154 research outputs found

    Motor activities and sensory education in a natural environment: Knowing the past to know how to plan the future

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    The exploration of the environment through the body and motor skills, become fundamental objectives for the discovery of both physical and geometric space, for the correct structuring of its body scheme by recovering the roots of our being in the world, discovering their memories, objects, The matter of things, of the natural elements of the landscape through action. Exercise in its components integrates perfectly at an interdisciplinary level by promoting recreational-recreational, relational, emotional actions, capable of soliciting a correct relationship with the natural environment. The scouting pedagogy is analyzed to understand the pedagogical methods of directing the boy's evolutionary personality towards the Inter sensorial unit and the most authentic meaning of these activities in a natural environment. Reality is considered as an emotional experience that implies the possibility of an involvement of all senses, modulated according to their magical polyphony

    Da Carcere Segregativo a Luogo di Rieducazione, il Silenzio degli Ultimi: tra Utopia e RealtĂ 

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    Prisons, in the constitutional ideal, are the last answer that a law of a statecan give against a violation. A point that is not an end but a beginning fromwhich we can and must start again. The prison concept has profoundlychanged in the last seventy years, embracing a logic of re-socialization. Often,however, only in words: then not provided with specific financial allocations,public opinion's attention and often emergencies of emergency cycles.It seems to still be in its infancy, yet much has been done: seeminglyirreconcilable performance evolutions such as physical activity, taking careof body, movement and sport find a social and re-educational value, inclusivepossibilities for health protection and well-being to give back to societyan empowered and conscious person, capable in turn of restoring positivity.Le carceri, nell’ideale costituzionale sono l’ultima risposta che uno Stato didiritto può dare nei confronti di una violazione. Un punto non di fine bensìinizio cui poter e dover ripartire. La concezione carceraria è profondamentemutata negli ultimi settant’anni abbracciando una logica di risocializzazione.Spesso, però, soltanto a parole: poi non suffragata da appositi stanziamentifinanziari, attenzione della pubblica opinione e spesso ad emergenzedi cicli emergenziali. Sembra di essere sempre al punto di partenzama molto è stato fatto: anche evoluzioni performative apparentemente inconciliabilicome l’attività fisica, prendersi cura del proprio corpo, il movimentoe lo sport trovano un plus-valore sociale, rieducativo, possibilità inclusiveper la tutela della salute e del benessere per riconsegnare alla societàuna persona responsabilizzata e cosciente, capace a sua volta di restituirepositività

    Educazione motoria e ambientale: legislazione e sviluppi nella Scuola

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    In this work, motor activity in the natural environment is taken into consideration, its effectiveness for a correct lifestyle; training and education, for a sustainable development of the human being. The common thread is represented by the holistic and multi-systemic vision, which connects man to the environment with coordinated interdisciplinary content and paths. An environmental education that sees the school as a protagonist through the movement in the acquisition of values, attitudes, experiences with awareness and attention to the environment. An active school with educational purposes where movement in its various forms is pre-eminent, integrated with interdisciplinary activities of research, observation, study, exploration and discovery of natural phenomena. In order to understand its evolution in Italy, it was useful to frame the problem in a wide historical and legislative space by attempting an epistemological approach and connection in order to seek a correct methodological and didactic sequence of this interesting binomial not only culturally but as an authentic lifestyle.In questo lavoro si prende in considerazione l’attività motoria in ambientale naturale, la sua efficacia per un corretto stile di vita; formazione e educazione, per uno sviluppo sostenibile dell’essere umano. Il filo conduttore è rappresentato dalla visione olistica e plurisistemica, che collega l’uomo al- l’ambiente con contenuti e percorsi interdisciplinari coordinati tra loro. Un’educazione ambientale che vede la scuola protagonista attraverso il movimento nell’acquisizione di valori, attitudini, esperienze con consapevolezza ed attenzione verso l’ambiente. Una scuola attiva con fini educativi ove è preminente il movimento nelle sue diverse forme, integrato con attività interdisciplinari di ricerca, osservazione, studio, esplorazione e scoperta dei fenomeni naturali. Al fine di comprenderne l’evoluzione in Italia, è stato utile inquadrare il problema in un ampio spazio storico e legislativo tentando un approccio e collegamento epistemologico onde ricercare una giusta sequenza metodologica e didattica di questo interessante binomio non solo culturalmente ma come autentico stile di vita

