495 research outputs found

    Progettazione di un sistema di rinforzo esterno per il miglioramento sismico degli edifici senza interruzione d'uso: TimeSafe

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    L'elaborato è basato sullo studio di un sistema di rinforzo esterno per il miglioramento sismico degli edifici applicato ad un caso studio reale del territorio emiliano. L'edificio in questione è in muratura e presenta tre livelli. Si è scelto inizialmente come posizionare il sistema di rinforzo TimeSafe (travi e pilastri) e si è proceduto alla modellazione della struttura esistente con il software 3MURI. Successivamente è stato modellato il caso post-intervento ed è stata valutata l'entità del miglioramento ottenibile tramite varie analisi. L'analisi più significativa per gli edifici in muratura è quella di Pushover che, attraverso le curve di capacità, ha mostrato come si modifica il comportamento della struttura con rinforzo rispetto al caso senza rinforzo. Infine si è osservato che il valore dell'indice di sicurezza (IS) aumenta in maniera significativa nel caso post-intervento, a conferma del fatto che il sistema di rinforzo TimeSafe oltre alle buone capacità di isolamento termico presenta buone prestazioni per l'adeguamento sismico

    Gastric cancer is the leading cause of death in Italian adult patients with common variable immunodeficiency

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    An increased prevalence of malignant lymphoma and of gastric cancer has been observed in large cohorts of patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID), the most frequently symptomatic primary immunodeficiency. Surveillance strategies for cancers in CVID should be defined based on epidemiological data. Risks and mortality for cancers among 455 Italian patients with CVID were compared to cancer incidence data from the Italian Cancer Registry database. CVID patients showed an increased cancer incidence for all sites combined (Obs = 133, SIR = 2.4; 95%CI = 1.7\u20133.5), due to an excess of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (Obs = 33, SIR = 14.3; 95%CI = 8.4\u201322.6) and of gastric cancer (Obs = 25; SIR = 6.4; 95%CI = 3.2\u201312.5). CVID patients with gastric cancer and lymphoma had a worse survival in comparison to cancer-free CVID (HR: 4.8, 95%CI: 4.2\u201344.4 and HR: 4.2, 95%CI: 2.8\u201344.4). Similar to what observed in other series, CVID-associated lymphomas were more likely to be of B cell origin and often occurred at extra-nodal sites. We collected the largest case-series of gastric cancers in CVID subjects. In contrast to other reports, gastric cancer was the leading cause of death in CVID. Standardized mortality ratio indicated a 10.1-fold excess mortality among CVID patients with gastric cancer. CVID developed gastric cancer 15 years earlier than the normative population, but they had a similar overall survival. Only CVID diagnosed at early stage gastric cancer survived >24 months. Stomach histology from upper endoscopy performed before cancer onset showed areas of atrophic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia or dysplasia. CVID patients might progress rapidly to an advanced cancer stage as shown by patients developing a III-IV stage gastric cancer within 1 year from an endoscopy without signs of dysplasia. Based on high rate of mortality due to gastric cancer in Italian CVID patients, we hereby suggest a strategy aimed at early diagnosis, based on regular upper endoscopy and on Helicobacter pylori infection treatment, recommending an implementation of national guidelines

    The Contribution of Innate Immunity in Large-Vessel Vasculitis: Detangling New Pathomechanisms beyond the Onset of Vascular Inflammation

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    Large-vessel vasculitis (LVV) are autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases focused on vascular inflammation. The central core of the intricate immunological and molecular network resides in the disruption of the "privileged immune state" of the arterial wall. The outbreak, initially primed by dendritic cells (DC), is then continuously powered in a feed-forward loop by the intimate cooperation between innate and adaptive immunity. If the role of adaptive immunity has been largely elucidated, knowledge of the critical function of innate immunity in LVV is still fragile. A growing body of evidence has strengthened the active role of innate immunity players and their key signaling pathways in orchestrating the complex pathomechanisms underlying LVV. Besides DC, macrophages are crucial culprits in LVV development and participate across all phases of vascular inflammation, culminating in vessel wall remodeling. In recent years, the variety of potential pathogenic actors has expanded to include neutrophils, mast cells, and soluble mediators, including the complement system. Interestingly, new insights have recently linked the inflammasome to vascular inflammation, paving the way for its potential pathogenic role in LVV. Overall, these observations encourage a new conceptual approach that includes a more in-depth study of innate immunity pathways in LVV to guide future targeted therapies

    The Ability to Look Beyond. The Treatment of Peripheral Arterial Disease

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    This paper offers a practical overview of the contemporary management of patients with peripheral arterial disease presenting intermittent claudication (IC), including clinical and instrumental diagnosis, risk factors modification, medical management, and evidence-based revascularization indications and techniques. Decision making represents a crucial element in the management of the patient with IC; for this, we think a review of this type could be very useful, especially for non-vascular specialists

    Can MRI biomarkers predict triple-negative breast cancer?

