common structure, offered as an open ecosystem for innovation at the developers' disposal. This solution consists of several federation management tools and components that are part of the work on Cloud Federation conducted within XIFI project to build the federation of cloud infrastructures for the Future Internet Lab (FIWARE Lab). We present the design and implementation of the solution-concerned FIWARE Lab management tools and components that are deployed within a federation of 17 cloud infrastructures distributed across Europe

    La pesca artigianale in laguna di Venezia. Guida di buone pratiche e tutela della biodiversitĂ 

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    Questa guida illustra i risultati del progetto “Valutazione e miglioramento del grado di sostenibilità ambientale della pesca artigianale nei siti Natura 2000 della laguna di Venezia - 02/AIRBC/2018”, intervento finanziato dal PO FEAMP 2014-2020, il cui obiettivo principale è stato quello di promuovere la sostenibilità ambientale della pesca tradizionale con reti fisse in laguna di Venezia in un’ottica di tutela della biodiversità lagunare. Il progetto ha previsto: • Il monitoraggio mensile delle attività di pesca tradizionale durante l’autunno 2020 e la primavera 2021, in tre differenti aree di pesca della laguna di Venezia. • La caratterizzazione ambientale delle aree di pesca, sia mediante il rilevamento dei principali parametri dell’acqua, sia mediante l’analisi di immagini satellitari ad alta risoluzione che hanno permesso di effettuare la mappatura dei diversi tipi di habitat. • La sperimentazione, in una delle tre aree di pesca, di attrezzi modificati al fine di migliorarne la selettività di cattura, per ridurre l’impatto sulle specie protette e sugli individui giovanili di specie di interesse per la pesca, e contenere gli effetti negativi della presenza della specie aliena invasiva Mnemiopsis leidyi (noce di mare) e dei rifiuti galleggianti. Le attività di monitoraggio hanno permesso di mappare la distribuzione e determinare la stagionalità delle catture della pesca artigianale nelle tre aree di pesca considerate, rilevando e quantificando l’eventuale presenza e abbondanza di specie aliene nel pescato. Questa attività ha permesso anche di monitorare i rifiuti che periodicamente risultano presenti nelle reti. La sperimentazione di attrezzi da pesca modificati ha permesso di valutarne l’efficacia in termini di riduzione degli impatti della pesca sulla biodiversità lagunare e sulle risorse biologiche stesse. Questi attrezzi si sono anche rilevati efficaci per ridurre l’impatto negativo della noce di mare sulla pesca artigianale con reti fisse. Tutte le attività sono state rese possibili grazie alla fattiva collaborazione dei pescatori professionisti operanti nelle tre aree di pesca considerate. I pescatori artigianali per primi riconoscono la diversità ambientale all’interno del bacino lagunare come uno dei fattori chiave per la loro attività. In questa guida ci si è soffermati particolarmente sul ruolo che le diverse caratteristiche delle acque, dei fondali e delle morfologie del paesaggio lagunare svolgono per le specie ittiche bersaglio della pesca, e di conseguenza sull’importanza di tutelare gli habitat di tali specie. La presenza pressoché costante e diffusa nel bacino lagunare dei pescatori artigianali fa di essi importanti presidii sul territorio, da sempre sensibili e attenti ai cambiamenti che continuamente avvengono in laguna. I pescatori, se adeguatamente motivati e incentivati, potrebbero contribuire alla gestione dell’ambiente lagunare, in particolare sia nell’ambito del monitoraggio e del controllo delle specie aliene, sia nella gestione dei rifiuti dispersi nell’ambiente. Lo scopo di questa guida è quello di mostrare le potenzialità della pesca tradizionale in laguna di Venezia, non solo come esempio di sfruttamento sostenibile delle risorse biologiche lagunari, ma anche come attività che può effettivamente contribuire ad una gestione ambientale finalizzata alla conservazione della biodiversità lagunare

    A reference architecture for cloud-edge meta-operating systems enabling cross-domain, data-intensive, ML-assisted applications: architectural overview and key concepts

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    Future data-intensive intelligent applications are required to traverse across the cloudto-edge-to-IoT continuum, where cloud and edge resources elegantly coordinate, alongside sensor networks and data. However, current technical solutions can only partially handle the data outburst associated with the IoT proliferation experienced in recent years, mainly due to their hierarchical architectures. In this context, this paper presents a reference architecture of a meta-operating system (RAMOS), targeted to enable a dynamic, distributed and trusted continuum which will be capable of facilitating the next-generation smart applications at the edge. RAMOS is domain-agnostic, capable of supporting heterogeneous devices in various network environments. Furthermore, the proposed architecture possesses the ability to place the data at the origin in a secure and trusted manner. Based on a layered structure, the building blocks of RAMOS are thoroughly described, and the interconnection and coordination between them is fully presented. Furthermore, illustration of how the proposed reference architecture and its characteristics could fit in potential key industrial and societal applications, which in the future will require more power at the edge, is provided in five practical scenarios, focusing on the distributed intelligence and privacy preservation principles promoted by RAMOS, as well as the concept of environmental footprint minimization. Finally, the business potential of an open edge ecosystem and the societal impacts of climate net neutrality are also illustrated.For UPC authors: this research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and FEDER, grant number PID2021-124463OB-100.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Aquatic Angiosperm Transplantation: A Tool for Environmental Management and Restoring in Transitional Water Systems

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    Since the 1960s, the Venice Lagoon has suffered a sharp aquatic plant constriction due to eutrophication, pollution, and clam fishing. Those anthropogenic impacts began to decline during the 2010s, and since then the ecological status of the lagoon has improved, but in many choked areas no plant recolonization has been recorded due to the lack of seeds. The project funded by the European Union (LIFE12 NAT/IT/000331-SeResto) allowed to recolonize one of these areas, which is situated in the northern lagoon, by widespread transplantation of small sods and individual rhizomes. In-field activities were supported by fishermen, hunters, and sport associations; the interested surface measured approximately 36.6 km2. In the 35 stations of the chosen area, 24,261 rhizomes were transplanted during the first year, accounting for 693 rhizomes per station. About 37% of them took root in 31 stations forming several patches that joined together to form extensive meadows. Plant rooting was successful where the waters were clear and the trophic status low. But, near the outflows of freshwater rich in nutrients and suspended particulate matter, the action failed. Results demonstrate the effectiveness of small, widespread interventions and the importance of engaging the population in the recovery of the environment, which makes the action economically cheap and replicable in other similar environments

    Visual Modeling of ReActive Web Applications

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    P.L.: Recent developments in web usage mining research

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    Abstract. Web Usage Mining is that area of Web Mining which deals with the extraction of interesting knowledge from logging information produced by web servers. In this paper, we present a survey of the recent developments in this area that is receiving increasing attention from the Data Mining community.

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    Available methodologies for developing Sematic Web applications do not fully exploit the whole potential deriving from interaction with ontological data sources. Here we introduce an extension of the WebML modeling framework to fulfill most of the design requirements emerging for the new area of Semantic Web. We generalize the development process to support Semantic Web applications and we introduce a set of new primitives for ontology importing and querying