    Protocolli di esercizi fisici e studio dei Sintomi Vaghi e Aspecifici in carcere

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    The following research protocol is of a descriptive nature. The study aims atassessing, through evaluation forms, whether, and how much, a specificphysical training program designed to contrast stress can change: psychophysicaland social health, physical practices, lifestyles, and learning strategies.The study focusses on a group of 20 people who practice sports imprisonedwithin the Barcaglione prison in Italy. The study thus raises urgentissues relating to the prevention and the health of persons in prison, in linewith the main policy studies in the field of rehabilitation in the context ofcoercion.Il seguente protocollo di ricerca è di natura descrittiva. Lo studio attraversoschede di valutazione vuole misurare quanto un programma d’allenamentomotorio costruito ad hoc per combattere lo stress possa modificare: lostato di salute psico-fisica e sociale, le pratiche motorie, gli stili di vita, el’apprendimento di strategie individuali per un buon allenamento di ungruppo di 20 persone detenute che pratica attività sportiva all’interno delcarcere di Barcaglione. Lo studio dà quindi adito ad impellenti questioni relativealla prevenzione e alla salute della persona detenuta, in linea con iprincipali studi di policy in materia di rieducazione in ambito di coercizione

    Circus-mobility: The value of a circus laboratory at school

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    The circus has always fascinated children due to its magic, imaginary and creativity. In this work, we analyse international research which emphasises the value of the discipline of the circus in relation to mobility. The aim of the study is to introduce the circus into schools. Although there is no unique definition of circus pedagogy as yet, scholars agree that such a discipline could provide a valid alternative to learn and deepen various mobility contents. We report examples of proposed school activities from the international landscape. Taking into consideration that circus pedagogy is little known in Italy, a comparison with the “National curriculum guidelines for 2012” Italy, was key to adapting this discipline to the Italian school context (in nursery and primary school) contributing to create and integrate a pupil’s mobility experience creatively

    Proprioceptive training and sports performance

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    One of the current trends in the field of sports training concerns the integration into training programs of exercises defined as "proprioceptive", which also include balance exercises, used to optimize performance, prevention or recovery from injuries. After introducing and describing the main characteristics of proprioceptive training in sports, the present review aims to set out and analyse the various flaws in this type of training as it is commonly practiced, in order to lay the groundwork for future improvements in proprioceptive training. Our research highlights that it is common practice to combine proprioceptive training with training on unstable surfaces, generally meaning the same for both situations. Such practices are indicative of the confusion surrounding the concepts of proprioception and balance. Indeed, until these two concepts and their respective performance benefits are clearly differentiated, it will be difficult to move beyond the controversy surrounding proprioceptive training and hence. to make advances in the field of proprioceptive training research. In conclusion, therefore, against the comforting theories that accompany the use of proprioceptive training in relation to the improvement of performance, unfortunately there is a literature that shows many variables not yet considered or treated in an approximate way

    Effetti motori e cognitivi dati dall’attività motoria potenziata nella scuola primaria

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    In this project was analysed how motor function affect the association betweenexercise, motor benefits and self-efficacy. This work was carried outin the first and second grades of primary school.The motoring education program involved 107 children between the agesof 6 and 8 for 6 month. The normal motor activity was replaced by two hoursof experimentation.Shuttle run test measured motor skills and self-efficacy perception beforeand after experimentation.The data measured in the subjects involved in the experiment and in thecontrol group were compared before and after experimentation.The obtained results prove that motor increased activity has positive effectson the motor and cognitive range. (self-efficacy).In questo studio è stato attuato un intervento motorio nelle prime e secondeclassi della scuola primaria, analizzando l’associazione tra eserciziofisico, benefici motori e dell’autoefficacia.Centosette bambini tra i 6 e gli 8 anni sono stati assegnati ad un programmadi educazione motoria potenziato di 6 mesi; l’ora curriculare è stata sostituitada due ore di sperimentazione. Le prove di pre e post intervento hannovalutato la capacità motoria (SHUTTLE RUN TEST) e la percezione dell’autoefficacia.I dati ottenuti sono stati confrontati prima e dopo l’intervento, nei soggettiimpiegati nella sperimentazione e nel gruppo di controllo.Questi risultati evidenziano la possibilità di aumentare, mediante un’attivitàmotoria potenziata, gli effetti positivi a livello motorio e della sfera cognitiva(autoefficacia)