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate MRI features of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) compared with non-TNBC, to predict histopathological results. In the study, 26 patients with TNBC and 24 with non-TNBC who underwent multiparametric MRI of the breast on a 3 T magnet over a 10-months period were retrospectively recruited. MR imaging sets were evaluated by two experienced breast radiologists in consensus and classified according to the 2013 American College of Radiology (ACR) BI-RADS lexicon. The comparison between the two groups was performed using the Chi-square test and followed by logistic regression analyses. We found that 92% of tumors presented as mass enhancements (p = 0.192). 41.7% of TNBC and 86.4% of non-TNBC had irregular shape (p = 0.005); 58.3% of TNBC showed circumscribed margins, compared to 9.1% of non-TNBC masses (p = 0.001); 75% of TNBC and 9.1% of non-TNBC showed rim enhancement (p < 0.001). Intralesional necrosis was significantly associated with TNBC (p = 0.016). Rim enhancement and intralesional necrosis risulted to be positive predictors at univariate analysis (OR = 29.86, and 8.10, respectively) and the multivariate analysis confirmed that rim enhancement is independently associated with TNBC (OR = 33.08). The mean ADC values were significantly higher for TNBC (p = 0.011). In conclusion, TNBC is associated with specific MRI features that can be possible predictors of pathological results, with a consequent prognostic value

    Epidemiological aspects of dental trauma associated with maxillofacial injures: Ten years of clinical experience in Trieste, Italy

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    Background/aims: The prevalence of dental injuries in patients with facial fractures is relevant. Epidemiologically, dental trauma in association with facial fractures generally affects the age group between 20 and 40 years old, with a higher prevalence of males. The aim of this retrospective study was to identify the incidence and etiology of dental trauma associated with facial fractures over a ten years period. Methods: From January 2009 to April 2019, among 381 patients with facial fractures, 353 were included in this study. Age, gender, trauma etiology, injured teeth and dental treatment were investigated. Results: From 353 patients, with a mean age of 49.7 ± 19.9 years, 247 (70%) were males and 106 (30%) were females. Accidental falls were the most common type of injury (n = 118, 33.4%), followed by road accidents (n = 90, 25.5%), assaults (n = 60, 17%) and sports trauma (n = 37, 10.5%). Fifty-five subjects (15.60%) had dental injuries associated with facial fractures. Of the 145 teeth involved, 48 (33,1%) were diagnosed with luxation, 22 teeth (15.2%) were avulsed, 11 teeth (7.5%) suffered concussion, and there were 10 (6,8%) alveolar wall fractures. Uncomplicated enamel-dentin fracture was the more frequent hard tissue injury (n = 21, 14.5%), followed by complicated crown-root fracture (n = 10, 6.9%), infraction (n = 8, 5.5%), enamel fracture (n = 3, 2%) and complicated enamel-dentin fracture (n = 3, 2%). There was a peak in incidence between 21 and 40 years (42%). Males had a significantly higher risk of facial fractures with dental injury (75%). Maxillary incisors and canines (62.8%) were the most affected teeth. Conclusions: There was high prevalence of dental injuries associated with facial fractures. Maxillary incisors were the most injured teeth, with a higher prevalence in males

    Bacterial Diversity in a Dynamic and Extreme Sub-Arctic Watercourse (Pasvik River, Norwegian Arctic)

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    Microbial communities promptly respond to the environmental perturbations, especially in the Arctic and sub-Arctic systems that are highly impacted by climate change, and fluctuations in the diversity level of microbial assemblages could give insights on their expected response. 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing was applied to describe the bacterial community composition in water and sediment through the sub-Arctic Pasvik River. Our results showed that river water and sediment harbored distinct communities in terms of diversity and composition at genus level. The distribution of the bacterial communities was mainly affected by both salinity and temperature in sediment samples, and by oxygen in water samples. Glacial meltwaters and runoff waters from melting ice probably influenced the composition of the bacterial community at upper and middle river sites. Interestingly, marine-derived bacteria consistently accounted for a small proportion of the total sequences and were also more prominent in the inner part of the river. Results evidenced that particular conditions occurring at sampling sites (such as algal blooms, heavy metal contamination and anaerobiosis) may select species at local scale from a shared bacterial pool, thus favoring certain bacterial taxa. Conversely, the few phylotypes specifically detected in some sites are probably due to localized external inputs introducing allochthonous microbial groups

    Sensory phenomena in children with Tourette syndrome or autism spectrum disorder

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    BackgroundTourette syndrome (TS) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are two neurodevelopmental disorders with an onset before the age of 18 years. TS patients frequently reported atypical sensory phenomena (SP). Sensory processing abnormalities are also particularly frequent in ASD individuals.ObjectivesConsidering the higher rate of atypical sensory behaviours in both neurodevelopmental disorders, in the present study we analysed sensory experiences in patients with ASD and in patients with TS.MethodsWe enrolled patients with a primary diagnosis of TS or ASD. All participants were assessed for primary diagnosis and associated comorbidities. The presence of sensory behaviours was investigated using the University of Sao Paulo’s Sensory Phenomena Scale (USP-SPS).ResultsSP were significantly more represented in the ASD-group versus TS-group, except for sound just-right perceptions and energy to released. ASD participants presented higher mean scores in all fields of USP-SPS severity scale respect on TS patients and healthy controls. The USP-SPS total score had significant positive correlations with the CYBOCS and MASC total scores in the TS cohort. In the ASD group, the USP-SPS total score was significantly negative correlated with the total IQ and marginally positive correlated with ADOS total score.ConclusionSP are a frequently reported characteristic both of ASD and TS. Future studies are needed to better evaluate the differences on their phenomenology in patients with TS and ASD

    Heitt Mjölnir: a heated miniature triaxial apparatus for 4D synchrotron microtomography

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    Third- and fourth-generation synchrotron light sources with high fluxes and beam energies enable the use of innovative X-ray translucent experimental apparatus. These experimental devices access geologically relevant conditions whilst enabling in situ characterization using the spatial and temporal resolutions accessible at imaging beamlines. Here, Heitt Mjölnir is introduced, a heated miniature triaxial rig based on the design of Mjölnir, but covering a wider temperature range and larger sample volume at similar pressure capacities. This device is designed to investigate coupled thermal, chemical, hydraulic and mechanical processes from grain to centimetre scales using cylindrical samples of 10 mm × 20 mm (diameter × length). Heitt Mjölnir can simultaneously reach confining (hydraulic) pressures of 30 MPa and 500 MPa of axial stress with independently controlled sample pore fluid pressure < 30 MPa. This internally heated apparatus operates to temperatures up to 573 K with a minimal vertical thermal gradient in the sample of <0.3 K mm−1. This new apparatus has been deployed in operando studies at the TOMCAT (Swiss Light Source), I12 JEEP (Diamond Light Source) and PSICHÉ (Synchrotron SOLEIL) beamlines for 4D X-ray microtomography with scan intervals of a few minutes. Heitt Mjölnir is portable and modular, allowing a wide range of 4D characterizations of low-grade metamorphism and deformational processes. It enables spatially and temporally resolved fluid–rock interaction studies at conditions of crustal reservoirs and is suitable for characterization of material properties in geothermal, carbonation or subsurface gas storage applications. Technical drawings and an operation guide are included in this publication

    Association between growth differentiation factor-15 (GDF-15) serum levels, anorexia and low muscle mass among cancer patients

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    The pathophysiology of cancer anorexia is complex and serum biomarkers, including growth and differentiation factor(s) (GDF), may be modulated. We explored the association(s) between GDF-15 serum levels and anorexia and, secondarily, with low muscle mass and body weight loss in cancer patients. We considered gastrointestinal and lung cancer patients (CP) and healthy BMI-matched controls. The FAACT-questionnaire was administered to diagnose anorexia and we calculated the L3-SMI by CT scan to assess low muscularity, setting their cutoff values at the lowest tertile. GDF-15 serum levels were assessed by ELISA. We enrolled 59 CP and 30 controls; among CP, 25 were affected by gastrointestinal and 34 by lung cancer. Anorexia was present in 36% of CP. Gastrointestinal CP resulted more anorexic compared to lung CP (p = 0.0067). Low muscle mass was present in 33.9% of CP and L3-SMI was lower in gastrointestinal compared to lung CP (p = 0.049). The GDF-15 levels were higher in CP vs. controls (p = 0.00016), as well as in anorexic vs. non-anorexic CP (p = 0.005) and vs. controls (p < 0.0001). Gastrointestinal CP showed higher GDF-15 levels vs. lung CP (p = 0.0004). No difference was found in GDF-15 between CP with low muscle mass and those with moderate/high muscularity and between patients with body weight loss and those with stable weight. Our data support the involvement of GDF-15 in the pathogenesis of cancer anorexia. The mechanisms of action of GDF-15 in cancer should be further clarified also regarding the changes in muscularity
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