    Lo sport come progetto di vita

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    In rugby as in life you run towards a goal: our life as a whole tends toward a goal. This research is laborious and it requires struggle and diligence. The important thing is not to run alone. Sport has often been used as a life metaphor and actually, on the basis of a regulatory framework shown by Miur, it is possible to highlight the importance of physical activity at school from the point of view of integration and across the board perspective. Physical activities and sports support the proper physiological, morphological, emotional, cognitive and socio relational development of the individual aiming at the acquisition of adequate lifestyles and a fair competition respecting the mate. Educationalagencies are fundamental and cooperating one another they have to aim atdeveloping mutual learning creating meaning, a way of integration which requires a new communicability. The attention may be focused on a sport which has several meanings such as culture, friendship, collaboration, performance but mostly fair play: rugby. Rugby promoting plan can be a chance for every pupil, it’s not a well known sport which is easy to learn. It’s a newness, and as such, students like it. You can develop coordination and conditional abilities. Basing everything on contact it can’t do without some essential values including respect of the rule and of the enemy.Nel rugby, come nella vita, si corre verso la meta: tutta la nostra vita tende a una meta.Questa ricerca è faticosa, richiede lotta e impegno; l’importante è non correre da soli.Lo sport è stato spesso utilizzato come metafora della vita ed effettivamente, proprio sulla base di un quadro normativo presentato dal Miur, è possibile evidenziare l’importanza dell’attività motoria nella scuola in un’ottica di integrazione, interdisciplinarità e trasversalità. Le attività motorie e sportive favoriscono il corretto sviluppo fisiologico, morfologico, emotivo, cognitivo e socio-relazionale della persona muovendo l’acquisizione di corretti stili di vita ed una competizione sana nel rispetto del compagno.Fondamentale è l’azione delle agenzie educative, le quali, in collaborazione tra loro, dovrebbero mirare allo sviluppo di una cultura dell’apprendimento reciproco che produca significati, una cultura dell’integrazione che esige una nuova comunicabilità. L’attenzione può rivolgersi ad uno sport che è amicizia, cultura, collaborazione, spettacolo, ma soprattutto fair play: il rugby. Il progetto di promozione rugbystica può essere un’occasione per tutti gli alunni; è un gioco sportivo poco conosciuto che si apprende facilmente, è una novità e come tale piace agli alunni. Il rugby migliora lo sviluppo sia delle capacità coordinative che di quelle condizionali, basando tutto sul contatto, infine è uno sport che non può fare a meno di alcuni valori fondamentali tra cui il rispettodella regola e  dell’avversario*

    The Body Speaks Society, School and Culture

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    How can we help all children, since birth, become effective communicators and interpreters? Why should nonverbal behaviour be of interest? The aim of this research is to reflect on the importance of every element of the analogical language, related to a target audience of preschool and school children aged between 0 and 8 years that is always little studied. The ability to communicate is an essential skill that has roots in early childhood; preschool children especially prefer the body as means of communication, from birth. Children learn to know the analogical language by observing the one of the parents and by imitating him. It is worth to underline the essential role of school that, beyond the family context, is the privileged environment for the development and learning of communication, both verbal and non-verbal. However, non-verbal languages are determined by cultures, that is, they are not equal for all regardless of cultures, but they change depending on cultures themselves; understand cultural foundations of the communication, in today’s multicultural and pluralistic world, is an essential help to handle an appropriate conversation

    Changes in body composition and psychological profile when overcoming four Everesting bike challenges

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    Problem Statement: During ultra-endurance races, given the long duration of the competitions, athletes can experience variations in body composition and moods. These elements can greatly affect the athlete's performance. Purpose: To evaluate the effects of an ultra-endurance race (4 consecutive Everesting Bike Challenges) on the body composition and moods of an adult athlete. Material and Methods: A well-trained amateur cyclist (male; 46 years; 64 kg; 1.69 cm; BMI 22.4 kg/m2) was monitored during the 4 Everesting Bike Challenges. This test is an ultra-endurance challenge that involves overcoming 8848 meters by climbing a single peak several times. The changes in body composition and hydration, calculated by bio-impedentiometry, and the changes in moods, obtained by administering the Profile of Mood States (POMS), in addition to Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) and Visual Analogic Scale, were measured at the beginning, during or at the end of each Everesting passed. Results: The resting heart rate was 42 beats per minute. The estimated theoretical maximal heart rate was 174 bpm. The monitored athlete overcame the 4 Everesting Bike Challenges covering a total of 904.79 km. The time taken to complete the race was 113 hours and 18 minutes. The total height difference exceeded was 35395 m. During the race the athlete pedaled with an average heart rate of 97 bpm. Body mass dropped from 64.0 to 63.1 kg between the start and end of the test. Wide variations in the athlete's Vigor (T0=16:T5=6), fatigue (T0=0:T5=6) and Sleep quality (T0=100:T5= ≈0) were found during the competition. Regarding the Rating of Perceived Exertion scale, the results obtained indicate a medium-low value (RP=3). Conclusion: The results of this study showed negligible reduction in body mass in the athlete who performed an ultra-endurance challenge. During and at the end of the climbing challenge, a significant reduction in Vigor and an important increase in Fatigue levels was highlighted, as well as a very evident reduction in Sleep quality. From the analysis of the RPE scale, medium-low values emerge at the end of each EB
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